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Current technological demands are increasingly stretching the properties of advanced materials to expand their applications to more severe or extreme conditions, whilst simultaneously seeking cost-effective production processes and final products. The aim of this project is to demonstrate the influence of different surface enhancing and modification techniques on CF-based materials for high value ...
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Robotic subsea exploration technologies (ROBUST)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

There is a need to develop an autonomous, reliable, cost effective technology to map vast terrains, in terms of mineral and raw material contents which will aid in reducing the cost of mineral exploration, currently performed by ROVs and dedicated SSVs and crew. Furthermore there is a need to identify, in an efficient and non-intrusive manner (minimum impact to the environment), the most rich mine ...
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Ship Lifecycle Software Solutions (SHIPLYS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

SHIPLYS has been specified as necessary by our architect, shipbuilder and shipowner members, who, in order to survive in the world market, need to improve their capability to reduce the cycle time and costs of design and production, to be able to reliably produce better ship concepts through virtual prototyping and to meet the increasing requirements for LCCA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis), environmen ...
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Waste heat is a problem common to high temperature processing industries as a significantly underused resource, often due to challenges in economic heat valorisation. Secondary aluminium recycling and ceramic processing were identified as key examples with economically recoverable waste heat. Several challenges are inherent; these processes are batch-based rather than continuous with corrosive par ...
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In the wind power generation, aerospace and other industry sectors there is an emerging need to operate in the low temperature and highly erosive environments of extreme weather conditions. Such conditions mean current materials either have a very short operational lifetime or demand such significant maintenance as to render many applications either very expensive to operate or in some cases non-v ...
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The ISOBIO project will develop a new approach to insulating materials through the novel combination of existing bio-derived aggregates with low embodied carbon with innovative binders to produce durable composite construction materials. These novel composites will target 50% lower embodied energy and carbon than traditional oil based insulation panels, and will increase thermal insulation compare ...
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INFINITY will develop an inorganic alternative to a scarce and high cost material, indium tin oxide (ITO), currently used as a Transparent Conductive Coating (TCC) for display electrodes on glass and plastic substrates. The novel conductive materials to be developed in this project will be based on low cost sol-gel chemistry using more widely available metallic elements and will leverage recent ad ...
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LASHARE will develop a robust assessment framework for innovative laser equipment paving the way for new manufacturing applications. It will carry out a large number of assessment experiments for a variety of laser equipment targeting strategic manufacturing areas for Europe.The Laser Equipment Assessment (LEA) will be carried out by a trio of research/supplier/user partners. Each LEA will define ...
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There is a growing interest in monitoring techniques and systems which can provide information about the condition of a wind turbine support structure, owing to a number of operational factors which have become apparent as increased numbers of turbine installations are experiencing longer periods of time in service. These include:• Instances of fatigue cracking in the support towers• Flange bolts ...
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CORSAIR project is a wide investigation concerning the capabilities of Cold Spray Technology for maintenance and repair of aeronautic frames and components. Today, deep and systematic investigation in Cold Spray is required to better understand the capabilities and fully validate the technology in aeronautics. In this scenario, the activities planned in CORSAIR project are (1) Explore the real cap ...
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The main goal of PUL-AERO is the development of a material state based controlled pultrusion process for the manufacturing of curved and partially cured stringers that comply with the stringent specifications of the aerospace industry and offer significant savings in production costs.PUL-AERO will design and build a pultrusion line for the production of linear and curved composite stringers for th ...
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"In order to reduce the sensor number, one has to be based on signals carrying information about the “global” structure state. The structure’s vibrational behavior is definitely a global characteristic. The idea is thus the development of a vibration based, in flight, SHM platform, which can be applied in aircraft structures in practice.The main practical problem for the application of vibration b ...
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The SubCTest Demo project, a continuation of the FP7 R4S SubCTest project, has the objective to successfully demonstrate a robust NDT system, deployed by a Remote Operating Vehicle (ROV), that will reliably detect and evaluate discontinuities in pipes, risers and tubular structural components, including the welds.Long range ultrasonic testing (LRUT) will be used to detect, locate and qualitative ...
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TAILORed Energy Distributions for Laser WELDing (TailorWeld)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Laser beam welding is a high-performance joining process that is rapidly growing; highlighted by the fact that the global market for laser welding equipment has grown 50% since 2004, and was worth €1.1 Billion in 2011. The market is expected to grow a further 6% in 2012, and approximately 50% of revenues are generated from sales to European manufacturers. The large increase in uptake observed sin ...
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ManSYS aims to develop and demonstrate a set of e-supply chain tools; to enable the mass adoption of Additive Manufacturing (AM). This will allow businesses to identify and determine the suitability of AM for metal products, and subsequently manage the associated supply-chain issues and ‘facilitating’ open product evolution.The proposed e-supply chain solution will combine all aspects of AM includ ...
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"Railway maintenance is a costly activity that can be improved by faster inspection of assets. If the speed of inspection of the railhead can be increased the potential cost savings are significant. Current NDT solutions implement hand held devices that effectively scan at walking pace. EMAT devices have been utilised to demonstrate that a non-contact solution that can be mounted to a vehicle is f ...
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The wind turbine industry is one of the fastest growing markets. Current turbines are huge with turbine rotor diameters of over 100m becoming standard. EU energy policy calls for 20% of the EU's 3040Th/y electricity demand to come from renewable sources by 2020, which constitutes a market of some 140€ billion and wind energy is the clear front runner.Presently in situ blade inspection is carried o ...
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The ACARE targets for civil aircraft include NOx and CO2 emissions reductions of 80% and 50% respectively by 2020. Although airframes make a significant contribution, most of the balance (especially NOx) will be contributed by the engines. These contributions are expected to be achieved by lean burn, increased propulsive efficiency and increments in cycle efficiency via reduced component losses. ...
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There is a growing range of applications that would benefit from the use of nanostructured coatings. The functional performance of a surface is intimately linked with its structure. The ability to characterise nanostructured coatings is therefore an essential part of their future uptake. However, the ability to examine and characterise at the nano-scale is currently limited to sophisticated, time- ...
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Advanced Coatings for Offshore Renewable ENergy (ACORN)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

