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European Gram Negative Antibacterial Engine (ENABLE)

Start date: Feb 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2020,

The intensive use and misuse of antibiotics has resulted in some level of antibiotic resistance in essentially all human bacterial pathogens. There is a growing concern that the loss of therapeutic options will present us with a post-antibiotic era where present and future medical advances are negated. Resistant bacteria dramatically reduce the possibilities of treating infections effectively, a ...
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Blood-based biomarkers such as Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs), circulating free tumor DNA (cfDNA) and microRNAs (miRNAs) have the potential to improve the development of personalized medicines for cancer patients. This is of particular importance when biopsies of the primary tumor or metastases are not accessible (e.g. at early disease stages or in minimal residual disease) or possible and the ass ...
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DESIRE will focus on epileptogenic developmental disorders EDD, i.e. early onset epilepsies whose origin is closely related to developmental brain processes. A major cause of EDD are malformations of cortical development (MCD), either macroscopic or subtle. EDD are often manifested as epileptic encephalopathies (EE), i.e. conditions in which epileptic activity itself may contribute to severe cogni ...
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"Background: A significant proportion of pre-diabetics, show macro and micro vascular complications associated with hyperglycaemia. Although many trials have demonstrated the efficacy of lifestyle and pharmaceutical interventions in diabetes prevention, no trial has evaluated the extent to which mid- and long-term complications can be prevented by early interventions on hyperglycaemia.Aims: To ass ...
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Fanconi anemia (FA) is a rare inherited syndrome characterized by the early development of bone marrow failure and increasing predisposition to cancer with age. Allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (alloHCT) is the only curative therapy for hematopoietic manifestations of FA, although associated with complications arising from myeloablation, graft versus host disease and increased inciden ...
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Macroeconomics and Financial History (MACROHIST)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

"The current macroeconomic and financial crisis has given rise to a vigorous debate about the state of macroeconomics and macroeconomic training. Among the voices arguing most strongly for a change in the way that young macroeconomists are trained are those coming from employers in the private and public sector. Strikingly, many employers are also arguing that a knowledge of economic history might ...
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Joint Operation for Ultra Low Emission Shipping (JOULES)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: May 31, 2017,

Reducing emissions from shipping has increasingly become a challenge over the last years, both as a counter measure against global climate change and to protect local environments and population from waste, gas emissions and noise.This challenge has been documented both in policy papers, like the Europe 2020 initiative or the Transport White Paper, and in rules and regulations issued by IMO as wel ...
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IS-ENES2 is the second phase project of the distributed e-infrastructure of models, model data and metadata of the European Network for Earth System Modelling (ENES). This network gathers together the European modelling community working on understanding and predicting climate variability and change. ENES organizes and supports European contributions to international experiments used in assessment ...
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High-Resolution Solar Physics Network (SOLARNET)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

This project aims at integrating the major European infrastructures in the field of high-resolution solar physics. The following actions will be taken: (i) realise Trans-national Access to external European users; (ii) enhance and spread data acquisition and processing expertise to the Europe-wide community; (iii) increase the impact of high-resolution data by offering science-ready data and facil ...
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Multipurpose hemp for industrial bioproducts and biomass (MULTIHEMP)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

Hemp is a sustainable high yielding crop well adapted to most European conditions, with advantageous environmental and agronomical characteristics. Traditionally cultivated for the fibres, seeds and psychoactive substances, it is now considered an ideal crop to produce innovative biomaterials. Once a key industrial crop for fibre, hemp production declined in the last century and was displaced by c ...
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"The project aims to identify the key semi-natural habitats (SNH), outside and within crops, providing essential ecological services (ES). Vegetation traits will be linked to potential ES provision, case studies will measure actual ES levels and inform models which will show unused opportunities and trade-offs among ES by SNH from habitat to landscape scale. This will be achieved for a range of re ...
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Impacts of Environmental Conditions on Seed Quality (EcoSeed)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

"Seed quality is of paramount importance to agriculture, food security and the conservation of wild species. Considerable economic losses result from sub-optimal seed performance, undermining food security and livelihoods. Seed quality is strongly influenced by the environmental stresses experienced by the mother plant. Climate change will further exacerbate economic losses and decrease the predic ...
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Future Internet - Core (FI-Core)

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

FI-WARE has started to materialize as a powerful foundation for the Future Internet. FI-WARE is an innovative, open cloud-based infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, at a scale not seen before. FI-WARE is now well under way to successfully achieve its goals of boosting the effectiveness of creating new services of high economic and societal value, reinforcing EU comp ...
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Environmental Acclimation of Photosynthesis (ACCLIPHOT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

