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"This proposal aims at the discovery of robust transition-metal catalyzed transformations that can take place in aqueous media and cellular lysates, and are susceptible of being exported to living cells. Specifically, we will exploit the special coordination and activation ability of different metal complexes towards pi-systems to induce chemo-selective reactions of designed, abiotic, unsaturated ...
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In the Early Modern Age (16th-17th centuries) the construction of ocean-going ships was paramount to the development of cultural encounters in what became the Age of Discovery and European expansion. In the case of the Iberian Empires, the establishment of new trade routes brought up the need for armed merchantmen, galleons and smaller vessels, placing unprecedented demands on Iberian forests for ...
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Hot and dense QCD in the LHC era (HOTLHC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

QCD, the theory of strong interactions, has been defined as our most perfect physical theory, in part because its compact and apparently simple Lagrangian hides a plethora of emerging phenomena. The aim of the present project is to make the essential contributions to fully exploit the new possibilities of the Large Hadron Collider to characterise unexplored domains of QCD.Three main working plans ...
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The project eartH2Observe brings together the findings from European FP projects DEWFORA, GLOWASIS, WATCH, GEOWOW and others. It will integrate available global earth observations (EO), in-situ datasets and models and will construct a global water resources re-analysis dataset of significant length (several decades). The resulting data will allow for improved insights on the full extent of availab ...
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Rapidly developing markets such as green construction, energy harvesting and storage, advanced materials for aerospace, electronics, medical implants and environmental remediation are potential key application targets for nanomaterials. There, nanotechnology has the potential to make qualitative improvements or indeed even to enable the technology. Impacts range from increased efficiency of energy ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Agroforestry is the practice of deliberately integrating woody vegetation (trees or shrubs) with crop and/or animal systems to benefit from the resulting ecological and economic interactions. AGFORWARD (AGroFORestry that Will Advance Rural Development) is a four-year project, developed by 23 organisations at the forefront of agroforestry research, practice and promotion in Europe, with the goal o ...
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solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAta (CHANDA)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

"The CHANDA project main objective is to address the challenges in the field of nuclear data for nuclear applications and its acronym stands for solving CHAllenges in Nuclear DAtaThe project will prepare a proposal for an organization that will coordinate the nuclear data research program, and the infrastructures and capabilities of the EU Member States in a stable structure, well integrated with ...
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The BYEFOULING project will address high volume production of low toxic and environmentally friendly antifouling coatings for mobile and stationary maritime applications. The technology will fulfil the coating requirements as a result of the incorporation of novel antifouling agents and a new set of binders into coating formulations for maritime transportation and fishing vessels, floating devices ...
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IN-SENS is an interdisciplinary, cutting-edge European industry-academia collaborative effort for a novel training of scientists in molecular psychiatry with the prospect of discovering the biology of schizophrenia and actively promote drug discovery. Mental illnesses are a major burden to patients, relatives, and public health worldwide. IN-SENS therefore aims to profoundly change the academic-in ...
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Planar Atomic and Molecular Scale devices (PAMS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The PAMS project will explore all scientific and technological aspects of the fabrication of planar atomic and sub-molecular scale electronic devices on surfaces of Si:H, Ge:H, AlN, CaCO3 (calcite) and CaF2 with atomic scale precision and reproducibility. The sub-nanoscale devices will be made by combining ultra-precise Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) and non-contact-Atomic Force Microscopy ( ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

"This research project at the Institute of Heritage Sciences (INCIPIT) of the Spanish Council for Research (CSIC), aims to generate new scientific knowledge on the archeology and history of the early medieval rural churches and their value for cultural management in Galicia, in Northwest Spain. In this sense, this proposal aims to create a fruitful link between the applicant’s historical-archaeolo ...
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Despite the increasing number of macromolecules with potential impact in the treatment of devastating systemic diseases, these therapies have failed to deliver on their expectations because they cannot be administered in the fashion which is most cost efficient and has the highest patient compliance: the oral route. The availability of an oral form of administration could lead to a great improveme ...
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The PharmaSea project focuses on obstacles in marine biodiscovery research, development and commercialization and brings together a broad interdisciplinary team of academic and industry researchers and specialists to address and overcome these. The partners are ideally placed to demonstrate how to widen the bottlenecks and increase the flow of ideas and products derived from the marine microbiome ...
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Rethinking Finance for Stability and Development (ReFiSt)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