In spite of the considerable development in the field of marine protective coatings, there is still significant room for improvement. Very long lasting (20+ yrs) coating systems that offer reliable protection against corrosion/biofouling or corrosion/cavitation, and which also avoid the need for supplementary cathodic protection are not available. The need for such coatings is acute in the case of ...
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Diffusion bonding offers a number of advantages to a wide range of industry sectors and applications, particularly where there is a need to join dissimilar materials. The main advantage of diffusion bonding is that, unlike welding, it is not a 'fusion' process – it is a solid state process and the parent materials to be joined do not need to be melted. This makes diffusion bonding an ideal solutio ...
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In the current market, the well-known brands of technical textiles are coated with Perfluorocarbon chemistry to possess highly durable oil and water repellent (OWR) finish. In early days, water repellent finish for fabrics was provided by simple paraffin or wax coatings which washed out eventually. Alternatively, PFOS and PFOA are the chemicals belonging to the family of perflourochemicals (PFCs) ...
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...bre types, followed by generation of a textile combining the two. Fibre and fabric manufacturers Sefar, CeNTI (SME) and VDS weaving (SME) will work with textile and coating experts, Centexbel and TWI.• Integration of the two fibres, requiring end preparation to reveal conductors, interconnect and micro-circuitry, followed by attachment to a load device. Materials joining and smart textile experts, ...
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The installation of sprinklers can result in substantial reductions in insurance premiums and so insurance companies are becoming increasingly interested in their proper installation and function. For example, the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association has abundant evidence about the effectiveness of their members’ technology in reducing loss of life and property in office, residential, reta ...
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Additive Manufacturing for Wear and Corrosion Applications (AMCOR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

AMCOR will develop and demonstrate Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) industrial manufacturing systems for the deposition of functional graded coatings (FGM) and 3D features onto metallic components supplied by industry that are subjected to in-service wear and corrosion. This will be supported by the development, production and testing of mixed powder combinations for coatings suitability.The proposed ...
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High resolution electron beam melting (HiResEBM)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

