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30 European Projects Found

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A Roadmap to the realization of fusion energy was adopted by the EFDA system at the end of 2012. The roadmap aims at achieving all the necessary know-how to start the construction of a demonstration power plant (DEMO) by 2030, in order to reach the goal of fusion electricity in the grid by 2050. The roadmap has been articulated in eight different Missions. The present proposal has the goal of impl ...
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Concentrating Solar Thermal Energy encompasses Solar Thermal Electricity (STE), Solar Fuels, Solar Process Heat and Solar Desalination that are called to play a major role in attaining energy sustainability in our modern societies due to their unique features: 1) Solar energy offers the highest renewable energy potential to our planet; 2) STE can provide dispatchable power in a technically and eco ...
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High Performance Capture - HiPerCap (HiPerCap)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

This proposal aims to develop high-potential novel and environmentally benign technologies and processes for post-combustion CO2 capture leading to real breakthroughs. The proposal includes all main separation technologies for post-combustion CO2 capture; absorption, adsorption and membranes. Enzyme based systems, bio-mimicking systems and other novel forms of CO2 binding will be explored. For eac ...
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The INNOVER-EAST project targets five countries of the Eastern Partnership (in short, EPCs: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine) to overcome the bottlenecks of innovation and intensify the level of cooperation between research and business in the target countries. The project aims, on the one hand, to develop new skills and competences in innovation services at relevant organisations ...
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Advanced Safety Assessment : Extended PSA (ASAMPSA_E)

Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan resulted from the combination of two correlated extreme external events (earthquake and tsunami). The consequences (flooding in particular) went beyond what was considered in the initial NPP design. Such situations can be identified using PSA methodology that complements the deterministic approach for beyond design accidents. If the performance of a Level 1 ...
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...fy the previously identified needs.The entire work dedicated to ALFRED project will be performed within the frame of strategic orientations to be compiled for the ALFRED project, and with the scientific, technical and regulatory advising of the costituendum provisional ALFRED consortium on one side, and of the Romanian Regulatory Body on the other side.Finally, Networking, Cooperation and Dissemin ...
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...spersion modelling to the inclusion of hydrological pathways for European water bodies. As the management of the Fukushima event in Europe was far from being optimal, we propose to develop means on a scientific and operational basis to improve information collection, information exchange and the evaluation for such types of accidents. This will be achieved through a collaboration of industry, rese ...
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The project in brief In the Mediterranean area, a large share of energy is consumed by households and in buildings. In addition to the dependence on fossil fuel, oil and natural gas, the primary energy demand is growing at a regular pace. Increasing the share of solar energy sources in the overall energy mix is a crucial goal for the Mediterranean area, as the exploitation of a sustainable renewab ...
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The main problem to be faced through the project is the poor efficiency and effectiveness of the policies to offset the relation among urban and rural areas and their development model. Such an inefficiency is due to the complexity to merge in an organic whole a lot of sectorial policies which have been carried out to tackle the critical situation in terms of loss of competitiveness, landscape deg ...
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European Nuclear Science and Applications Research (ENSAR)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014, different ion beams and energies. We have made great efforts to make the most efficient use of these facilities by developing the most advanced and novel equipment needed to pursue their excellent scientific programmes and applying state-of-the-art developments in nuclear instrumentation to other research fields and to benefit humanity (e.g. archaeology, medical imaging). Together with multidis ...
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...vities will be carried out by a partnership of stakeholders from EU and India involving public and private organizations that conceive and fund research programmes as well as representatives from the scientific community. Strong EU-India linkages will be created between on-going and future research and innovation projects with the aim to exploit cooperation synergies for sustainable development.Th ...
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Emissions from fossil fuels are the largest contributor to the anthropogenic greenhouse effect, so a reduction in fossil-energy use is a clear priority for the environment. Yet, because some emissions will be unavoidable, a responsible strategy also means actively withdrawing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Such carbon sequestration faces multi-faceted challenges: the net withdrawal of carbon ...
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Towards resource efficient urban communities in SEE  (RE-SEEties)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Resource efficiency is a top priority in the SEE policy-making agenda, especially in light of excessive consumption of energy due to users / inhabitants established behaviour, often uncontrolled waste production as well as lack of efficient coordination measures and awareness regarding how to use resources in a more conscious manner. The need to consider in resource management major externalities ...
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Key questions in physics can be answered only by constructing a giant underground observatory to search for rare events and study terrestrial and astrophysical neutrinos. The Astroparticle Roadmap of ApPEC/ASPERA strongly supports this, recommending that: “a new large European infrastructure of 100'000-500'000 ton for proton decay and low-energy neutrinos be evaluated as a common design study tog ...
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...he project start are concentrated especially in achieve 6 main groups outputs and results: - ORGANIZATION: Start up and consolidate main unities: Steering Committee, WP Coordinator team, Advisory and Scientific Group activities and assessment. - MANAGEMENT: Improve the certification procedures and the economic management of the project. - COMMUNICATION: Prepare the Communication plan and activate ...
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...d WP3), Implementation (WP3), Evaluation (WP4) and Knowledge Transfer (WP6) towards scientists and decision makers of both public and private sectors from the aforementioned emerging economies; scientific research needs and gaps (WP5) will be identified and listed in an inventory as well.The knowledge transfer (training – dissemination) includes a combination of training and of a continuous flow o ...
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...sment finally leading to economically-attractive concentrating photovoltaics. In APOLLON all the actors’ chain, from Universities, SME, Big Enterprise up to the final End-User will bring to present scientific valuable, exploitable and durable products, with results dissemination all around Europe."
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iNTeg-Risk is a large-scale integrating project aimed at improving the management of emerging risks in the innovative industry. This will be achieved by building a new risk management paradigm for emerging risks, which is a set of principles supported by a common language, commonly agreed tools & methods and Key Performance Indicators integrated into a single framework. As main impact, it will red ...
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The Black Sea Catchment is internationally known as one of ecologically unsustainable development and inadequate resource management, which has led to severe environmental, social and economic problems. EnviroGRIDS @ Black Sea Catchment aims at building the capacities of regional stakeholders to use new international standards to gather, store, distribute, analyze, visualize and disseminate crucia ...
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Severe Accident Research Network of Excellence 2 (SARNET2)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

