Search for European Projects

25 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

.... In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the possibility to be trained and to work on a European level. It is our duty to offer our learners such a training. Compagnons du Devoir have always given priority to a long life learning and have performed to value on-the-job learning and mobility, mainly through shared experiences, human relations and k ...
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Partnership for Rural Improvement & Development in Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...led by Grampus Heritage (GHT) from the UK’s Lake District, leading a 15-strong consortium of Adult Education (AE) organisations, from Government agencies to heritage blacksmiths to ancient castles, training at risk adults. Over 280 AE staff are mobilized to 15 EU+ states and most have completed a structured training course for adult educators named 'DELIVERING GREEN VILLAGE' and have received thei ...
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...ties/social clusters, etc.) can be defused and prevented through non-formal/informal education for tolerance, acceptance, opening, understanding, reciprocal knowledge. The project aims at training AE educators to promote tolerance and understanding of “the other” in multilateral communities. The target groups are AE educators & Adult Learners from cultural conglomerates. The objectives are: •Impro ...
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...goal are as follows: 1. Organise & run trainer technical standard setting events 2. Organise & run trainer technical evaluation and verification events 3. Produce trainer Codes of Practice, training guides etc for WAH 4. Produce a project web page/social media links & blogs 5. Develop a high quality VET provider & trainer e-knowledge library 6. Develop a Data Warehouse incorporating web-base ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2015

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

... more relevant and competent professional expertise, changes in demographics, and increased globalisation all require new and innovative professional competences and relevant vocational education and training. International cooperation is an integral part of the Hordaland County Council’s (HCC) strategy for regional development. The strategy aims to create a sustainable, attractive and competitive ...
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.... In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the possibility to be trained and to work on a European level. It is our duty to offer our learners such a training. Compagnons du Devoir have always given priority to a long life learning and have performed to value on-the-job learning and mobility, mainly through shared experiences, human relations and k ...
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... term equalization of VET systems in Europe. Project objectives: A goal of "Fit for the Future" is it, to facilitate the comparability of European vocational qualifications by getting to know other training systems, their methodology, pedagogy and content, as well as facilitating an exchange on practical, transnational issues of vocational education and training. A second objective is to improve ...
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"The achievements of the European Union targets regarding energy and socio-economic sustainability are highly dependent on the way risks and vulnerabilities of European operating infrastructure networks and critical assets are minimised against natural extreme events. The INFRARISK project will develop reliable stress tests on European critical infrastructure using integrated modelling tools for ...
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HoliDes addresses development and qualification of Adaptive Cooperative Human-Machine Sys-tems (AdCoS) where many humans and many machines act together, cooperatively, in a highly adaptive way. They adapt to each other and to the context to guarantee fluent and cooperative task achievement. Such systems with higher levels of automation are urgently needed to enhance safety and to increase the conf ...
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ArtECult V

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

ArtECult V continues the work of the previous ArtECult projects in providing students high level of quality vocational training placements in another country and in the development work of the upper secondary vocational training in general. The current network has been strengthened over the years to a solid core group in which all members are active participants in the projects. The network repr ...
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.... In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the possibility to be trained and to work on a European level. It is our duty to offer our learners such a training. Compagnons du Devoir have always given priority to a long life learning and have performed to value on-the-job learning and mobility, mainly through shared experiences, human relations and k ...
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Erasmus+ mobilities for Hordaland 2014

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

...ergy, sustainable development, access to skilled and competent labour force, innovation and development in the economic sector. As a school owner, HCC is continuously working to adapt education and training to fit the needs of the region, and to encourage young people to finish and complete their education and training. These objectives are to a large extent in correspondence with EU’s 2020 strate ...
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Achtsamkeit - eine neue Qualität in der Erwachsenenbildung

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

... speed of change and complexity of living conditions in general leads within many organisations and with many people to uncertainty and stress. In LIMINA we have a lot of experience and competence in training people when it comes to these topics as well as in facilitating processes of change and transition and transmitting respective theories and concepts (such as Theory U, tolerance of ambiguity ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

...nths was the length of the stays. The OBJECTIVES aimed by the Mobility Project were as follows: - Train the skills and core competencies required for the transition from the field of education and training to the European labor market. - Improving language learning and linguistic diversity of the EU and to promote intercultural awareness. - Develop basic and transversal, such as entrepreneurship, ...
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Integrating mindfulness into our educational practice

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015,

A core field of activity of LIMINA is - and will be even more so in future - the competence development in dealing with change and transition. We have noted in our training and consultancy work that particularly the increasing complexity and uncertainty connected to change processes produces a lot of stress on organisational level but especially on personal level, on the level of the staff. More a ...
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The REVITAMIN project, the revitalisation of mining regions, is aimed at upgrading and developing landscapes after mining activities have ceased. The first priority of the project is transnational co-operation and extensive knowledge and experience transfer as the structural and landscape changes provide many challenges, particularly for mining regions. Regardless of individual issues concerning m ...
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...ctivity Lines:A) [Work Package 18.] Ph.D. Studies, Structure and Bologna follow-up: “Establishment of a European common set of excellencestandards and principles, in order to make the PhD training in Engineering and Technology in Europe more effective, competitiveand innovative (Leading Partners: AU Thessaloniki, KU Leuven);B) [WP 2-3] Promoting EE in Europe as a research field and in comparison o ...
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...ide:• A virtual workspace for retirees to facilitate extension of their working life• A pedagogical strategy aimed at encouraging the continued active participation ofretirees• An induction and training programme for retirees aimed at imparting necessarytechnical skills• An interactive Web 2.0 site facilitating user created content and mentoring in key areas• A business model to support the "Tacit ...
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...fessional profile leads to a gap between requirements of modern farming and social and professional infrastructure. Rural women are a disadvantageous group in the labour market. The contents of the training of 8 modules to be developed are motivational methods for self- empowerment, entrepreneurial subjects, e-commerce and other ICT skills. Each module will be produced in English and partner count ...
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...s at developing a system for verifying the quality of lifelong learning provided outside the formal school system by developing, disseminating and strengthening a European Quality Mark for non-formal training providers built on tested quality indicators and commercially sustainable procedure for managing and awarding the mark. Target groups include non-formal lifelong learning providers, social pa ...
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...jective of the project is to contribute to combating the illegal traffic of workers particularly within the Tourism sector. The project's main activities will be the development and introduction of a training and information system to work towards European recognition to increase professional opportunity for all individuals employed in these sectors. The study itself will contribute to the develop ...
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...ectives are to combine & package ofresults from the LdV PP ‘Unlocking Hidden Heritage’(UHH) with the work of ‘Stokkar og Steinar’(SoS), which is exemplified in the LdV DOI ‘Green Village’ training course ‘Sustainable Building’. The TOI will train multiple target groups (university students, trainees, trainers, community members, tourists) through the work-based process of reconstructing & restorin ...
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The project aims to transfer an Operators Training Package, tested by various Italian partners, for the integrated management of the training services and active labour policies. This package, inclusive of contents, training and assistance methods, operating and theoretical support media, allows to start up in some Italian regions and in other European countries, a Continuous Training Service for ...
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...of Roma ‘La Sapienza’, successfully implemented in IT, UK, FR, ES and DE transferred to Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. The core of the ‘DinoTour’ project transfer are a series of trainings for pre-school-teachers and teacher- trainers in the new methodology . Now available in Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey!
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...oject we work on cooperation of organisations, which manage databanks, we discuss and agree on criteria for assessment, increase the number of qualified companies by registering and by offering coach training and to give students access to addresses in different countries. On national and European level authorities emphasise (learning) mobility and foreign practical experience as presented in dif ...
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