AccliPhot is an interdisciplinary, intersectorial research andtraining network devoted to study photosynthetic acclimation processesin plants and algae. We will train 13 early-stage researchers (ESRs)and 1 experienced researcher (ER) in cutting-edge experimentaltechnologies, modern modelling approaches, industrial applications anda wide spectrum of complementary and industry-relevant skills. In th ...
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HoliDes addresses development and qualification of Adaptive Cooperative Human-Machine Sys-tems (AdCoS) where many humans and many machines act together, cooperatively, in a highly adaptive way. They adapt to each other and to the context to guarantee fluent and cooperative task achievement. Such systems with higher levels of automation are urgently needed to enhance safety and to increase the conf ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Preparing NUGENIA for HORIZON 2020The objective of the NUGENIA+ project is to support the NUGENIA Association in its role to coordinate and integrate European research on safety of the Gen II and III nuclear installations in order to better ensure their safe long term operation, integrating private and public efforts, and initiating international collaboration that will create added value in its a ...
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MESA - Maritime Europe Strategy Action - FOSTER Waterborne (MESA)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Maritime Europe Strategy Action (MESA – FOSTER WATERBORNE), main strategic objective (in line with WATERBORNE-TP) is to strengthen the effectiveness of the research and innovation capacities of the European maritime industry, by:- Optimization of the European maritime RDI strategies- Improvement of the stakeholders network, of the dissemination, of the use of the research results, and increasing t ...
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OPerating RAck For Full-Electric Vehicle (OPERA4FEV)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

To improve deployment of electrical vehicles in Europe, large scale production processes for Rack, cells and electrical components need to be developed. The OPERA4FEV project aims to develop a cost effective innovative thermoplastic battery rack, able to integrate any type of cylindrical cells. The solution proposed by OPERA4FEV project, adaptable to any Full Electric Vehicle model, will indeed in ...
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Share-PSI 2.0 brings together a critical mass of government agencies and organisations responsible for implementing the new PSI Directive. Lead by the W3C, the consortium includes the Open Group and Open Geospatial Consortium as fellow standards bodies plus the PSI Alliance, Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Data Institute and PwC as the primary contractor in the ISA Programme's work on interoperabi ...
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The ExoMet proposal revolves around innovative liquid metal engineering and the application of external physical fields, in order to significantly influence the microstructures and properties of light alloys, such as aluminium and magnesium. Three types of external fields will be explored, namely: electromagnetic, ultrasonic and intensive mechanical shearing.To meet the future EU challenges of lig ...
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The All-Electric Aircraft is a major target for the next generation of aircraft to lower consumption of non-propulsive power and thus fuel burn. To eliminate hydraulic circuits, pumps and reservoirs, Electro Mechanical Actuators (EMA) are mandatory but now need to meet cost, reliability and weight requirements from the airframers.ACTUATION2015 aims to develop and validate a common set of standard ...
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Best Practice Factory for Freight Transport (BESTFACT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The BESTFACT objective is to develop, disseminate and enhance the utilisation of best practices and innovations in freight logistics that contribute to meeting European transport policy objectives with regard to competitiveness and environmental impact.BESTFACT builds up on the work of BESTUFS, PROMIT and BESTLOG and integrates four interrelated areas of the key freight logistics challenges the Eu ...
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"The MAPICC 3D project and concept aims at developing manufacturing system for 3D shaped, multilayered products based on flexible materials. The ultimate goals are:> The development of integrated and automated process chain able to produce from hybrid thermoplastic yarn to 3D complex shaped thermoplastic composite structure in single step thermoplastic consolidation process.> The development of fl ...
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The Linked Open Data (LOD) Strategy is becoming a source of unprecedented visibility, enabling the generation of new businesses and significant advances for research in the environmental area. Nevertheless, in order for this strategy to become a reality, it is necessary to advance the publication of existing environmental data, usually owned by public bodies.This proposal is focused on how the LOD ...
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In BIOCLEAN project, novel and robust microorganisms (aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, and fungi) able to extensively degrade polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrol (PS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) polymers and plastics will be isolated from actual-site aged plastic wastes obtained from several European marine and terrestrial sites, composting facilities and landfills, and obtained via ...
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EU CHINA future Internet common Activities and Opportunities (ECIAO)

Start date: Aug 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

In 2010 an EU-China expert group was established. The main area studied by this group was the "Internet of the Future", the "Internet of Things" and also the protocols to be defined and deployed. Particular attention was dedicated to IPv6 deployment as difficulties have been identified, both in Europe and in China. Societal aspects and cooperation in research were also addressed.The expert group m ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

