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17 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects


Optimised food products for elderly populations (OPTIFEL)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Optilfel has as its ultimate goal to contribute to elders’ health by combating denutrition due to both physical capacities diminution and appetite loss. The concept of Optifel is to translate the knowledge on nutritional needs, food preferences and physical capacities into accurate specifications for food products and packaging. Food products (including packaging and food serving methods) will the ...
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EU-SOLARIS aims to create a new legal entity to explore and implement new and improved rules and procedures for reserach infrastructures (RI) for Solar Thermal Electricity (STE) technology, in order to optimise RI development and RTD coordination. According to what was communicated by ESFRI, EU-SOLARIS is expected to be the first of its kind, where Industrial needs and private funding will play a ...
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Coaches of SMEs: 5POINTS Trainings

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Numerical results obtained from both European Committee reports and national reports show the importance of SMEs for the economy of the country. Giving coaching trainings to these establishments which are so important for national development is vital in order to make them to contribute more to the country economy. After the financial crisis in Europe and carrying out examinations on SMEs, it is a ...
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"In order for the EC to achieve ambitious renewable energy targets there is a strong need to accelerate market penetration of Renewable Energy Systems (RES) in both industrial and domestic sectors. The domestic sector is of major significance, as it will reduce reliance on large centralized energy plants. There are several domestic options including solar thermal, solar electric, heat pump and bio ...
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Large Area Molecularly Assembled Nanopatterns for Devices (LAMAND)

Start date: Jul 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Scaling has driven the microelectronics industry for over 40 years and revolutionised information and communication technologies, health care, education, engineering, etc. Maintaining progress has becomes more challenging and costs of fabrication facilities are rising exponentially. Possible technical/cost solutions centre on development of ‘bottom-up’ techniques to (nano)pattern (the patterns yie ...
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Mechatronics term has been used since 1970 in The World, but Turkey introduced it in 2000’s by means of enterprises of some universities. However, SMEs, vocational high schools are still not so familiar with mechatronics term in Turkey. Application of mechatronics in factories is directly related with development of them. Additionally, rate of exportation of the products, construction and increasi ...
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Product development in the fashion industry in Europe is undergoing a dramatic change and it changes the way companies are coming together in this new collaboration landscape. One of the major problems of the clothing industry at the moment is that the overall level of skills and qualifications needs to be raised and, therefore, it is also necessary for training modules to respond to the continuou ...
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With the project we will give all schools opportunity to step fast forward into proven system of self evaluation, supported with Internet software. Partnership is aware that first step is most important and very hard to do, since there is too many variables. QUTE self-evaluation system offer complete methodology with all necessary tools to start Quality assurance groups in schools and assure teach ...
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TRAVORS2 has further developed and transferred the disability employment advisers’ course from an earlier project, TRAVORS (2008-10), embedding it into four further countries and languages (Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovenia and Turkey). TRAVORS developed a non-certificated course that was trialled in Austria, Estonia, Greece and Spain. TRAVORS2 has taken the basic principles and content from T ...
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Restaurants and school canteens are small places that serves many people. These enterprises are inadequate in food safety and hygiene issues due to that overnumbered small business and their incapable controls. An effective food safety and hygiene education are needed at EU level in restaurants and school canteens in consequence of people from all walks and especially for children who covers the l ...
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Reasons:? The domain of computing is fast changing and dynamically evolving. Education has to support close relations with innovations and research. The project tries to establish links between training, research and innovation by means of introducing advanced educational programmes in computing education (CE). ? The project consortium has successfully implemented and completed two thematic networ ...
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Tremendous changes are taking place in advanced industrial societies, caused by intended and unintended consequences of economic and technological development. The education sector is not an exception from such changes, since relevant developments pose several challenges for the transformation of the whole educational process, including educational curricula, learning materials, instructional prac ...
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This project is a try to integrate the efforts of partners mainly from NMS and AC to transfer the developed in the Leonardo da Vinci project “VET4e-Inclusion” idea for e-facilitator as instrument for e-Inclusion with it's curriculum, methodology, technology, experience, appropriate LMS, content and use case scenarios. Based on this the core idea of the project is an innovation transfer to Turkey ...
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The education sector is not an exception from such changes, since relevant developments pose several challenges for the transformation of the whole educational process, including educational curricula, learning materials, instructional practices and education stakeholders. Tourism, as a sector within the global economy, has operated and human resource characteristics that differentiate it from ot ...
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About 20 years ago a group of professionals from organisations of 6 European countries came together to create, for the tourism industry, an innovative general standard for L2 teaching and learning materials. The name of the project was ESB (co-financed by the EU), and the outcomes of the project were awarded with the EU Label in 2001.Some years later the ESB-Group, together with new partners, sta ...
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The project is aimed to develop and test a web-based virtual training solution in the area of Computer Numerical Control (CNC). This platform is expected to allow both the sharing of e-Learning material as well as fostering the development of electronic educational content for CNC. The core of the educational activities will be a new CNC curriculum developed on the basis of a survey analysis in th ...
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As is well-known mathematics is an abstract lecture. So it is hard to understand easily. The project aims to understand mathematics more easily using animations, interactive tests and ect.
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