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Integrated Tourism Action Plans for SEE excellence  (InTourAct)
Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Tourism is a key economic activity for the SEE region that generates growth and employment. InTourAct project aims at ensuring an integrated approach in tourism development planning in terms of synergies with the sectoral policies related to tourism; in particular, InTourAct wants to promote not only the central tourist destinations but also the surrounding areas, towards the extension of the tourist season, a reduction of tourism concentration, environmental and economic sustainability and supply enhancement. The partnership is composed by 11 municipal, local and regional authorities from Italy, Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina and lead by Province of Rimini aims at create a virtuous participatory decision making processes through the identification of common principles and indicators for integrated and sustainable tourist development: the initiatives of IntourAct Project aim at increase the accessibility of the whole SEE tourist regions and at improve the tourist supply thus increasing the visibility of alternative tourist destinations and paths surrounding the main attractiveness centres. The state of play of tourism development and management plans in SEE area turn around big sized/medium cities, deepening the gap between urban and peri-urban/rural areas and limiting the development opportunities of integrated functional regions in SEE Area. The IntourAct Project aims at increase, integrate and diversify the sustainable tourist supply through 11 local action plans for Integrated and Sustainable Tourism at a NUTS3 level;increase accessibility and visibility of less developed tourist areas surrounding the main tourist destinations towards the concept of functional region through marketing campaign, executive projects for widening the geographic basis of tourism activities and application for entering European Destination of Excellence Network (EDEN);involve tourist stakeholders in planning territorial development through Local Forum and Transnational SEE Integrated and Sustainable Tourism Forum. Given the effect of the economic and financial crisis on tourism demand, the IntourAct Project aims at increasing use of IT tools for networking as a macro-regional level and linking the tourist supply and demand thanks to a common InTourAct Platform for connecting stakeholders and tourists to exchange knowledge and information developing common offers and travellers blog. The tourist industry faces also an environmental challenge: the InTourAct Project will realize regular impact assessment of tourism on the environment through 1 SEE Transnational Integrated and Sustainable Tourism Chart including methodological principles and indicators for assessing the impact of tourist activities. Moreover, thanks to 11 Action Plans for Integrated and Sustainable development of Tourism endorsed by the local authority and the stakeholders local forum developed within the project, the expected result is the extension of tourist season and use of sustainable approaches in tourist planning and management. Achievements: The final event of Intouract project in Campobasso took place ion 20th of September. The main topic was the presentation of the path "Landscapes and Passes: Travel in the Molise region between land and sea," developed within the European project INTOURACT, which was attended by the Province of Campobasso. It is a model for the promotion of sustainable tourism and consists of three different routes that depart from the mountain massif of Matese and arrive on the coast of Molise. Also, three maps were presented about various types of paths which can be traveled by bike, on horseback and on foot. Each route has been identified and described the environmental values (flora and fauna) and cultural values (traditions, archaeological sites, architectural emergencies) present along the routes.

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  • 85%   1 165 775,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants