Search for European Projects

15 European Projects Found

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Financial Literacy for You

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The economic crisis revealed serious gaps in financial literacy of citizens of the EU. Countries as well as individuals executing poor financial management steps contribute to global economic instability. The need for higher financial literacy of the EU population was expressed by the European Commission in 2008 when the Expert Group on Financial Education was set up. The rising indebtedness on bo ...
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Boarders of European Union are quicly expanding and the development of skills for our European workers becomes essential nowadays. Indeed, crafts and companies are now dealing with international exchanges et facing a multinational competition. Qualifications and skills are therefore put into question. In order to contribute to this expansion, it is primordial to provide each apprentice with the p ...
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In the 1990ties during the transition process, many Eastern European countries adapted a policy of early retirement to avoid mass redundancies and large-scale unemployment. Although most early-retirement programmes have been abandoned, the mindset of employees and employers has not changed so quickly and adequately: carrier planning for employees with 50 years of age or with 25-30 years of employm ...
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Today the road freight and passenger transport sector provides jobs for more than 4.5 million EU-citizens and already since 1976 (Council Directive 76/914/EEC) professional driver training is considered to be a matter of European interest. During the past decades qualification requirements changed and increased fundamentally for professional drivers because of changes in work organisation, new tec ...
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Reason: Working "on project" doesn't mean only to know how to plan activities meeting all call for proposal's requirements and needs, but also to know how to manage EU projects effectively from a financial point of view.The congruity between the realized costs and the activities achieved requires first of all an expert staff both as coordinator and as partner. The procedure of financial reporting ...
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Moving at Labour Market

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Mobility has become an important policy issue in the European Union. The Report on the Concrete Future Objectives of Education and Training Systems (Stockholm European Council, 2001) indicated guidance to facilitate mobility for learning and employment in Europe as a priority area for development. Career counseling and guidance are especially important for job seekers that have limited access to o ...
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Dissemination and exploitation are of vital importance in EU projects and have to be taken into account by all project managers and their teams. Especially in the field of LLP most people have no education in marketing or product placement in order to plan, implement and monitor these activities. C-E.N.T.E.R. addresses persons who would like to improve or get knowledge in this field.E.N.T.E.R. and ...
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Age discrimination underlies many of the difficulties faced by senior workers in thelabour market. The demand for new skills and knowledge places many of them at adisadvantage, as their training earlier in life is likely to be obsolete. Senior workers witha lack of competences face additional barriers in accessing employment and trainingopportunities. To face this disadvantage it is necessary to e ...
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The SET project is set within the European policy background that entrepreneurshipshould be learned throughout the education and training system and the educationsystems should contribute to facilitating the acquisition of skills needed to set up and runa business. The inadequacy or complete lack of a training offer specifically addressed totrain trainers on how to introduce the entrepreneurship c ...
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In the European Union today many public and private centres and local authorities areproviding career services as a lifelong process in different ways in their attempt to dealwith unemployment. There is no method of collecting and sharing good practices,experiences and innovation at a European Level. Because of this lack of informationand communication, there is limited opportunity to share the kn ...
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The target was to adapt, transfer and optimise an already existing innovative modular vocational training course to the professional circumstances of CDWs. Through this training programme, CDWs targeted by the project are now able to manage better their daily work-life “projects” according to modern project management standards by applying appropriate methods and instruments.The core training prog ...
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Background:The adult educational system occupies a complex and important role in terms of socioeconomicgrowth, active citizenship and social responsibility. That is why effectiveinternal and external communications processes are fundamental for the developmentof innovative learning products and services which are attractive to potentialbeneficiaries. The communication issues in this sector are bet ...
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Although successfully piloted in a variety of national and European projects and initiatives, the application of EQF and ECVET principles into the different European vocational education and training practices is a challenging task that needs facilitation and support in order to overcome existing misconceptions and uncertainty towards these European transparency instruments at a practical VET leve ...
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The project involved the development of existing pre-enterprise training resources into a practical and relevant online tool focusing on the needs of women interested in exploring self-employment. The main stages of project's development include the development of a Needs Analysis, the preparation of the training modules, the creation of an e-learning environment, pilot testing and translation of ...
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On-line English, German, Spanish and Italian courses for blind and visually impaired.
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