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Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Initiatives de coopération pour la formation forestière professionnelle dans lespace alpin transfrontalier franco-italien.
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Fomation des sapeurs-pompiers aux risques (FORMARISC)

Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Fomation des sapeurs-pompiers aux risques et opérations liés: 1) aux interventions en milieu confiné (incendies et accidents en tunnels) ; 2) aux interventions en milieu naturel d'altitude (feux de refuges, avalanches, accidents de téléportés, catastrophes naturelles, secours aquatiques ... ) ; 3) aux interventions NRBC (nucléaire, radiologique, bactériologique, chimique).
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Start date: Jan 13, 2013, End date: Jan 13, 2015,

Le projet "DEGUST'ALP" vise à développer des méthodologies reproductibles permettant.aux populations transfrontalières de s'approprier les produits agricoles locaux et pour renforcer le lien entre consommateurs et producteurs afin de renforcer le sentiment d'appartenance au territoire rural en faisant prendre conscience de ses richesses.
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Designing an operating system and non-experimental data acquisition and analysis due to transport dangerous goods (TDG). The system must be shared and accessible by all partners and interested stakeholders and aimed at a more effective and efficient government of the territory. In addition, all stages of the project are characterized by the maximum reuse of existing experience on the subject, ...
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In the context of climate change and consequent changes in patterns hydrological and meteorological management of natural hazards, particularly important and widespread within the territorial limits of the program Italy-Switzerland, is not possible without an approach integrated, comprehensive and participated in a position to develop new strategies to adapt to climate change so as to plan the ...
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Campo base dell’Espace Mont-Blanc / Camp de base de l'espace Mont-Blanc

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Il progetto intende costruire e attivare un dispositivo comune di monitoraggio, di conoscenza e di gestione del territorio del Monte Bianco. Concepito per favorire un clima sociale ed economico attento alla protezione e all’economia delle risorse, il Campo Base sviluppa una serie di strumenti coordinati, in grado di rendere più efficaci le iniziative locali di sviluppo sostenibile e di permettere ...
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Il progetto strategico PEEF "Educazione e formazione" mira a promuovere l'inserimento e la mobilità delle popolazioni trasfrontaliere con la prospettiva di un'apertura europea.
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The strategic plan involves the transboundary territories of Central Government and involves the construction of a technological platform enabling the spread of information and computer services, addressed to: PA SMEs and a consumer in the general areas Alpine border. Pilot services will be implemented that will cover the following topics: -spatial information sharing and dissemination and im ...
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Focus of the project is the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) - cross-border communities: its discovery, understanding, appreciation and transmission between generations through the use and testing of tools innovative communication. The ICH linked to the exploitation of rural areas and mountain plays a key role in the development of sustainable local economies as potential attraction of rest ...
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With the expected Climate Change (CC), the ecological conditions for forests in the Alpine Space will be fundamentally changing – with unknown effects on the forests essential protective, ecological, economical and social functions. Under different climate and land-use change scenarios only an adaptive management can provide the conservation of the natural heritage and the multiple functions. MANF ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

In relazione agli obiettivi comunitari, il progetto ha l'obiettivo di fornire alle Regioni ed agli Enti strumenti per migliorare ed armonizzare le basi conoscitive e metodologiche relative ai processi di pianificazione della tutela della qualità dell'aria in modo da individuare strategie comuni di tutela nello spazio transfrontaliero.
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2012,

Iniziative di cooperazione per 10 sviluppo delle fonti di energia rinnovabili (bosco e acqua) neIle Alpi Occidentali, il risparmio energetico e la riduzione delle emissioni di gas ad effetto serra
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Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

La fenologia, l'alternarsi delle fasi di sviluppo annuale degli esseri viventi, è influenzata dalle condizioni climatiche stagionali ed è quindi sensibile ai cambiamenti climatici. PHENOALP intende approfondire le conoscenze sulla fenologia nelle Alpi, creare una rete di osservazione, definire un metodo integrato comune di analisi e sensibilizzare il grande pubblico coinvolgendolo nel monitoraggio
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Start date: Jun 30, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2011,

Le popolazioni dellarco alpino hanno forgiato lungo i secoli unidentità ricca che si nutre di una storia e di savoir faire comuni. Affinché le popolazioni locali prendano coscienza del valore di questo patrimonio, degli studi e delle esposizioni assicureranno la raccolta, la trasmissione e la valorizzazione di questa memoria, suscitando in questo modo la diversificazione dellofferta culturale.
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Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2010,

