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31 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

E-LENGUA is a consortium among 6 European universities and a partner country higher education institution, all of them with extensive experience in second and foreign languages training. The project’s main goal is to update curricular design for language teaching using ICT in Europe in a synergic way. Specifically, it is intended to seek solutions to previously identified problems and develop meas ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Consortium on Organ Preservation in Europe (COPE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2018,

The discrepancy between organ supply and demand remains the biggest challenge facing the transplant community today. In order to increase the amount of available donor organs, transplant specialists are increasingly turning to sub-optimal donor organs. Organs from such donors, usually have normal or near normal function before death, but retrieval, storage and transplantation cause progressive inj ...
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European University Tandem

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

European University Tandem Since the project start on 1 October 2015, all project outputs have been realized largely within the envisaged time frames. Until the end of August 2016, two project meetings took place, the kick-off meeting in Frankfurt (Oct 2015) and the second meeting in Barcelona (March 2016). The third meeting in Florence in coming up in September 2016. The first 6 months, between t ...
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Training Athletes for Sports Events Management

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The main objective of TASEM (Training Athletes for Sports Events Management) project is to promote and support dual careers for athletes by setting up a transnational network of stakeholders that will develop a platform for the training of athletes in the management and organization of sport events, hence contributing to their employability.Through the collaboration of a transnational partnership ...
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The AIDA project aims to answer the question of clinical effectiveness and optimal dosing of 5 off-patent antibiotics for infections caused by multiple drug resistant (MDR) bacteria in three randomized controlled clinical trials. In an era of increasing emergence of drug resistance (EDR) and lack of new antibiotics, old off- patent antibiotics are increasingly being prescribed to patients. However ...
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Formarea europeana a viitorilor invatatori

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2017,

There are two appointed foreign languages in the educational plan of the students attending the pedagogical profile. The two foreign languages taught in the “Vasile Lupu” Pedagogical Highschool are English and French. The first foreign language is taught within two hours a week during the four years of highschool, the second language is given, beginning with the superior cycle, which is from the 1 ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Enteroviruses (EV) are small naked single-stranded positive RNA viruses of approximately 7,400 nucleotides. Their genome is flanked on the 5' end by a non-coding region (NCR), which is crucial for the initiation of the replication and translation of the viral genome. Enteroviruses are common human pathogens, transmitted through fecal-oral and respiratory routes. Although the majority of EV infecti ...
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According to UN assessments, there are 214 million international migrants worldwide and another 740 million internal migrants . The OECD highlights that there seems little likelihood of substantial reductions in numbers of international migrants in the current decade . Rises in global population, new demographic trends including ageing population, environmental deterioration and an increased globa ...
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"Environmental pollution is a global problem. Unsustainable production of goods, improper treatment of the waste, emissions to air and water, and inadequate legislation causes growing problems to human beings and nature. The urgent need for reducing environmental load coming from industry, agriculture and communities demands for novel ways of thinking. NO-WASTE collaboration will attack to this cu ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The University of Poitiers has a long tradition of international cooperation which is a major priority of its policy. Each year more than 4,000 international students from 136 different countries are enrolled at the University of Poitiers. Internationalization is necessary to increase the attractiveness of our training offer and our research labs. The internationalization strategy has been organiz ...
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Novel low temperature fuel cell (FC) cathode catalyst and support systems will be designed and synthesized. The focus will be on highly active catalyst materials for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells (PEMFC) for transportation applications.These materials will be fully characterized, benchmarked and validated with a multi-scale bottom up approach in order to significantly reduce the amount o ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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There are several obstacles to international mobility. Cultural differences are not the easiest to overcome as they are based on immaterial factors, not like getting a visa or a place to stay. A successful professional and social integration of the researcher into a new environment will turn him/her into ambassador of international mobility, and of EURAXESS. The project will identify actions to a ...
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Start date: Oct 15, 2009, End date: Oct 14, 2013,