...t phenomena; - Developing the ASTEC code (including its applicability to all types of European NPPs), which capitalizes in terms of physical models the knowledge produced within SARNET2; - Developing Scientific Databases, in which all the results of research programmes are stored in a common format (DATANET); - Developing education courses on severe accidents for students and researchers, and trai ...
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Sustainable and Innovative European Biogas Environment (SEBE)

Start date: Feb 28, 2010, End date: Feb 27, 2013,

Europe's current dependencies on imports of natural gas (and the willingness to delivery from its supplier states) have proven to be at valuable risk during recent years. When considering the projections of our growing energy demand during the next decades in relation to Europe's natural oil and gas resources it becomes clear that these dependencies will have tremendous pricing effects on our econ ...
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Co-ordination and Harmonisation of Advanced e-INfrastructures (CHAIN)

Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

Over the past 6 years, the EC has invested to extend the European eInfrastructure technology and European eInfrastructure (and particularly Grid) operational and organisational principles to a number of regions in the world, and reinforcing the close collaboration and exchange of know-how with similar technologies in other areas. A number of different collaboration models have thus been establishe ...
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"The proposal concerns the technology development for instruments with the following capabilities: (a) To make spectroscopic measurements with efficiency equivalent to that of NaI detectors and energy resolution close to that of HPGe devices but without using cryogenic systems. (b) To find the direction and the distance of the radioactive source. (c) To localize the source into a cargo and estim ...
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Sustainable e-Infrastructures across Europe and India (EU-IndiaGrid2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

EU-IndiaGrid2, capitalising on the achievements of the FP6 EU-IndiaGrid (EUIG1) project and huge developments in India on infrastructure and leveraging the expertise and experience obtained by its partners during EUIG1, will continue the momentum, attained in e-Infrastructures evolution in Europe and India, to create and ensure sustainable collaboration in many new areas of science, education and ...
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...nergy a transnational network of researchers and practitioners in bioenergy consulting business has been established in order to foster sustainable bioenergy use in Central Europe by transferring scientific knowledge into practice-oriented know-how. For the management of the network activities and knowledge exchange an innovative working platform, the so called Virtual Net was created. The followi ...
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The BIOPOLYSY proposal seeks to advance the development of innovative and readily applicable technologies to develop an efficient and competitive polygeneration system based on integration of landfill with solar system, reforming for the syngas production, ICE for electric generation and heating/cooling system for thermal energy requirements satisfaction.BIOPOLYSY demonstration project aims to enc ...
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GMES network of users (GNU)

Start date: Oct 1, 2007, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

Currently, the GMES user community is fragmented and incoherent, and, thus, unable to issue common and consolidated statements. GNU intends to initiate a structuring of the GMES demand side by setting up an independent platform that will become the focal point and mouthpiece of European GMES user needs, and, likewise, will foster a systematic dialogue between the stakeholder communities.GNU will a ...
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The overall objective of the SETatWork proposal is to undertake thematic promotion of energy efficiency and saving technologies in industry sectors connected with the carbon markets Core actions are:- Identification of concrete projects in ETS Companies (WP3)- Matchmaking events bringing market actors together for project realization (WP4)- Parallel project identification and match-making at CDM m ...
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Enabling Grids for E-sciencE III (EGEE-III)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010,

...through the Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project (EGEE and EGEE-II, 2004-2008) and its related projects. EGEE-II is consolidating the operations and middleware of this Grid for use by a wide range of scientific communities, such as astrophysics, computational chemistry, earth and life sciences, fusion and particle physics. Strong quality assurance, training and outreach programmes contribute to th ...
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The project ECO-SCP-MED is a 16-month project which aims at ensure sustainability across the supply chain of the main products and services in the MED area, whose cornerstone is fostering eco-innovation and competitiveness through transnational cooperation, integrating experiences and recommendations towards this objective. ECO-SCP-MED will integrate relevant outputs and mutualize experiences and ...
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