In the last 30 years the financial systems have grown enormously: new financial instruments have been introduced, intermediaries have expanded their activity well beyond their possibility, exposure to risk has increased almost in every country. The effect of this anomalous expansion of the financial system has been an increase in the perceived systemic risk and more instability. Because of this, f ...
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High Energy QCD for Heavy Ions (QCDHI)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"We have entered the fascinating era of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Both the searches for new physics in proton-proton collisions andthe investigations of the high-energy medium effects in heavy-ion (HI) collisions require a solid understanding of multiplegluonic interactions. With an increase in energy, gluon densities rise rapidly.When probed at very high energies, heavy nuclei and even ...
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p53 as a New Mediator of Energy Balance in the Brain (OBESITY53)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

p53 is a transcriptional factor modulating numerous biological actions. Although it is best known for its role in cancer development, it is now evident that it is implicated in metabolism. More specifically, p53 modulates energy metabolism and homeostasis through their effects on adipocyte development and function. However, nothing is known about the potential metabolic function of p53 in the cent ...
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"In order to ensure the supply of quality water for human consumption, irrigation and industrial operations, the number of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is expected to increase, simultaneously becoming ever more complex. One of the negative impacts that would involve the proliferation of WWTP is the emission of greenhouse gases, responsible for global warming. The main scientific objective of ...
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The genetic changes associated with domestication in aquaculture pose an increasing threat to the integrity of native fish gene pools. Consequently, there is a bourgeoning need for the development of molecular tools to assess and monitor the genetic impact of escaped or released farmed fish. In addition, exploration of basic links between genetic differences among farmed and wild fish and differen ...
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European pigs and cows jointly produce about 1.27 billion tonnes of manure per year, a largely unexploited resource of organic carbon and nutrients, and therefore an exquisite ‘mining’ opportunity. ManureEcoMine proposes an integrated approach to the treatment and reuse of animal husbandry waste in nitrate vulnerable and sensitive areas and beyond, by applying the eco-innovative principles of sust ...
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Industrial food production serves to satisfy basic human needs and the dairy industry accounts with 13% turnover for the total food and drink industry in Europe. The aim of the project SUSMILK is to initialise a system change within the whole process chain for market milk and milk products to minimise energy and water consumption and establish renewable energy resources. Milk processing is charact ...
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Dynamic Management of Physically Coupled Systems of Systems (DYMASOS)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The well‐being of the citizens in Europe depends on the reliable and efficient functioning of large interconnected systems, such as electric power systems, air traffic control, railway systems, large industrial production plants, etc. Such large systems consist of many interacting components, e.g. generation plants, distribution systems, and large and small consumers. The subsystems are usually ma ...
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Even though composite materials are more and more used in modern airframes, many significant improvements are still achievable. Firstly, the substitution of the assembly of many small composite parts by a single one-shot large part provides additional weight reduction. Secondly, the final assembly line process must be adapted to composite properties (lack of ductility, stiffness). Thirdly, if the ...
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Phenomenology of Heavy Ion Collisions at RHIC and the LHC (HICATLHC)

Start date: Sep 17, 2014, End date: Sep 16, 2016,

Relativistic heavy-ion collisions probe the fundamental structure and behaviorof matter at the highest temperatures ever achieved. Results from theRelativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have demonstrated the creation ofa strongly interacting, deconfined Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). New data, especiallyfrom higher-energy collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will soonprovide an opportunity t ...
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Planning for energy efficient cities (PLEEC)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

Today climate change causes serious problems to the societies worldwide and Europe starts to feel its consequences. At the same time European community is facing economical problems. One of the main producers of greenhouse gases is the non sustainable energy production and use. Therefore there is an urgent need to reduce energy use in most cost effective way.PLEEC will gather cities with innovativ ...
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The Francoist repression and the rearguard violence in the Spanish Civil War has been analysed from different points of views in the past. However, no investigation has yet tried to focus in the question of the perpetrators and the attitudes of ordinary people whilst violence was happening. This particular question is related to important issues about the way violence changed dramatically the natu ...
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European Particle physics Latin American NETwork (EPLANET)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