"This program aims to associate competences on: • petrographic knowledge of rocks, cements, soils… (HYDRASA, Poitiers, France) ; this is supported by the control of appropriate techniques like X-ray diffractometry, Scanning electron microscopy equipped with EDS system, X-ray microtomography among other techniques allowing petrographic investigations from micrometric to centimetric scale. • charac ...
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In Space Propulsion 1 (ISP-1)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"In Space Propulsion 1 was set up to improve the fundamental knowledge and the techniques which are necessary to allow Europe to implement new ambitious space programs involving cryogenic propulsion. It concentrates on liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen, and liquid methane propellants, and the anticipated progress will address - LOX methane combustion - heat and propellant management - materials tribo ...
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Enhancing Literacy Development in European Languages (ELDEL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

"The scientific aims of the ELDEL project are: 1) to produce a model elucidating the relationships among psychological (psycholinguistic, cognitive) and environmental (orthographic, linguistic, educational/instructional, cultural) factors determining the development of literacy skills in European languages, and 2) to uncover the key components of an effective, culture-appropriate intervention prog ...
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El objetivo final del proyecto radica en la implantación de una red, a nivel del SUDOE, de actores de la investigación (Universidades, Centros de Investigación, Institutos de investigación públicos o privados), de Polos de competitividad y de autoridades públicas locales y regionales, con vistas a intercambiar y a capitalizar las prácticas adecuadas en materia de acompañamiento de los investigador ...
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This is a project aiming at using images from many different sources to address environmental issues and more widely town and country planning. To solve the problems related to this new field of investigation, the project will use sophisticated methods involving NITC. There are two actions to be carried out:- The first consists in evaluating the methods grouped by batch* (for example: filtering-re ...
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Los distintos sectores industriales del SUDOE, especialmente aquellos que están en relación con el tratamiento de materiales y componentes, se enfrentan a importantes retos vinculados a la competitividad de sus productos. Los socios del proyecto CHESS, que representan tres centros especializados en ingeniería de los materiales, se han unido para formar un polo de competencia de referencia en el SU ...
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The PLASMANET project aims to create a network of technological centres with complementary equipment and expertise to develop a vast technological transfer programme targeting the industries of the Atlantic Area. This is a long-term project aiming to encourage the use of advanced surface-treatment processes based on plasma technology, such as plasma ion nitriding, ion implantation or physical vapo ...
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The project will establish a renewed institution-based mobility and cooperation network among 19 North African and EU partner universities and 6 associate universities supported by 3 associate institutions and the Ministries of Higher Education in the region. It will allow 288 undergraduate, master and doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows and academic and administrative staff to gain valuable ...
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Le projet propose de mettre en place dans chaque université partenaire des pays tiers un dispositif d'aide à l'orientation professionnelle de ses étudiants. Deux actions principales sont envisagées :- Elaboration et mise en ligne d'un site web propre à chaque université et dédié à la présentation de son offre de formation et à ses débouchés-métiers. 2 domaines académiques seront visés, les scienc ...
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The local operative level concerns the implementation of the mobility flows at each partner university and is dealt with by a Local Operative Unit. The partnership will put into practice a common visibility, awareness rising and promotion strategy for the project and its mobility scheme. Based on the structure of the different target groups, a twofold approach will be followed: A local visibility ...
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The project proposal, coordinated by the University of Barcelona, is integrated by 10 European institutions, 8 Russian institutions and associates partners. Key to this proposal is the successful cooperation and participation of all partners as a solid and coherent working group. To ensure smooth organisation of mobility flows and effective management of the partnership, the consortium will integr ...
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Le projet MODEGOV a pour objectif de permettre à l'ensemble des Facultés des Sciences et Techniques du Maroc de construire une nouvelle gouvernance, qu'elles sont par ailleurs requises de mettre en place d'ici 2015. Le projet contribuera donc de manière concrète à la réforme de l'enseignement supérieur telle que prévue par la loi.Le projet MODEGOV vise à moderniser les six grandes fonctions de la ...
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The proposal intends to develop and implement 4 joint Masters in order to encourage multi-country know-how-transfer in the field of curriculum development of future joint or double or multiple degree programmes. It makes thus an impact on governance reform and the interaction of higher education and society in the participating partner countries (8 universities from AL, BA, HR ,MK, RS). The EU par ...
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M.A.S.T.E.R.Mob aimed at helping workers to prepare for a mobility experience in other member state. By improving their intercultural skills in the workplace, young workers will overcome the recurring difficulties which often threaten the success of work placements abroad. This multimedia training solution comprises a serious game and a set of training modules structured according to the European ...
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