Il progetto è volto alla promozione, alla diffusione ed allo scambio di conoscenze della pratica della "Peer Education". Questa strategia educativa mira ad attivare un processo naturale di passaggio di conoscenze e di esperienze da parte di giovani istruiti e ben motivati ad altri membri di pari status (per età, sesso e interessi) al fine di renderli responsabili e proteggere la loro salute.
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Alpine Mobility Check (AlpCheck)

Start date: Jun 30, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

AlpCheck objective is to create an informative system able to manage data coming from the existing monitoring systems in the Alpine area. It should be global but it will have to adapt itself to the characteristics of each userThe system has to adapt itself to multiple requirements and various contexts and different typologies of travelTasks integrated with the system and develop through pilot proj ...
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"Climate change, impacts and adaptation strategies in the Alpine Space” is a strategic project with the aim to give concrete input to a future Alpine Space Programme based on conclusions about the type of climate changes in the Alpine Space and its potential effects. By a general assessment of historical climate changes and its impacts as well as by climate models, future scenarios and their effec ...
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VIADVENTURE is based on the results of the VIA ALPINA project, developed within Interreg IIIB Alpine Space from 2001 to 2004. This project has established the Via Alpina "product", a network of hiking trails throughout the Alps, complete with basic information documents, an on-line database and specific marking and information panels along the trails. Also, it produced an international Quality Gui ...
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The project will improve and integrate instruments to support the management of environmental resources in alpine areas, in particular water. This goal will be achieved by adopting innovative techniques for monitoring and reconstructing the time evolution of meteo-hydrological processes.The competence areas of the partners cover uniformly the central-eastern Alps, where the territories of various ...
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The project RegioMarket aims at developing and implementing a corporate sustainable branding and marketing strategy for the Alpine Space (AS) focussed on three core economic sectors, namely, food, services (tourism and gastronomy) and renewable energies. The strategy will consider existing experiences within AS in order to develop a best-practice approach. The latter will contribute to the promoti ...
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Terraced landscapes of the Alpine arc (ALPTER)

Start date: Nov 30, 2004, End date: Mar 29, 2008,

Project ALPTER has been built to contrast the disappearence of agricultural terraced areas: a problem of great span, with consequences as loss of productive land and increase of natural hazard, damage to bio-diversity and cultural heritage; so much to deserve attention of international institutions as UNESCO and UNCCD.Working in areas all over Alps, the project will collect knowledge, develop tech ...
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The project aims at developing a network involving public institutions and farmers of Alpine Space at a transnational level, to enhance social and economical conditions of local populations, to preserve environment in the marginal mountain lands and to valorise Alpine cultural heritage and traditions with sustainable models. Main activities foreseen: enhancement of organic livestock production co ...
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The „Alpine Awarenes“ project partners follow a common main strategy of contributing to sustainability in transport in the Alpine Region, thus promoting a new, sustainable way of life in the Alps.Alpine Awareness deals with the provision and dissemination of information about sustainable development in the transport and mobility sector, which are important instruments for the creation resp. streng ...
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Seismic hazard and alpine valley response analysis (SISMOVALP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2003, End date: Mar 30, 2007,

Due to tourism and industrial development, urbanised areas located on deep-filled sediment alpine valley have undergone massive development. In the last decade, many seismological studies have shown that vibrations due to earthquakes are strongly amplified by alpine-specific soil conditions. Therefore, the fast building expansion in the alpine environment may have not been regulated by adequate le ...
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Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Sep 29, 2006,

