Search for European Projects

8 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The building sector, responsible for about 40% of the EU's total final energy consumption and CO2 emissions, provides many cost-efficient opportunities for action, while contributing at the same time to the welfare of EU citizens. The EU is making a real effort to improve the energy efficiency of Europe's buildings and recently revised its legislation to prompt faster improvements. The Energy Perf ...
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The considerable lack of entrepreneurial initiatives in some European regions makes it essential that the public sector takes an active role in supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular in those less developed regions both in EU-15 and new member states territories performing below EU average in terms of productivity, employment rate and R&D expenditure. Most of these territ ...
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The project copes with the mobility problems in areas affected by weak demand of transport, characterized by inefficient public transport systems and widespread use of private car. Aim of the project is to enhance, support, integrate local public transport making it more flexible and less expensive through: creation of networks, experimentation of light mobility, infomobility and intermodal transp ...
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Women East Smuggling Trafficking (WEST)

Start date: Dec 31, 2002, End date: Jul 30, 2005,

... involved the Emilia-Romagna region, the General Health and Social Policies Direction, as project leader. Partners of the project have been the regions of Lombardia, Veneto and Marche, the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Municipality of Perugia, the Caritas of Udine, the association "On the Road" of Martinsicuro (Teramo), the Austrian association "Mountain Unlimited" and the Albanian Ministry o ...
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The importance of ‘writing and reading’ in a lifelong learning/training action (from basic skills of expression to creative writing) is in the ‘core business’ of many education and culture projects (WRITERS IN SCHOOL SCHEME, MORE ART!, LITTERATURNET, PROMOTION OF READING, EUROLITERATUR, BABEL WEB ANTHOLOGY- see "Réalisation d'une étude relative à l'inventaire des meilleures pratiques liant la cult ...
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This TN project brings together within a single network all actors in HE in chemistry and chemical engineering in Europe. There are schools, universities, industries, national chemical societies, and accreditation bodies. The project brings all these actors together to collaborate in the development of a knowledge based economy, specifically in chemistry and chemical engineering. The project:- wil ...
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Start date: May 2, 2009,

HuRiSu is a multidisciplinary intensive programme combining a series of different kind of cultural initiatives aiming at facilitating intercultural dialogue and creating and sharing the belonging to European citizenship (students, teachers, employers of local entities and general public). Main activities to be developed are educaiotnal workshops in schools dealing with human rights history with a ...
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Green Public Procurement (GPP) is a process where public authorities seek to procure goods and services with a reduced environmental impact throughout their life-cycle, when compared to goods and services with the same primary function than would otherwise be procured (COM (2008) 400). The main project objective is to support cities, municipalities, regions involved in adopting innovative solution ...
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