HiResEBM is a partnership between EU SMEs and RTD providers with the aim of developing an electron beam melting (EBM) additive manufacturing process to enable the fabrication of high resolution medical implants with optimised porous structures directly from metal powder. Currently the design of medical implants with porous structures is limited by production technologies not being able to implemen ...
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By combining a new surface engineering process with state-of-the-art thermal modelling, significant design and performance improvements to heat exchangers for electronic and electrical systems can be made. The surface designs created will not only provide an increase in surface area (allowing for smaller size heat exchanger packaging), but also enable ‘designed’ flow over a surface (which will enh ...
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Artificial sniffer using linear ion trap technology (SNIFFLES)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The research will develop a universal gas sensor using modular technologies to function as an artificial sniffer. It will detect a range of substances, including but not limited to people, drugs, explosives (including weapons) and CBRNe. The technology will complement trained sniffer dogs. The technology proposed is based on linear ion trap (LIT) mass spectrometry (MS). MS techniques have been in ...
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The DeICE-UT project will overcome the current limitations of existing wind turbine blade de-icing systems by developing an innovative dual de-icing system combining both high power ultrasonic guided waves and low frequency vibrations. Previous work on helicopter blades has shown that low frequency vibrations are highly effective at de-icing across the blades except at the leading edges, whilst th ...
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The TiAlCharger project aims to create a cost-effective, mass producible, low inertia titanium aluminide turbocharger assembly providing:• Weight savings of 60%• A reduction on mass moment of inertia of 36% (compared to Nickel super alloys that are the current state of the art)• Operation at temperatures >950°C• Increased fuel to air ratios thereby improving vehicle efficiency by an additional 5% ...
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Austenitic stainless steel is often used in the construction of critical pipework in nuclear power plant and petrochemical plant due to its resistance to corrosion and its high fracture resistance. Pipelines are usually constructed by joining sections of pipe together, using welding. These welds can host many types of defects that may go undetected if not inspected and in-service and under stress ...
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Creep is the time-dependent, thermally assisted deformation of a component operating under stress. Metal pressure components such as boiler tubing, headers, and steam piping in fossil-fired power plants operate at thermal conditions (above ~1,000ºF [538ºC]) conducive to causing creep damage over the operating life of the component.To ensure safe and reliable operation of such components in service ...
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This proposal will aim to develop the enabling technology that will enable existing pipe crawling robots (pigs) to provide internal inspection of pipe walls using long range ultrasound guided waves (LRUG) deployed in pipe segments of about fifty metre length.The aim is to perform total volume inspection far more rapidly, accurately and cheaply than is presently achieved with magnetic and ultrasoni ...
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...hich has been developed outside of the project, for processing by SLM. The 7075 Al alloy material will be used to build mechanical test specimens using a state of the art 1kW SLM system (by partner TWI). As part of this activity, we will investigate ‘part optimisation’; whereby part weight and materials usage can be minimised to show the true benefit of manufacturing by SLM. EADS Apworks will us ...
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Composite Pipes and Fittings for Aero-Engines Dressing (COMPIPE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

The object of this project is to update the concept of aero-engine dressing to the most advanced concepts already used in commercial aircrafts.The existing design concepts and components utilised within the engine dressings have remained largely static for a long period of time; there is little difference in the components and materials used in the engine dressings on the latest Trent engines to t ...
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"Climate change is one of the largest threats facing the world today. At the forefront of combating this issue are low carbon technologies. Recently, HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) have come forward as the most achievable solution of the moment. At present, HEV use expensive Lithium ion and NiM batteries due to their high power to weight ratio. Lead-acid batteries are a cheaper option, but due to ...
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The concept of the MERLIN project is to reduce the environmental impact of air transport using Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques in the manufacture of civil aero engines. MERLIN will develop AM techniques, at the level 1 stage, to allow environmental benefits including near 100% material utilisation, current buy to fly ratios result in massive amounts of waste, no toxic chemical usage and no ...
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Online Remote Condition Monitoring of Tidal Stream Generators (REMO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

Tidal stream power is a very environmentally attractive renewable energy source whose exploitation is being retarded by operation and maintenance problems which cause very low availability times, as poor as 25%.So the REMO project gaol is to provide an enabling technology for tidal stream energy, by reducing the projected life cycle maintenance costs of tidal stream energy by 50% and the generato ...
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Fibre-delivered Laser Cutting Optimisation (FILCO)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"Fibre-delivered 1µm wavelength laser sources (i.e Yb-fibre and Yb:YAG disc) have the potential to revolutionise commercial laser cutting, which is currently dominated by CO2 lasers. Currently, 95% of lasers used in cutting applications are CO2 lasers, of which ~40% are used in Europe. The potential benefits of replacing CO2 lasers with new, 1µm wavelength fibre or disc lasers are significant, in ...
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Expanded polystyrene is widely used as packaging for foodstuffs and for shipping. Several hundred thousand tonnes of polystyrene are sent unnecessarily to landfill every year in the UK and Europe, where it does not biodegrade but persists for hundreds of years. Meanwhile, oil-derived feedstocks are being consumed in the production of new polystyrene. Recycling systems for polystyrene are underdev ...
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