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S2-L01 Transatlantic Partnership for Excellence in Engineering (TEE Partnership)
Start date: Jul 1, 2011,

Project objective:The main objective of the TEE Partnership is to encourage structured cooperation at higher education level between European, US and Canadian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), increasing the visibility of European higher education in the US and Canada and fostering interinstitutional relations and sustainable international cooperation between participating HEIs. It will contribute to the development of societies by promoting advanced, high-quality research work and training of human resources that will gain international experience and knowledge of the countries involved. Thus, the TEE Partnership intends to develop a network for excellence in the specified engineering study areas that allows the development of transatlantic collaboration resulting in the implementation of future academic cooperation and joint postgraduate programmes, therefore promoting continued and sustainable region-to-region cooperation and further higher education mobility flows between Europe and US&CABrief description:Today’s collaboration in education has not evolved at the same pace as interpersonal interactivities for research and joint work among HEIs staff. The excellence of an engineering program cannot be granted without the multidisciplinary spectra needed for maintaining a leading edge for Engineering programs in our interconnected world. The proposed project will establish an institutional dialogue between first level HEIs in Canada, US and Europe. The mobility programme implemented through the Erasmus Mundus-TEE Project will foster mutual cooperation between partner HEIs and will create a pool of expertise and know-how that may set the basis for the future implementation of joint education programs in engineering, particularly at postgraduate level. The managing structures implemented and agreements reached between Partners (e.g. to grant recognition of studies) aim at becoming an example for future North-American & European actions and projects in the field of postgraduate education.The Partnership considers quality and excellence in postgraduate training a key aspect of the project. The academic programmes offered will ensure a multidisciplinary approach under the umbrella of engineering, enabling outstanding academic performance among scholarship holders and promoting innovative research outcomes.The devised management subcommittees and the participation of associate organisations working in the field of engineering will favour a constant flow of information HEIEnterprise, basic for the future employability of engineers. The relevance and geographical reach of the TEE Partnership (members of the most important engineering networks) will facilitate the transfer of results to external agents (other HEIs, Engineering associations).The TEE Partnership will develop a rigorous and transparent candidate selection procedure, incorporating gender balance and equal opportunities internal policies, as well as rejecting any kind of discrimination.
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  • Education and training\External Programmes and Policies\Erasmus Mundus\Partnerships: Institutions
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

10 Partners Participants