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11 European Projects Found

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Traveller Information System for the Adriatic Region (TISAR)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2015,

TISAR (Traveller Information System for the Adriatic Region) will raise a discussion over the theme of public transport data sharing and multimodal traveller information at political and technical level. The aim of the project is the implementation of an ICT platform where public transport and journey planning data will be merged and made available in the languages of the IPA Countries. The TISAR ...
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Adriatic Route for Thematic Tourism (ADRIATIC-ROUTE)

Start date: Nov 30, 2010, End date: Mar 30, 2015,

ADRIATIC-ROUTE represents a project that is based on the use of new ICT (information and communication technologies) as well as on the promotion of awareness and enhancement of the territory in culture and multimedia. It aims at promoting alternative forms of tourism in the Adriatic area through multimodal transport systems. The ultimate goal is to increase mobility in the participating regions fo ...
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The main purpose of this project is to improve coherence and consistency among risk assessments undertaken by the countries at national and local level, and especially in case of disasters intensified by climate change. The project builds on the EU Council conclusions on "Further Developing Risk Assessment for Disaster Management within the European Union" adopted in March 2011, that aims for a co ...
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Integrated Tourism Action Plans for SEE excellence  (InTourAct)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Tourism is a key economic activity for the SEE region that generates growth and employment. InTourAct project aims at ensuring an integrated approach in tourism development planning in terms of synergies with the sectoral policies related to tourism; in particular, InTourAct wants to promote not only the central tourist destinations but also the surrounding areas, towards the extension of the tour ...
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1. Background & problem to be addressed Cloud-based, virtualised IT platforms & infrastructures offer a strong potential to deliver cost-effective, scalable digital public services and to unlock regional growth and competitiveness. EC promotes a common EU Cloud Strategy as a means to help governments and citizens to access and develop advanced online services. The South East Europe (SEE) area suff ...
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Adriatic Health and Vitality Network (AHVN)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

Medical (health) tourism is an important economic niche, which can contribute to the growth of sustainable tourism in the Adriatic region. The region all the way from Slovenia to Montenegro can offer trusted European standards of healthcare, with sophisticated European flavor, rich historical and cultural heritage, as well as high quality, healthful options for gastronomy and comfortable accommoda ...
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METRIS Plus project idea was elaborated under the leadership of the Istrian development agency (IDA) by five different Adriatic cross-border partner regions as the follow-up initiative of the previous project that was successfully implemented by IDA and partners within Phare 2006 - New Adriatic Neighbourghood Programme. Within project IDA and its partners set up research centre ...
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Tex-EASTtile aims to spread and boost knowledge and application of environmental certification to products and processes in home textile and work wear within SEE area. Assuming that eco-design labels are synonym of high technical products and improved company culture, the project wants to contribute to the reinforcement of the competitive positioning of textile enterprises within the SEE area. Thi ...
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Problems addressed• Scarse coordination and programming of transnational and cross-border partnerships of EU regions with partners in the South Mediterranean shore and South-East Europe (neighbouring partners) and with external EU policies (MEDA, CARDS and future Neighbourhood instrument) Objectives• Identification of procedures to enhance the Regions’ role in the Interreg strategic programming (t ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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Coherently with general object 1.1 -Strengthening innovation capacities-� WIDER aims to contribute to the identification and strengthening of innovation capacities, knowledge management and networking of Mediterranean SMEs in order to reinforce their position in the energy sector and to increase their potential at transnational level. Indeed, WIDER aims at improving and sharing knowledge managemen ...
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