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27 European Projects Found

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Restoration and management of cod in the Kattegat/Skagerrak-region (CodS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...economy, genetics, ecology, physiology and behavioural ecology. The work is divided into 10 workpackages plus one workpackage responsible for coordination.Integrating social science research from one university in the region with scientific research from other universities and research institutions are new to the marine research within the project area and contribute significantly to the additiona ...
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CNSS will focus on emission and greenhouse gas reduction from ships, using studies to reveal the status of air quality in ports and surrounding areas. The partnership of CNSS (ports, business, regions, public authorities, NGOs, research institutes) will change this by creating transparency on cost-efficient technology solutions and develop and improve the introduction of successful air quality pro ...
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Background About 20% of the European population is exposed to environmental noise at levels that experts consider unacceptable. The health impacts include annoyance, sleep disturbance, and stress-related problems such as cardio-vascular disease. Road traffic is the main source of environmental noise pollution; other sources include aircraft, trains and in ...
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Bärkraftigt räkfiske - Sustainable shrimp fishery in Skagerrak

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

Shrimp fishery is the economically most important fishery in the Kattegat/Skagerrak region, with first hand sales at the level of roughly 500 mill SEK yearly. Skagerrak is the core area for the fishery, with activity extending also into northern Kattegat. The fishing fleet in Sweden and Norway consists of many small boats, while the Danish fleet uses larger vessels. The fishery is vital in creatin ...
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With demographic change and the current economic crisis looming, the cities and regions of the Baltic Sea Region have to find creative ways of disclosing and utilizing unused opportunities. One of these hidden potentials are the people in the prime of their lives – the so called “Best Agers” (defined in the project as people aged 55 and older). As previous projects have shown, the BSR population w ...
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Scandinavian-Adriatic Corridor for Growth and Innovation (SCANDRIA)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Sep 8, 2012,

Against the background of doubling freight transport volumes by 2050 in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR), capable transport infrastructures are required for efficient, integrated and sustainable freight and passenger traffic.The Scandinavian-Adriatic Development Corridor is the shortest geographical link between Baltic and Adriatic Sea. It provides freight transport capacities to relieve overloaded Wes ...
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DiPol aims at identifying impacts and at suggesting measures to reduce adverse consequences of climatic changes for the quality of urban and coastal waters. Hence it will have a direct impact on water quality. A programme tool, (SIMACLIM) that illustrates the impacts of climate changes on water quality and which is able to evaluate consequences of potential measures to help regional and national d ...
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: May 30, 2012,

NORD-OSTRON is a collaborative project consisting of University and development players in Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The project aimed to be an engine for cross-border innovational and trade development within maritime trade in south-east Scandinavia. This came about through the development of models and tools, specified and implemented in the development of cultivation technologies for Scandina ...
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The Baltic 21 Eco Region Project (Eco-Region)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The EcoRegion project was developed in the years 2007/2008 and finally implemented between 2009- 2011 in order to contribute to the aim of Baltic 21 to turn the Baltic Sea Region into the world’s first EcoRegion, where economic growth goes hand in hand with environmental integrity and social justice.The transnational project – co-financed by the ERDF BSR Programme 2007-2013 - was based on the uniq ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2011,

