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Melt Spun and Sintered Metal Fibre Networks for Lead-Acid Battery Advancement (MEMLAB)
Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Climate change is one of the largest threats facing the world today. At the forefront of combating this issue are low carbon technologies. Recently, HEV (Hybrid Electric Vehicles) have come forward as the most achievable solution of the moment. At present, HEV use expensive Lithium ion and NiM batteries due to their high power to weight ratio. Lead-acid batteries are a cheaper option, but due to their lower power to weight ratio they are not used.The MEMLAB project aims to solve this through the development of lightweight electrodes for use in lead-acid batteries. The project will use state-of-the-art fibre production technology to create titanium and aluminium fibre networks. These will be coated in lead and lead oxide. The objective is to achieve a greater than 50% reduction in the overall weight of a lead-acid battery thereby significantly increasing their power to weight ratio making them a realistic alternative for application in hybrid electric vehicles.In addition to application in the hybrid electric vehicle market, the replacement of standard lead-acid batteries, containing large and heavy quantities of lead, by lightweight lead-acid batteries will also lead to a significant reduction in the polluting effect of road-going vehicles due to the large quantity of vehicles in use. The number of lead-acid batteries currently manufactured in Europe is approximately 70 million per year.The project consortium has been specifically constructed so that the research partners deliver the technical research required by the SME consortium partners. Successful completion of project MEMLAB will significantly strengthen the competitive position of the participating SMEs by both opening new markets, hybrid electric vehicles, and expanding opportunities in existing markets, lead-acid batteries. Furthermore, the project consortium will also seek to identify and evaluate further market applications, for example industrial filtration as well as fuel cells."

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