Search for European Projects

9 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

We propose to investigate the enzymes responsible for DNA replication and repair in micromanipulation experiments with a resolution of a single base. The detailed mechanism by which DNA is synthesized base after base and the coordination of the enzymes involved in this process are not fully understood. We shall develop new magnetic tweezers using lithographic techniques associated with evanescent ...
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The overall goal of EURoot is to help farmers to face both climate change, which is expected to result in increasingly uneven rainfall, and meet the societal demand for sustainable agriculture with reduced use of water and fertilizers. EURoot objective is to enhance the cereal plant capability to acquire water and nutrients through their roots and maintain growth and performance under stress condi ...
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"Our consortium will focus on the integration of four novel control components in a low-tech (no power source, no need for CO2) and cheap mosquito contamination device (MCD) that will a) lure malaria mosquitoes to an attractive point source, b) infect them there with a fungus as a slow-killing agent, and c) expose them to a juvenile hormone analogue with which they will contaminate their breeding ...
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Soil Transformations in European Catchments (SOILTREC)

Start date: Dec 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

SoilTrEC proposes to develop an integrated model of soil processes that describes key soil functions. These functions are defined in the EC Soil Thematic Strategy as essential ecosystem services for the well-being and economic success of the EU. The key science advances are to develop, from first-principles, computational models that integrate soil erosion, solute transport, carbon dynamics and fo ...
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The inability of existing theoretical and practical tools to scaleably and efficiently deal with the control of complex, uncertain and time-changing large-scale systems, not only leads to a effort-, time- and cost-consuming deployment of Large-Scale Control Systems (LSCSs), but also prohibits the wide application of LSCS in areas and applications where LSCSs could potentially have a tremendous eff ...
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We propose to organise a series of workshops that will coordinate a fragmented European community that undertakes soil research so that we can fully understand what policy needs to be developed for the sustainability of European soils. Our results will directly feed into a FP7 application on the soil life cycle. Our vision is to develop integrated and quantitative models that describe the linkage ...
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Project objective:The main objective of the TEE Partnership is to encourage structured cooperation at higher education level between European, US and Canadian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), increasing the visibility of European higher education in the US and Canada and fostering interinstitutional relations and sustainable international cooperation between participating HEIs. It will contri ...
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The programm deepens the collaboration of four teacher education institutions by utilizing a framework for mobility that integrates multidisciplinary knowledge of culture, language studies and research skills. First, students increase their awareness of intercultural communication, interculural education and research practices. Second, they do research related to the host country's educational pra ...
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