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37 European Projects Found

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The development of complex organisms entails sequence-specific transcription factors and also epigenetic marks such as DNA methylation. Methylation of DNA occurs on cytosines and can be transmitted over many cell generations to sustain epigenetic memory. Yet we still know very little about how DNA methylation is attracted to specific sites in the genome and how this ultimately influences cellular ...
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Connecting RNA and protein degradation machineries (PHAGORISC)

Start date: Mar 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

RNA silencing has become a major focus of molecular research around the world with important implications in biotechnology and medicine. RNA silencing involves processing of dsRNA by the enzyme Dicer, into small RNAs, 21-to-25 nucleotides in length. One of the two RNA strands is then incorporated into a protein complex called RISC (RNA induced silencing complex) that invariably contains a member o ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

"This project has the ambitious goal of providing new groundbreaking information on a poorly known, yet critical stage of the life of any animal, the EARLYLIFE. The originality and novelty of EARLYLIFE is to combine two fields in ecology generally considered independently: foraging ecology and demography.With the data obtained for a range of marine predators with contrasted life histories I will b ...
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The central goal of JERONIMO is the understanding of the physical mechanisms of ultrahigh bypass ratio (UHBR) engines with a bypass ratio (BPR) larger than 12 and the related installed jet noise with potential jet-wing interaction. The aim is to reduce uncertainties in jet noise characterisation of this novel installation configuration by wind tunnel tests and predictions and being able to derive ...
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The present consortium will build a new concept of electrodes based on new catalyst design (ternary alloyed/core shell clusters) deposited on a new high temperature operation efficient support. In order to enhance the fundamental understanding and determine the optimal composition and geometry of the clusters, advanced computational techniques will be used in direct combination with electrochemica ...
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Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts - toolKIT (RISC-KIT)

Start date: Nov 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

"Resilience-Increasing Strategies for Coasts – toolKIT (RISC-KIT) will deliver ready-to-use methods, tools and management approaches to reduce risk and increase resilience to low-frequency, high-impact hydro-meteorological events. The open-source and free-ware RISC-KIT tool kit will consist of ● a Coastal Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) which - at the regional scale (100’s km) - can quickly asses ...
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Hydrogen transfer concerns filling and emptying processes. Filling generates heat which can lead to overheating of composite pressure vessels especially when filling transportable containers or fuelling vehicles. Emptying generates cooling. Excessive cooling may occur during delivery of hydrogen from a trailer. The HyTransfer project will address both issues.As hydrogen vehicle refuelling is the l ...
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The mouse shows great similarities in development, physiology and biochemistry to humans, which makes it a key model for research into human disease. The major challenges for mouse functional genomics in the 21st century are to:• Develop a series of mutant alleles for every gene in the mouse genome• Determine the phenotypic consequences of each mutation• Identify mouse models for the complete dise ...
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This project aims at promoting sustainable combustion technologies for transport via validation of advanced combustion kinetic models obtained using sophisticated new laboratory experiments, engines, and theoretical computations, breaking through the current frontier of knowledge. It will focus on the unexplored kinetics of ignition and combustion of 2nd generation (2G) biofuels and blends with co ...
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NIOPLEX will contribute to the development of non-intrusive experimental flow diagnostics to improve the aerodynamic analysis capabilities in wind tunnels. The particular objective of the project is to develop an unprecedented comprehensive diagnostic approach, achieved by a simultaneous measurement of the surface pressure distribution on a model and the velocity and pressure field around it. Curr ...
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European Network on Luminescent Materials (LUMINET)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Luminescent materials have entered our every day life. They can be found in lamps, traffic lights, computer screens, cell phones, in labels for goods, are used in medical applications, airport security check devices and many more. Indeed, they have become indispensable and much of societies convenience and welfare depend on them. No wonder that the development and use of luminescent materials has ...
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Integrative Biology of insects affecting human life (IBIAL)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

