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S1-L06 Euro-Russian Academic Network - Mundus
Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The project proposal, coordinated by the University of Barcelona, is integrated by 10 European institutions, 8 Russian institutions and associates partners. Key to this proposal is the successful cooperation and participation of all partners as a solid and coherent working group. To ensure smooth organisation of mobility flows and effective management of the partnership, the consortium will integrate the following working groups: Plenary Group, Executive Group, Selection and Recognition Group, Quality Group, Communication Group and Sustainability Group. The proposed mobility activities will be implemented maintaining an effective balance between all project partners. The programme will be divided into three cohorts: 1st cohort, 51%; 2nd cohort, 36%; 3rd cohort, 13%. The figures for the distribution of mobility flows according to Target Groups are: TG1, 90%; TG2, 5.8%; TG3, 4.2%. ERANET-MUNDUS project wishes to promote a flexible mobility scheme focusing primarily on the demand for specific subject areas. As a result, all fields of study are covered: (1) Agriculture Sciences; (2) Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning; (3) Art and Design; (4) Business Studies, Management Science; (5) Education, Teacher Training; (6) Engineering, Technology; (7) Geography, Geology; (8) Humanities; (9) Languages and Philology; (10) Law; (11) Mathematics, Informatics; (12) Medical Sciences; (13) Natural Sciences; (14) Social Sciences; (15) Communication and Information Science; (16) Other areas of study. Apart from that, each institution has agreed to participate in this project by offering a range of courses generally available to their students, not only English language courses. The diversity of languages, areas of study and cultures covered by the proposal is the cornerstone of this project, as it will provide a great degree of added value to the academic involvement of candidates. With this and other strategies ERANET-MUNDUS aims to promote the establishment and development of student (all levels) and teacher exchange programmes between Russian and European universities through bilateral mobility or placement agreements; to encourage the development of programmes in various fields of study, establishing academic recognition procedures and equivalence tables for future collaborations; to improve European and Russian language programmes at European and Russian universities and to widen and strengthen the international cooperation in civil rights and citizenship, sustainable development and a safety based on a environmental-economy and a more ecological society. The ERANET-MUNDUS project aims to establish strong ties and mobility flows between Russian and European universities. The principal objectives are: -To forge links between Russian HEIs and the broader academic system to the European Higher Education Area, providing institutions, academics, researchers and students with experience of the European model and guidance on how to develop standards. -To construct a stable and ongoing mobility scheme between Europe and Russia and to establish a solid framework for future collaborations. -To meet the disciplinary requirements of Russia and Europe as a whole, acquiring experience in interdisciplinary research areas such as Natural Sciences, Geography and Geology, Economic and Social Sciences, Culture, Language and Philology, and Engineering and Technology. -To widen and strengthen the international cooperation in civil rights and citizenship, sustainable development and safety based on an environmental-economy and a more ecological society. -To promote awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity guarantying the promotion of intercultural education. -To train new generations of teachers and professors, helping existing regional and federal lifelong learning structures to train teachers with a wide range of languages and broader cultural awareness.
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16 Partners Participants