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33 European Projects Found

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REsources from URban BIo-waSte (RES URBIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

RES URBIS aims at making it possible to convert several types of urban bio-waste into valuable bio-based products, in an integrated single biowaste biorefinery and by using one main technology chain. This goal will be pursued through: - collection and analysis of data on urban bio-waste production and present management systems in four territorial clusters that have been selected in different cou ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

JUMP TO EUROPE is a project designed for enhancing IES HELIOPOLIS's international scope , that has some experience on the matter as a consecquence of the specific participation in other projects the aims of the project are:- To develop an international dimension of the Centre- To improve the offer- To offer the possibility for some students of doing international internships that will be validated ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

The project “Transiti” is promoted by Ce.S.F.Or. that has already successfully realized IVT and PLM mobility projects within the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme , in the tourism, hotel and catering field. The project Consortium is made of public and private organizations and covers the regions of Central and Southern Italy, in which high rates of youth unemployment can be found .The ...
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End date: Aug 29, 2016,

The “LIBRARY. I LOVE IT!” project started a cooperation between eight municipal libraries from Austria, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Poland, Spain, the Czech Republic and Turkey. The focus of the project was to expose the role of contemporary libraries in the life of local European communities as vital centers of lifelong learning. It aim was the development and acquirement of competencies by the par ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

"Inasmuch as it is expected that cork stoppers will continue to be the preferred choice of wine bottlers, it is necessary to address a major drawback associated with the use of cork. Cork taint refers to a common fault in wine, associated with the presence of haloanisole compounds (particularly, 2,4,6-trichloroanisole or TCA) in large enough concentrations above 2ppt (2ng/l) to degrade the sensori ...
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Background The project focuses on a relatively recently recorded threat to wolf conservation, namely interbreeding with domestic dogs. Wolves and dogs are biologically the same species but, while wolves are biologically natural, dogs are a product of artificial selection managed by humans. Over the past twenty years, sightings of wolves in Tuscany with mo ...
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Background The Mediterranean dune habitats located along the coasts are characterised by the EU priority habitat coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. (2250*); embryonic shifting dunes (2110); shifting dunes along the shoreline with Ammophila arenaria (2120 `white dunes`); wooded dunes with forests of Pinus pinea and/or P. pinaster (2270). These habitats face ...
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Commons for Europe (Commons4EU)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Cities face a scenario characterized by shrinking budgets, increasing demands of services from their citizens and the need to reinvent themselves in their quest to become Smart Cities.Simultaneously, the Internet brought new opportunities to orchestrate collaboration, fostering the creation of a large base of commons in code, user generated contents and even telecom infrastructures with the emerge ...
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Smart City Service Development Kit and its Application Pilots (CitySDK)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

We will produce three large-scale pan-European smart city service pilots in the eight partner cities. The pilots are in the domains of smart mobility, smart participation and smart tourism. A combination of city organisations' leadership, collaboration between the cities, and a large amount of partners' relevant existing services, interfaces, software, practices and standards in these domains are ...
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Background The beneficiary has already taken part in LIFE Nature projects aiming at protecting the population of brown bear (Ursus arctos) in Italy. These bears, which almost disappeared from the country in the last decades of the 20th Century, still appear to be under threat as a result of a lack of robust scientific knowledge, habitat degradation, and ...
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Background In Italy, recycling and energy recovery are constrained by a lack of industrial recycling companies, awareness of the issues, and suitable collection systems. The Pontine Plain (Agro Pontino) is a vaste area ‘reclaimed’ from the marshes and characterised by unplanned urban development and intensive agricultural practice. This environmental ...
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...romoting sustainable tourism. The project will also demonstrate that it is possible to produce energy with local resources close to the place where they are intended for use, by developing short (sub-provincial) energy supply chains. Specific objectives of the project include: To contribute to the reduction of the carbon footprint of the Province of Viterbo; To demonstrate that local and renew ...
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More Reusing & More Recycling ( &

Start date: Jan 2, 2010, End date: Jul 2, 2012,

Background Waste-management costs continue to rise in the face of ever-increasing waste production and the increasingly hazardous nature of many waste streams. An emerging approach to waste management has been based on the polluter pays principle. However, the most successful management is likely to be based on exploiting the potential resources of curren ...
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"The aim of the supporting action titled "Raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment", MOVE TOGETHER project, is to build an awareness raising exercise to let people become fully: 1conscious of the sustainability implications of transport in the urban context, 2 aware of what EU transport research is doing and how research results c ...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet OBSIND a comme but de créer un instrument qui serve à connaître la situation actuelle des différents secteurs industriels. Un observatoire de lindustrie sera créé pour effectuer des études sur les marchés ainsi que sur la possible internationalisation des compagnies locales, sur la législation applicable pour mener et harmoniser des procédures administratives et financières, pour établir ...
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Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

Le projet vise à mettre en place des méthodologies qui peuvent permettre des interventions de restauration territoriale dans le but de reconstruire le paysage en promouvant particulièrement les espaces verts et d’intervenir pour rendre plus agréable et vivable les lieux dégradés qui offrent aujourd’hui une faible valeur attractive.
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Sustainable industrial area model (SIAM)