Hummer finns på den röda listan över hotade djurarter i Norge och Sverige. Projektet vill säkerställa den biologiska mångfalden i kustzonen samt verka för en levande kustkultur. Projektet studerar särskilt om de fredade områden, där hummerfiske är förbjudet, ger någon positiv effekt. Projektet ska utföra akustiska märkning ("radioövervakning") av hummer för att följa hummern tills den byter skal, ...
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...ans that the educational training should also encompass a broad view on societal activities.ScanBalt Campus: Knowledge formation•8 ScanBalt Campus Knowledge Networks, (SBC KN)-Molecular Diagnostics University of Gdansk/Medical University of Gdansk.-Regenerative Medicine University of Rostock and BioCon Valley, Germany-Environmental Biotechnology Centre for environment and sustainability, GMV, at C ...
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The goal of the project was to find good practices for integrating urban heritage values in development processes of local communities. Project activities focused on methods to identify, analyse, evaluate and manage local historic characteristics in a sustainable way. Furthermore, the project aimed at strengthening national, regional and local efforts to enhance urban heritage as a local resource ...
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ENQuETE art - Experimental Nonpartisan Questioning of Enduring Technologies in EconomyThe project aims to improve living conditions, in particular of European citizens, through the deployment of art. Art can offer a viable way to overcome the moment when we realise that the rights and relations that we previously took for granted have been irrevocably effected by the “unleashed” force of the finan ...
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Changing Identities and Contexts in the Arts marks the cooperation of six recognised European institutions of art. The coordinator, Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, and the Universities of Leeds and Gothenburg participate with their artistic research units, and the Finnish National Gallery, Gothenburg Center for Contemporary Art and Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, represent national, institutional stak ...
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15% of European population – i.e. about 80 Millions persons - live with some form of disability. Nevertheless, disabled people result an underrepresented group within higher-education all over Europe. The reasons of that are to be found in a complex range of socioeconomic, cultural and historical elements, differing for each single country. Overall, it can be stated that in Europe there's the lack ...
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Archaeology has undergone significant changes over the last 25 years, during which the field has reinforced its ties with the land planning, construction industry and heritage management and has created strong synergies with domains like the ICT and social sciences. Employing several thousand people, the sector has been, until recently, one of the most dynamic and fast-growing within the EU.But si ...
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...s requirements in the field of International Relations, with specializations in Conflict Resolution, Security Studies and Intercultural Communication & Diplomatic Relations at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, South Eastern European University and State University of Tetovo by January 2012.2. Establish an International Relations Institute on the campus of State University of Tetovo which support ...
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The idea of long-term sustainable development on the earth and new standards and targets on EU-level as well as the growing need for ecological building materials and a rising demand for people who know how to handle these. This was the background for the LdV pilot project "Clay Plaster" (D/02/B/F/PP-112 695) that developed a Curriculum and pedagogical materials. The project has won the best pr ...
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... the course, show knowledge and understanding for how they can support learning processes within their line of business.2.To develop cooperation and consensus between upper secondary school, college, university and working life through exchange of experience and dialogue within several European vocational educations.3.To work on the European arena to realise pedagogical vocational courses and thro ...
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The presence and significance of archaeological heritage in contemporary society is ever increasing in many domains far beyond activities undertaken by professionalists working in heritage offices and formally responsible for their protection and management. Hence, a deep understanding of archaeological heritage by professional groups that have to deal with its various aspects in their work (e.g. ...
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This project aims at developing language learning word cards with a language's most frequent words corresponding to the European Framework. It will be developed for nine languages important for trade and associated countries, both LWUTL (Swedish, Norwegian, Greek, Polish) and MWUTL (Arabic, English, Chinese, Russian and Italian), as a complementary learning material. Word cards are "focused, effic ...
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 FINISHED order to prepare and stimulate them for a future academic career at their home institutions. 16 Asian PhD students will be mobile for 10 months each in order to carry out research work at the host university and 10 will complete the full degree programme. Topics of doctoral theses will be defined and agreed upon between host and sending institution and will include a co-supervisor from the send ...
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Evaluation and accountability are key issues in ensuring quality provision for all.. In Europe, the dominant arrangement for educational accountability is school inspections. Annually an average amount of 68.559.103 euros is spent on inspecting schools in every country in this project. Inspectorates of Education assess the quality of education and hold schools accountable for a broad range of goal ...
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...ers but all fields will be included to promote social, economical, and political stability that could bridge some of the gaps that may threaten to grow between Europe and the targeted countries. Lund University is dedicated to the development of cooperation with universities in the Middle East, and previous fruitful experiences of long-term cooperation with the European universities and with sever ...
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Zunehmende ethnische und kulturelle Vielfalt bietet Chancen, aber auch Herausforderungen für die europäische Bildungspolitik und Schulen. Sprachliche und kulturelle Diversität ist längst Alltag. Dennoch sind Bildungspolitik und Schulen in der Regel monolingual ausgerichtet und nutzen das vorhandene Potential der Mehrsprachigkeit nicht.Das Netzwerk möchte Wege aufzeigen, wie Schulen die Mehrsprachi ...
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The main role of universities is to provide human resources for research & innovation. At the same time, universities should be in the avant-garde of research in order to provide high quality education. In all CA countries, there is still a need in more effective provision of resources for research &innovation for universities to play their unique & crucial role in building the knowledge society.P ...
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The project deals with two specific fields of consulting, with supervision and coaching.Supervision and coaching are formats of counselling serving the assurance and development of the quality of communication and cooperation in professional contexts.Until now supervision lacks a consistent way of describing and validating supervisory skills and competences on a European level. This impedes integr ...
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