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Self-employment with e-Learning based Practise Firms
End date: Aug 6, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In accordance with the document Europe 2020, Europe wants to become smarter, more sustainable and inclusive. A main part of the above document, the Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, stimulates innovations adapted to the individual learner’s needs, which, consequently also supports the process of self-employment. Since both Slovenia’s and Croatia’s unemployment rates are above the EU average, all forms of alternative employment should be promoted, and one of the main outstanding possibilities is represented by a wide spectrum of self-employment possibilities. Analyses’ results have shown that due to their shortcomings in terms of education, lack of competences and consequently fear and uncertainty, the unemployed rarely opt for self-employment. As the concrete response to the deficiencies identified above, the general aim of the SELPRAF project is to encourage people’s interest for entrepreneurship by an innovative SELPRAF Training Programme for the acquisition of the four key competences: communication in the mother tongue, communication in foreign languages, digital competence, and sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and working in practise firms. The target group is the unemployed for at least 4th level of education. Besides, the SELPRAF will promote individual educational pathways beyond VET and improve permeability in the VET.The concrete objectives of the project are: (1) to establish the SELPRAF Training Programme on the basis of the training curriculum, consisting of two parts, the theoretical one linked to the acquisition of key competences and practical one carried out within the practise firms; (2) to develop e-learning contents, (3) to train 48 unemployed (32 in Slovenia and 16 in Croatia), (4) to ensure the quality and sustainability of project outcomes by implementation of SELPRAF Training Programme into national VET system and in training programmes of Employment Service of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the ESS).The partnership structure is based on partners competences ensuring: (1) high technology e-learning infrastructure achievements (company B2, JSI), (2) didactical methods in the acquisition of competences (Šentvid High School), (3) experiences in practise firms (Secondary School of Economics Celje), (4) the network of beneficiaries of innovation (ESS, Srednja škola Mate Blažine Labin), (5) pilot training and on-going valorisation (Secondary School of Economics, ESS, JSI) and (6) dissemination (JSI). CPI will be – together with the ESS responsible for the needs analysis in the field of the identifications of key competences. A qualified evaluation and validation of the project results will be done by University of Leicester.The tangible outcomes are listed under “objectives of the project”. The main impact of the project is to contribute to the easier entrance of the unemployed into the labour market and to improve the capacity of VET to respond to the changing requirements of the labour market.

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