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5 European Projects Found

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Climate Proofing Urban Municipalities (LIFE UrbanProof)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2020,

...trategies (local council approval); Implementation of green infrastructure projects in partner municipalities in Cyprus and Italy. These include green spaces, green roofs and permeable pavements in Strovolos, Lakatamia and Emilia. The expected impact of these measures is quantified as follows: Green roofs: runoff reduction of 38%; reduction of annual energy demand for heating/cooling by 7.9kW/m2 ...
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Open Source software usage by European Public Administrations (OSEPA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

FOSS represents a potential of significant competitiveness gains of its adopters, both for public administrations as well as citizens and companies. As a result, it is of vital importance to examine how and whether appropriate public policies can alleviate barriers and inhibitors rendering the potential benefits of FOSS actual ones and enhancing the competitiveness of European economies.Public adm ...
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...evelopment and Creative Occupation of Children (EADAP) (Greece) And 2 associated partners:•2nd EPAL Aigaleo (Vocational High School) (Greece)•Lions Infant and Child Care Centre of Strovolos Industrial Estate (Cyprus)Project have started on December 2010 and was implemented until December 2012.
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...anagement Ltd (CY)-developer of the ecv e-learning software. The “Innovation importers” consist of a Civic Partner and a VET Partner per country - (Strovolos Municipal Multifunctional Foundation (CY), KEK SBIE (EL), Piraeus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EL), FDO (ES), CECE (ES), PECS CARITAS (HU), PECS IZKOLA (HU), Vilnius University Centre of Gerontology (LT) and SDMC (LT).
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The Young People from exclusion to inclusion network wasone of the first financed by the URBACT programme. It aimedto address some of the issues surrounding young people inEuropean cities, in particular young people of school age.The network focussed on the school as part of the communityand the role of parents in the social inclusion process.The network held a serie of exchange meetings to shareb ...
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