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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Pluripotent stem cell resources for mesodermal medicine (PLURIMES)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Harnessing the capacity of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) to produce functional cell types with precision and at scale will enable new treatment modalities for degenerative diseases. A major target for such therapies is mesodermal tissue, muscle, bone and cartilage. The goal of PluriMes is to create a bioengineering platform for directing PSCs into specific classes of mesodermal/mesenchymal progeni ...
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Nanotechnology is a key enabling technology. Still existing uncertainties concerning EHS need to be addressed to explore the full potential of this new technology. One challenge consists in the development of methods that reliably identify, characterize and quantify nanomaterials (NM) both as substance and in various products and matrices. The European Commission has recently recommended a definit ...
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Low Emissions Core-Engine Technologies (LEMCOTEC)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The main objective of the LEMCOTEC project will be the improvement of core-engine thermal efficiency by increasing the overall pressure ratio (OPR) to up to 70 leading to a further reduction of CO2. Since NOx increases with OPR, combustion technologies have to be further developed, at the same time, to at least compensate for this effect. The project will attain and exceed the ACARE targets for 20 ...
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Next Generation Train Control (NGTC)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The main scope of this Next Generation Train Control (NGTC) project is to analyse the commonality and differences of required functionality for mainline and urban lines and develop the convergence of both ETCS and CBTC systems, determining the level of commonality of architecture, hardware platforms, and system design that can be achieved. This will be accomplished by building on the experience of ...
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In this proposed integrating project we will develop innovative in-line high throughput manufacturing technologies which are all based on atmospheric pressure (AP) vapour phase surface and on AP plasma processing technologies. Both approaches have significant potential for the precise synthesis of nano-structures with tailored properties, but their effective simultaneous combination is particularl ...
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We propose here an exhaustive analysis of the genome, exome, methylome and transcriptome of primary tumours and metastases from patients with colon carcinoma, based on a combination of deep sequencing and chip based techniques. Dependent on their availability, we shall also perform analyses of tumor stem cells, circulating tumor cells, free tumor DNA in serum and xenografts derived from the same p ...
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The INDOX proposal on industrial oxidoreductases aims to provide relevant industrial case stories to demonstrate the efficacy of optimized biocatalysts on targeted reactions, and to establish the processes scalability, sustainability and cost-efficiency versus chemical conversion processes. The chemical industry (specialties excluded) is not yet embracing enzymatic oxidation reactions to a signifi ...
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Modern societies are eagerly looking for the integration of mobility and their urban living area to enable reliable and safe transportation, better efficiency and cost, comfort and low emissions for the environment. The trends are obvious, however, providing a hybrid/electrical car is only one part of the full picture. The "standard" customer is still very reluctant to buy a full electrical vehicl ...
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Virtual prototyping (VP) is a key technology for environmental friendly and cost effective design in the aircraft industry. However, the underlying analysis and simulation tools (for loads, stresses, emissions, noise), are currently applied with a unique set of input data and model variables, although realistic operating conditions are a superposition of numerous uncertainties under which the indu ...
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ESTEEM2 is an integrated infrastructure of electron microscopy facilities providing access for the academic and industrial research community in the physical sciences to some of the most powerful characterization techniques available at the nanoscale. Transnational access to ESTEEM2 centres is obtained through a transparent, simple peer review process based on merit and scientific priorities. Serv ...
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The importance of advanced simulation to the competitiveness of both large and small companies is well established. The principal objective of Fortissimo is to enable European manufacturing, particularly small to medium enterprises (SMEs), to benefit from the efficiency and competitive advantage inherent in the use of simulation. However, the simulation of, for example, high-pressure gas cylinders ...
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OpenScienceLink will introduce and pilot a holistic approach to the publication, sharing, linking, review and evaluation of research results, based on the open access to scientific information. OpenScienceLink will pilot a range of novel services that could alleviate the lack of structured data journals and associated data models, the weaknesses of the review process, the poor linking of scientifi ...
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Zebrafish Regulomics for Human Health (ZF-HEALTH)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

