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4 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

...ortant integral strengths as goal-setting, personal identity, self-management, time-management, and responsibility-taking cannot be developed themselves, young people have to be placed into certain states facilitating development of these qualities. Entrepreneurship appears to be such a field where young people face the necessity of cultivating these abilities. It is the youth entrepreneurship tha ...
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...e Degree EU-RU Master Program in DA both in the Russian and EU Universities since September 2015 and to obtain Double Master Degree: the Russian Master degree in DA and Master Degree of one of the EU States participated in the project, for example of the Portugal or Finland, in DA. This objective will be achieved through fulfillment of the following Outcomes/Outputs: (1) Double Degree EU-RU Master ...
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The main features aim is improving of BA/MA Programmes in Material Engineering according to the needs of modern society of target partner countries IL, RU and UA bringing the universities closer to changing Labour Market and European Education Area; allow them to stay responsive to employers’ needs; to ensure employability throughout professional lives of graduates. The wider objectives are: to en ...
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This 2-year project aims at elaborating and disseminating a framework for the certification of higher education in the Oural region. The specific objectives are: "? 1 Analyse des méthodologies mises en oeuvre dans des pays ayant établi un CNC et production d’une méthodologie appropriée à la réalité du terrain dans la Fédération de Russie? 2 Analyse des certifications supérieures existantes dans le ...
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