Start date: Oct 1, 2004, End date: Sep 30, 2007,

Background Industrial areas designated in zoning regulations are often located in suburban areas and supplied with infrastructure appropriate to carrying-out production and related business activities. Industrial areas in which the presence of SMEs is predominant, are also often equipped with centralized environmental management facilities in order to min ...
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NautisMed : For the touristic regions (NautisMed)

Start date: Jun 30, 2005, End date: Jun 29, 2007,

Pour les régions touristiques, il est de plus en plus nécessaire de chercher de nouveaux produits de qualité, qui respectent lenvironnement et qui représentent une alternative faisable au modèle traditionnel de tourisme. Le tourisme nautique est un segment identifié comme permettant datteindre ces objectifs (navigation à voile ou à moteur, surf, planche à voile, canoë-kayak, motonautisme, …), comb ...
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L'objectif du projet SPACE est de créer un Modèle de Monitorage de contrôle urbanistique, de lenvironnement, culturel et économique de certains espaces de la Méditerranée Occidentale ayant une grande sénsibilité environnementale (pour la pluspart zones cotières, zones humides territoires formés par de couches fluviales ou marines) menacés par lexpansion urbanistique et/ou économique. Il s'agit éga ...
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Le projet SEDEMED II a développé une approche intégrée et partagée pour fournir une évaluation fiable est basé sur une norme commune de qualité, concernant les mesures et la quantification des ressources en eau disponibles et prévus, ce système était fonctionnel pour fournir des méthodes et des manuels bonnes pratiques sur la collecte et le traitement des données, les modèles de prévisions à court ...
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« REVER MED » sintéresse aux voies de communication au sein des espaces urbains et périurbains. Il a pour objectif principal de mettre en place un réseau de voies de communication autonomes destiné au transport non motorisé (donc non-polluant et respectueux de lenvironnement). Ce réseau devrait ainsi être constitué principalement de voies vertes, de voies faisant partie du patrimoine culturel natu ...
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PEIRA (from ancient Greek πειραʹ: experience, direct knowledge of something acquired over time by means of observation and practice) is a multilateral project financed within the LLP - Leonardo da Vinci - Transfer of Innovation and addresses the priority "Transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications”.The issue of recognition and certification of prior learning acquired in non-for ...
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E.V.A. project was realised in 4 different countries: Italy, Greece, Spain as well as the United Kingdom. The project aimed at:- Training vocational guidance counselors of the countries concerned in the methodology of the Video-CV process of creation and management;- Realising more than 100 Video-CV of job seekers in the countries concerned.The background of the project was focused on the dynamics ...
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Taking advantage of results achieved through previous project TALAS, E-WINE Project has realized:- the transfer and adaptation of innovative on-line learning solutions for vocational training in the wine sector.- the design and testing of a first European on line course for "Cellarman" (operator of critical winemaking processes)developing key competence to manage winemaking and to guarantee the q ...
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Within the context of the current economic crisis and the consequent rise in unemployment, the recognition of skills and competences is an important tool for improving and career growth. Recognizing the learning processes by experiences gained in the workplace leads to an added value for both the employer and the employee.Taking into account the background gained on these areas through the past ex ...
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The e-GoV project will develop, pilot and introduce an open and distance ‘professional training’ model based upon e-learning processes targeted at the e-Governement sector, which will be further integrated into an online platform for the delivery of services addressed to public administration and operators of e-Government. In addition, the project will trial a permanent observatory for e-Governmen ...
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The project objectives focus on the improvement of know-how transfer processes and the development of innovative learning and teaching methods in the field of fracture mechanics and structural integrity (with particular reference to concrete and ceramic materials) by means of teaching materials using e-learning and new technologies. Target groups are managers, technicians and engineers involved in ...
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A virtual European guidance community : The Guidenet project establishes a transnational network of expertise to gather together guidance initiatives, evaluate and comment upon them and to disseminate them as widely as possible within the guidance communities in Europe. Project website and ICT platforms serve as a discussion forum for network members. Registration online is open to individuals and ...
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The aim of the COME SI FA project is to develop innovative methodologies for training architects and engineers in the construction sector. In practice the project will contribute to research development in the sector of multimedia teaching applications and provide a service for the development of active learning in this field.The project's chief result will be a multimedia database containing info ...
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The project aims at developing training tools and contents based on e-learning in order to improve the management and quality of education and training. More specifically, the project will design, developing, test and validate a set of instruments that facilitate comparisons and exchanges of different experiences and materials among operators in different situations in coherence with the Lisbon ob ...
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The ERGO-IN-NET project aims at improving the European dimension of guidance through the widespread dissemination of training methodologies, materials & tools and information resources, able to be used by the European Guidance counsellor. This dissemination is to be assured through a series of networking activities involving different actors at the European level (Universities, members of the Leon ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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The EUGENE Network aims at improving the impact of European Engineering Education (EE) on competitiveness, innovation andsocio-economic growth in a global context. This goal will be achieved by setting–up and a top-level “discussion & action” forum tomonitor and support the continuous evolution of EE in the EHEA and to open its competition and cooperation borders beyondEurope. Indeed, although Eur ...
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