In recent years, the zebrafish has emerged as a new vertebrate model organism for biomedical research which offers a unique combination of traits: a short generation time, small size and efficient breeding procedures make it the best choice among vertebrates for forward genetic screening and small-molecule screens, including toxicology, while the transparent embryo and larva offers unique opportun ...
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Systems Biology of Stem Cells and Reprogramming (SyBoSS)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Stem cells are central to emerging concepts in health, medicine and therapy. The realization that specific cell reservoirs retain multipotency for tissue establishment and replenishment has implications for both the emerging field of regenerative therapy and the long standing problems of cancer, ageing and degenerative diseases. Recently the prospects for regenerative therapy have been boosted by ...
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Description TREASORES: producing cheaper large area organic optoelectronic devices using roll-to-roll processes; developing new transparent, conductive, flexible electrodes and better barrier films.TREASORES (Transparent Electrodes for Large Area, Large Scale Production of Organic Optoelectronic Devices) is a project that seeks to develop ...
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The strategic objective of NC2I-R is to structure the European public and private R&D capabilities for delivering a nuclear cogeneration demonstrator fully meeting the market needs, in support of the Nuclear Cogeneration European Industrial Initiative.Following the reference EUROPAIRS project and in close collaboration with the ongoing ARCHER project, national projects (e.g. Polish HTRPL, German S ...
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The EUCOMMTOOLS Collaborative Project responds to the topic ‘HEALTH.2010.2.1.1-1: Large-scale efforts in mouse functional genomics to determine the functions of genes and their involvement in disease.’ EUCOMMTOOLS will provide, in a systematic high-throughput way, genetic tools and resources contributing to the determination of every gene’s function in any cell type of the entire organism at any g ...
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Vertical TransIstors for Driving Flexible Displays (VidFlex)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

Flexible displays based on organic light emitting diodes are seen as a key innovation in the display industry, allowing novel applications such as bendable or rollable, and thus unbreakable, displays. Rollable displays would also be suitable for roll-to-roll production, a way of dramatically reducing production costs. However, the development of flexible displays has been hampered by the lack of a ...
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The goal of 3D-LightTrans project is to provide groundbreaking, highly flexible and adaptable low-cost technologies for manufacturing of 3D textile reinforced plastic composites (in the following referred to as textile reinforced plastics or TRP), including innovative approaches for the individual processes and its integration in complete manufacturing chains, which will enable to shift them from ...
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In line with the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform (SNETP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and Deployment Strategy (DS), the ARCHER project will extend the state-of-the-art European (V)HTR technology basis with generic technical effort in support of nuclear cogeneration demonstration.The partner consortium consists of representatives of conventional and nuclear industry, utilities, Te ...
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Nano-structured High-efficiency Thermo-Electric Converters (NanoHiTEC)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

The NanoHiTEC project is focused on planar thermo-electric converters based on super-lattice quantum wells, which have shown on laboratory scale already a figure of merit ZT > 4 for a wide temperature range. The optimization of BiTe based layer systems as well as Si/SiGe and B4C/B9C lattices will be combined with the development of low cost/high throughput industrial deposition processes for multi ...
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Smart Aircraft in Emergency Situations (SMAES)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

"Ditching analysis is requested for large transport aircraft by EASA. The respective requirements are specified under § ‘’CS 25.801 Ditching’’. They are primarily devoted to a minimisation of risks for immediate injuries and the provision of fair chances for an evacuation. A significant part of average air travel is over water and historically a planned or unplanned water-landing event occurs gros ...
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Union of Light-Ion Centres in Europe (ULICE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2009, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

ULICE is a 4-year project set up by 20 leading European research organisations, including 2 leading European industrial partners (Siemens and IBA), to respond to the need for greater access to hadron therapy facilities for particle therapy research. Project coordinator is the Italian Research Infrastructure Facility CNAO (Milan). Both existing European Hadron Research Facilities in Heidelberg and ...
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"Leukocyte recruitment is an important component of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders and consists of selectin-mediated rolling, the chemokine-induced activation of leukocytes, the integrin-dependent firm adhesion and the subsequent transendothelial migration. LFA-1 is an important leukocyte integrin mediating adhesion by binding to its endothelial counter-receptors ICAM-1 and -2. Whereas man ...
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Protein-protein interactions are keys to executing important cellular functions. We hypothesize that gain or loss of protein-protein interactions plays important roles in carcinogenesis. We propose a network-based approach to biomarker discovery that uses protein-protein interactions and regulatory transcriptional networks. We will use prostate cancer and gliomas as models. Prostate cancer is the ...
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"This proposal covers all actions from the university side required in the call JTI-CS-2010-1-SFWA-01-020 for the development and testing of two designs of an integration of active flow control concepts on a trailing edge of high lift devices, namely:• the design, including an optimization of the structure• the manufacturing of coupon specimens and a mock-up• the structural testing of the specimen ...
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Reliable data on the prevalence and incidence of the spectrum of mental disorders in older people are currently lacking for the EU. Despite the availability of some national and a few cross-national cross-sectional studies with quite variable results, the size and burden of mental disorders in the elderly remains unclear. This has been attributed to a number of methodological factors (e.g. lack of ...
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Description PONTE is a European project standing for Efficient Patient Recruitment for Innovative Clinical Trials of Existing Drugs to other Indications.PONTE provides a platform following a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach that offers intelligent automatic identification of individuals eligible to participate in clinical trials ...
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HOlistic Performance System Analysis-EU (HOPSA-EU)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2013,