"The High Energy Physics (HEP) European scientific community has developed cutting-edge, large-scale facilities that make it a world leader. Particle Physics Programmes in Europe are attracting participation of groups from non-European countries, in particular from Latin America. In the reciprocal direction, the Pierre Auger Observatory for High Energy Cosmic Rays, recently established in Argentin ...
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Full use of the whey produced by the dairy industry (VALORLACT)

Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Background Cheese manufacture in the Basque region of Spain results in the production of some 25 million litres/yr of the waste by-product whey. Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained and has a high nutrient content, which can result in environmental problems if it is disposed of inappropriately. However, the high content of ...
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Design of new thermoelectric devices based on layered and field modulated nanostructures of strongly correlated electron systems
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The principal aim of this ITN is to examine the history of the transatlantic slave trade and its legacies from a variety of different angles. The idea is to hire thirteen Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and two Experienced Researchers (ERs) across Europe and a wide range of disciplines, including history, archaeology, sociology, heritage studies and genetics, to investigate various aspects of the s ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The aim of SPREE project is to identify potential Servicizing Policies and simulate their effect on absolute decoupling of economic growth and resource use, while achieving societal benefits. Servicizing Systems facilitate the transition from selling products to providing services. Except for ICT, these are still quite rare. SPREE is dedicated to promote the implementation of Servicizing Systems i ...
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The European Council Directive 96/62/EC about ambient air quality assessment and management, requires to States the periodical availability of information about air quality within their territories. Nevertheless, the available methods are expensive, which prevents they can be used in a large scale. Thus, at present it is necessary to have inexpensive and robust tools for monitoring air quality acr ...
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Green eMotion aims at enabling mass deployment of electromobility in Europe. To achieve this, major players from industry, the energy sector, municipalities as well as universities and research institutions have joined forces to develop and demonstrate a commonly accepted and user-friendly framework consisting of interoperable and scalable technical solutions in connection with a sustainable busin ...
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This proposal, CiguaTools has been developed to deal with a serious emerging problem thought by many to be caused by climate change. Put in basic terms, strains of harmful marine algae which produce deadly toxins and were only associated with tropical climates are emerging in European waters. Due to the complexity of the food chain these toxins accumulate in fish. While the fish themselves show no ...
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Monitoring the quality of drinking water is of paramount importance for public health. “Water is not a commercial product but a heritage that must be protected, defended and treated as such” (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC). The threat of waterborne diseases in Europe will predictably increase in the future as the human population increases and as a result of globalization and migration from ...
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"Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) started, 20 years ago, a devastating health and food crisis throughout Europe. Classical BSE is now under control as a result of the meat and bone meal ban. However, tonsil analyses suggest that there may be an alarmingly high number of asymptomatic PrPSc positive cases. Transmission through blood transfusion is another important concern, as are recent “atyp ...
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"Innovation is the most important engine of growth and jobs in knowledge-based bio-economies. The scope of BAMMBO (Biologically Active Molecules of Marine Based Origin) is ambitious. This is intentional. BAMMBO will provide innovative solutions to overcome existing bottle-necks associated with culturing marine organisms in order to sustainably produce high yields of value-added products for the ph ...
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The project aims to realise a strong methodology for the development and design of non volatile memories usign standard CMOS silicon process actually used for consumer electronics. Since standard silicon memories, such as other silicon devices for consumer market, fails under irradiation two different approaches are envisaged: the first one is to develop specific technological processes able to su ...
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Background The environmental framework plan of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (ACBC) has established some specific objectives for 2012, such as reducing by 45% the amount of municipal solid waste sent to landfill, and valorising as much as possible biodegradable waste. In the ACBC there are two municipal solid waste treatment plants and s ...
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Accurate Nuclear Data for nuclear Energy Sustainability (ANDES)

Start date: May 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2013,

"According to the recent publications of the European Technological Platform for a Sustainable Nuclear Energy (SNETP) (Vision report and Strategic Research Agenda) the sustainability require the combination of the present LWR, future Advanced Fast reactors and the waste minimization in closed cycles with Partitioning and Transmutation. To implement these new nuclear systems and their fuel cycles i ...
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The European flat oyster, has been part of the human diet for many centuries. High mortality episodes and overfishing decimated the populations of O.edulis in Europe through the first half of the XXth century. Then, two diseases (due to Marteilia refringens and Bonamia ostreae) spread in the early 1970s and 1980s, drastically reducing the production. Despite new management practices, and intensive ...
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