Broader stakeholder engagement in technical and scientific research is desirable for a variety of reasons. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) can be optimal actors to realise the promise of participative research governance. Despite much activity to stimulate and implement CSO participation in research, there is no agreement on how to evaluate the success of participation.CONSIDER will undertake c ...
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Harmonised eCall European Pilot - Phase 2 (HeERO2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The overall objective of HeERO 2 is "To extend HeERO to new Member States or associated countries to demonstrate the scalability of the HeERO solution and to widen the acceptance of eCall."To support this objective there are three aims:(1) to prepare the necessary infrastructure to realize interoperability of "eCall" at European level, (2) to boost Member States investment in the PSAP infrastructu ...
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ACOUTRAIN will simplify and improve the acoustic certification process of new rolling stock, in particular relating to the TSI Noise. Today the need of conformity assessment for a new vehicle according to the TSI Noise represents a significant element of both cost and time to market due to the need to carry out expensive and time consuming tests. The goal of the proposed project is to speed up the ...
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"AFTER project addresses the challenges posed by the need for vulnerability evaluation and contin-gency planning of the energy grids and energy plants considering also the relevant ICT systems used in protection and control.Project emphasis is on cascading events that can cause catastrophic outages of the electric power systems.The main addressed problems are related to high impact wide spread mul ...
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Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a crucial challenge for the health systems. RA is the most common inflammatory arthritis, affecting 0.5% to 1% of the general population worldwide with little variation of the prevalence among countries.The current pharmacological management of RA involves early intervention with synthetic disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) either singly or in com ...
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Operational Global Carbon Observing System (GEOCARBON)

Start date: Oct 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Today, countries use a wide variety of methods to monitor the carbon cycle and it is difficult to compare datafromcountry to country and to get a clear global picture. The current global observational and modelling capabilitiesallow us to produce estimates of carbon budget at different level (from local to global) but many uncertainties stillremain. Decision makers need now more than ever systemat ...
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FI-WARE: Future Internet Core Platform (FI-WARE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The goal of the FI-WARE project is to advance the global competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing an innovative infrastructure for cost-effective creation and delivery of services, providing high QoS and security guarantees. FI-WARE is designed to meet the demands of key market stakeholders across many different sectors, e.g., healthcare, telecommunications, and environmental services. FI- ...
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Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems (MBAT)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"One of the most important strategic sectors in which Europe is developing, integrating and delivering high-quality products is the transportation domain. Here, high-class safety-related products as e.g. airplanes, cars and trains have a huge market impact. More and more of the market value of these vehicles is gained by embedded systems inside these products, and the number and importance of thes ...
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DC/DC COnverter-based Diagnostics for PEM systems (D-CODE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2014,

"The D-CODE project aims at developing and implementing on-line electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) to have direct and meaningful information on the system status. EIS has been proven to be an effective diagnostic tool for laboratory tests. It will be implemented on-board thanks to a new DC/DC converter conceived by the D-CODE’s partners. The new hardware will be developed together with d ...
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Euro-BioImaging brings together imaging technologies stretching from basic biological imaging with advanced light microscopy, in vivo molecular imaging of single cells to animal models up to the clinical and epidemiological level of medical imaging of humans and populations. Euro-BioImaging, in close consultation with its stakeholders, will address the imaging requirements of both biological and m ...
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A quantitative model of thrombosis in intracranial aneurysms (THROMBUS)

Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

Rupture risk of intracranial aneurysms (IA) has been studied at length. However, very little is known about the healing mechanism, namely the formation of a clot inside the cavity after insertion of a stent. The multiscale interaction between biological and hemodynamic processes is the central ingredient of this proposal. The core of the project is to develop and validate a biological model of spo ...
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As the evidence for human induced climate change becomes clearer, so too does the realization that its effects will have impacts on natural environment and socio-economic systems. Some regions are more vulnerable than others, both to physical changes and to the consequences for ways of life. The proposal will assess the impacts of a changing climate on the quantity and quality of water in mountain ...
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"European forests are under unprecedented threat from the combined forces of climate change and large increases in the numbers of alien invasive pests and pathogens resulting from changes in patterns of global trade. Interactions between climate change, including likely changes in both mean temperatures and precipitation, will have serious impacts on the susceptibility of forest ecosystems to dama ...
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Support Action for Standardisation in Additive Manufactruring (SASAM)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

SASAM's mission is to drive the growth of AM to efficient and sustainable industrial processes by integrating and coordinating Standardisation activities for Europe by creating and supporting a Standardisation organisation in the field of AM.The Additive Manufacturing (AM) concept is based on additive freeform fabrication technologies for the automated production of complex products. Additive Manu ...
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