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AQUAP - Attractiveness, quality control and accreditation of placements in the green sector

Placements abroad have a longlasting impact on social competencies of students: communication, respect for cultures and religions, language skills, flexibility, etc. and acceptance of foreign people. The ambition is to increase the number of students with practical experiences abroad (from 1% now to 20% in 2020). We work on improvement of quality of placements by accreditation, mutual recognition, competencies of mentors, and instruments to make it easier and more attractive for students to find a recognised learning company abroad (placement). Central in this project is to integrate information from different databanks from partners through a smart interface (if an interface is not achievable to build a new databank). During the project we work on cooperation of organisations, which manage databanks, we discuss and agree on criteria for assessment, increase the number of qualified companies by registering and by offering coach training and to give students access to addresses in different countries. On national and European level authorities emphasise (learning) mobility and foreign practical experience as presented in different green papers and agreements (Bologna, Lisbon, etc.). The interest for and the results of a placement abroad will increase through better information, more communication, and better access to placement-databases. Agreement on quality criteria for placements, a coaching program, smooth access to the database, preparation of students for their placement support the development of more and better insight in the meaning of an integrated Europe. Civil competencies and experiences that students achieve during a placement abroad are fully in line with the general objectives of national and European authorities. A good functioning databank with recognised placement companies abroad stimulates students to pay more attention to work on the development of social and professional competencies. Through workshops for educational officers and coordinators, we present and discuss the outcomes (databank, video reports, preparative workbook, and coach training) and the experiences. The improved European cooperation will also stimulate exchange and mobility of students and staff. Increased cooperation between VET institutes in Europe creates more insight in the VET systems, increase of learning possibilities abroad and foreign placements support institutes to develop methods to accept (value) competencies achieved abroad. We measure the results on the number of students making use of the databank, new placement compagnies, and participation to coach training, and the enthusiasm of the particpants.
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8 Partners Participants