To maximise the scientific output of a high-performance computing system, different stakeholders pursue different strategies. While individual application developers are trying to shorten the time to solution by optimising their codes, system administrators are tuning the configuration of the overall system to increase its throughput. Yet, the complexity of today's machines with their strong inter ...
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In current wireless communications, radio spectrum and infrastructure are typically used such that interference is avoided by exclusive allocation of frequency bands and employment of base stations. SAPHYRE will demonstrate how equal-priority resource sharing in wireless networks improves spectral efficiency, enhances coverage, increases user satisfaction, leads to increased revenue for operators, ...
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"AMPHORA is a Europe wide project involving researches and research institutions from 14 European countries, and counterparts and organizations from all 27 Member States, that will provide new scientific evidence for the best public health measures to reduce the harm done by alcohol through addressing social and cultural determinants, marketing and advertising, taxes and pricing, availability and ...
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Re-road – End of life strategies of asphalt pavements (Re-road)

Start date: Jan 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

The majority of the European roads are paved with asphalt material. The dismantling and end of life strategies for these pavements are very divergent among the EU member states and the associated countries. In general the share of recycling the reclaimed asphalt in new asphalt courses is rather lower than it could be technically. The Re-road project aims to address these problems with a holistic ...
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Outstanding progress has been made in recent years in developing novel structures and applications for direct fabrication of 3D nanosurfaces. However, exploitation is limited by lack of suitable manufacturing technologies. In this project we will develop innovative in-line high throughput technologies based on atmospheric pressure surface and plasma technologies. The two identified approaches to d ...
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European Consortium for Systematic Stem Cell Biology (EUROSYSTEM)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Aug 31, 2012,

EuroSyStem brings together elite European research teams to create a unique and world-leading programme in fundamental stem cell biology. By interconnecting complementary biological and computational expertise we will drive the generation of new knowledge on the characteristics of normal and abnormal stem cells. We will pave the way for application of systems methodology by measuring and modelling ...
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Materials for high energy accumulators in traction and tools (MAHEATT)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

A.1.2. Project summaryThe overall objective of the MAHEATT project is to develop a prototype cost-effective lithium-ion high energy battery technology with electrode performances well beyond the current state-of-the-art, with automotive applications (hybrid vehicles and electric traction) and hand held tools as application target areas. This will be achieved by innovative synthesis and design of r ...
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INNOVASOL aims to develop radically new nanostructured materials for photovoltaic (PV) excitonic solar cells (XSCs) really competitive with traditional energy sources. The main objective is to leapfrog current limitations of third-generation PV devices through a drastic improvement of the materials used for assembling XSCs. The first step is the substitution of the liquid electrolytes, currently u ...
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Cellular protection against oxidative damage is relevant to ageing and numerous complex diseases. We plan to use fission yeast as a model organism to gain a systems-level understanding of the oxidative stress response and obtain insights into the interplay of variable genotype, phenotype, and environment. To this end, the four participants will pursue a range of multi-disciplinary and complementin ...
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Up to now fuel development and qualification has been a long and expensive process essentially based on an empirical approach. European experts currently have an adequate knowledge of conventional fuel manufacturing and its behaviour under operating conditions encountered during 50 years of industrial application and R&D activities. For innovative fuel systems, however, the empirical approach has ...
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valiDation of Radical Engine Architecture systeMs (DREAM)

Start date: Feb 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2012,

"Since the publication of the ACARE goals, the commercial and political pressure to reduce CO2 has increased considerably. DREAM is the response of the aero-engine community to this pressure. The first major DREAM objective is to design, integrate and validate new engine concepts based on open rotor contra-rotating architectures to reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions 7% beyond the ACARE 2020 ...
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The call 4.2.2-1 “organic materials for electronics and photonics” is based on the observation that the limited availability of high-performance multi-functional materials is a roadblock to further industrial progress. To address the wide scope of the call, we have identified specific materials bottlenecks to the fields of electronics and photonics. They constitute the focal points of our project. ...
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