ALPS MOBILITY II focusses on transnational and transsectoral co-operation to promote sustainable development in the Alpine Region by providing a combination of transalpine measures for ecotourism and ecomobility. The project centers on an innovative ecotourism and ecomobility package called „Alpine Pearls“, by linking the protection of the ecologically sensitive Alpine Space, the creation of envi ...
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Due to social and economic changes there has been a gradual tranformation of the arts & crafts of the Alpine area.Cultural heritage and traditional techniques are disappearing because of aboandonment of alpine territory and of little consideration new generations have for field.Project aims at bringing out arts & crafts through creation of synergies with tourism. After a careful analysis of trad ...
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The historical pattern and socio-economic system of towns and villages in Alpine space are important both for local culture and European identity The aims of the project are to protect and enhance that common heritage, improving the knowledge on characteristic features of historical alpine settlements and promoting integrated sustainable policies for interventions, taking into account different a ...
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The project consists in establishing Via Alpina as the first identified hiking route linking the eight Alpine countries: Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Monaco. The trail network links sites of high natural and cultural value throughout the Alps and emphasises the common Alpine identity. Multilingual tools are developed to insure its efficient promotion an ...
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« CASTRUM » s’interesse aux villes mineures de la côte occidentale de la Méditerranée, souvent caractérisées par la présence de châteaux, de donjons et de remparts. Le projet a pour objectif de valoriser ces villes en utilisant leurs bâtiments comme points d’excellence pour des activités culturelles, d’animation, et de documentation. Il s’agit d’améliorer l’action publique dans le domaine de la ge ...
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Le projet s’intéresse aux systèmes de transport de tous types en vue d’améliorer l’accès aux réseaux et de garantir l’intermodalité. Il vise à contribuer à l’amélioration des niveaux d’accessibilité aux transports, de l’échelle transnationale à l’échelle locale, pour favoriser la mobilité des personnes et des marchandises. Les actions du projet constituent, dans leur ensemble, un dessein organique ...
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VREM : The Mediterranean Roman Routes (VREM)

Start date: Dec 31, 2001, End date: Oct 29, 2004,

Les voies romaines constituent un important élément du patrimoine de la Méditerranée qui présente de nombreux atouts et un grand potentiel de développement, mais qui doit en permanence faire face à de nombreuses menaces, renforcées par labsence actuelle dune approche densemble, concertée et opérationnelle dans une perspective de durabilité. Dans le but de rendre cohérente et effective à long terme ...
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ENPLAN : Environmental Assessement of plans and programs (ENPLAN)

Start date: Jun 30, 2001, End date: Jun 29, 2004,

« Enplan » s’intéresse à la définition d’une méthodologie d’Evaluation Environnementale Stratégique Expérimentale conforme aux objectifs de la directive communautaire 2001/42/CE. Cette directive concerne l’évaluation des effets de certains plans et programmes sur l’environnement ; elle fixe les principes généraux du système d’évaluation et en définit le champ d’application, permettant aux États-me ...
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Acquisition de références communes et mise en relation de chercheurs, agriculteurs, collectivités et gestionnaires, dans le but de faire émerger à moyen terme des programmes intégrés de gestion des aquiferes, sur la base de relations concertées entre les différents usagers de lespace. ...
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Favoriser lintégration de loffre touristique de la Haute-Savoie et de la Vallée dAoste, sappuyant sur des expériences pilotes et sur la création dun réseau qui facilite la collaboration et la synergie entre les deux versants de la frontière. Achievements: Conception du ...
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Renforcer le laboratoire des transports dans ses fonctions d'observation et stratégiques : définition de contenus, développement de partenariat dans l'Arc alpin, améliorer les services d'information et de gestion des données sur les flux de trafic, favoriser l'intégration dans la gestion des 3 points de passage (Mt Blanc, Fréjus, Vintimille), création d'une base de données fiable, créer et tester ...
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Valoriser et sauvegarde du patrimoine artistique et culturel. Renforcer l'identité culturelle et l'habitat traditionnel (espace rural, montagne et lac). Interpréter l'héritage culturel au moyen de la valorisation de la mémoire historique. Offrir sur le marché du tourisme culturel de nouveaux produits intégrés. ...
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Favoriser lintégration de loffre touristique de la Haute-Savoie et de la Vallée dAoste, sappuyant sur des expériences pilotes et sur la création dun réseau qui facilite la collaboration et la synergie entre les deux versants de la frontière. Achievements: Conception du ...
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Réduire les impacts environnementaux en fournissant des techniques pour le traitement des eaux et des effluents d'élevage, valables et applicables dans différentes situations d'exploitation et de production des fromageries. Achievements: Etudes et expérimentations conce ...
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Apporter aux partenaires institutionnels concernés les éléments techniques pour évaluer les technologies les plus aptes à fournir des acces à bande large et des services avancés aux administrations, aux usagers et aux entreprises, en particulier ceux situés dans les territoires désavantagés et exclus de l'innovation, grace à des réseaux wireless et CPL. ...
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Approfondir la connaissance du patrimoine fortifié et en favoriser la réhabilitation et la valorisation, Inclure dans un réseau fonctionnel les édifices de ce patrimoine fortifié en tenant compte des potentialités de valorisation touristique du territoire alpin. Achievements: ...
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