"We are a consortium of five research groups with complementary approaches and expertise, (chemical ecology, Neurobiology, behavioural ecology, insect physiology and mathematical modelling) and working with different model systems (social insects, parasitoids, disease vectors). The main goal of this joint-venture is to start a scientif network, in order to develop integrative work on insects that ...
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Hydrogen is expected to be highly valuable energy carrier for the 21st century as it should participate in answering main societal and economical concerns. To exploit its benefits at large scale, further research and technological developments are required. In particular, the storage of hydrogen must be secured. Even if burst in service of pressure vessels in composite material is very unlikely, w ...
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The aim of SUSTAFFOR (Bridging effectiveness and sustainability in afforestation / reforestation in a climate change context: new technologies for improving soil features and plant performance) is to conceive, produce, develop and on-field validate novel techniques aiming at improving afforestation / reforestation projects from an environmental, technical and economic point of view, as well as to ...
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Appreciation of endosymbiosis, a type of symbiosis in which a microbial partner lives within its host cells, as an important source of evolutionary novelty has developed relatively recently. In this proposal, we investigate a fundamental evolutionary process influenced by bacterial endosymbionts: the mechanisms of sex determination of their eukaryotic hosts.In animals, the most common system of se ...
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All organisms invest in nutrient storage to fuel energetic requirements needed for survival and reproduction. The consistency with which organisms invest in nutrient storage, in particular lipids, makes it remarkable that numerous parasitic insects lack lipid synthesis. The parasitic larval lifestyle adopted by these parasitoids has facilitated a means to carry over valuable resources from their h ...
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First European Comprehensive SOLar Irradiance Data exploitation (SOLID)

Start date: Dec 1, 2012, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

Variations of solar irradiance are the most important natural factor in the terrestrial climate and as such, the time dependent spectral solar irradiance is a crucial input to any climate modelling. There have been previous efforts to compile solar irradiance but it is still uncertain by how much the spectral and total solar irradiance changed on yearly, decadal and longer time scales. Observation ...
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Today, one of the greatest challenges facing physics, chemistry, and (bio)materials science, is to precisely design molecules so as to program their spontaneous bottom-up assembly into functional nano-objects and materials, based on recognition and self-organization processes. Beyond that, in order to reach higher-performing new materials and to bridge the gap between materials science and life ...
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Roles of non-coding RNAs in viral infections in mammals (NCRNAVIR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The importance of small non-coding RNAs is growing exponentially in modern biology. They have recently emerged as critical regulators of gene expression. Different classes of small RNAs have been defined, and among them micro (mi) RNAs, and small interfering (si) RNAs are the most studied. Viruses interact extensively with the RNA silencing machinery. Thus in plants and insects, they are directly ...
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"The need for materials with improved electrochemical energy storage properties has become increasingly critical as society grapples with limited fossil fuel reserves and the threat of climate change. Lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors are related energy storage systems that store energy electrochemically. Recently, researchers have shown that amorphous structures, defects, non-stoichiometr ...
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OPtimisation for low Environmental Noise impact AIRcraft (OPENAIR)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

Reducing noise from aircraft operations perceived by airport neighbouring communities is a major challenge facing the aircraft manufacturing industry, social society and the air transport business. By adopting a whole aircraft approach based on the latest developments in active / adaptive technologies, flow control techniques and advances in computational aero-acoustics applied to the major causes ...
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The project aims for the increase of passenger survivability in the case of fire aboard aircraft focused on the next generation of aircraft. The composite materials and other combustible materials are increasingly used in order to reduce the weight of the aircraft or to higher the passenger comfort, but they raise the fire load significantly. Although these materials have passed the certification ...
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"The vision of START is to reinforce the cooperation between EU and Ukraine in the field of Superhard Materials and its application areas in the various thematic priorities of FP7. Thus, START will support the Ukraine’s leading research institute in the field of Superhard Materials, namely V.N. Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ISM), to become ...
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"PRECISE focuses on the research and development of a MEMS-based monopropellant micro Chemical Propulsion System (µCPS) for highly accurate attitude control of satellites. The availability of µCPS forms the basis for defining new mission concepts such as formation flying and advanced robotic missions. These novel concepts require µCPS for highly precise attitude and orbit control manoeuvres.µCPS h ...
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Adaptation of Virus Genomes to Insect Immunity (GENOVIR)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

"How ecology shapes genomes is a key question to be addressed in the postgenomic era. A leading theory states that species evolve as groups of genomes adapting to particular ecological niches. Thus, shifts to a new ecological niche should be connected to genome divergence, and ultimately to the making of new species. So far we know little on how ecological adaptation affects genomes, because of th ...
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Advanced Flow Diagnostics for Aeronautical Research (AFDAR)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"The objective of AFDAR is to develop, assess and demonstrate new image-based experimental technologies for the analysis of aerodynamic systems and aerospace propulsion components. The main development focus is on new three-dimensional methods based on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to measure the flow field around aircraft components, and on the high-speed version of the planar technique for th ...
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Extended Non-Destructive Testing of Composite Bonds (ENCOMB)

Start date: Nov 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

"Even though composite materials are already used in the manufacturing of structural components in aeronautics industry a consequent light-weight design of CFRP primary structures is limited due to a lack of adequate joining technologies. In general, adhesive bonding is the optimum technique for joining CFRP light-weight structures, but difficulties in assessing the bond quality by non-destructive ...
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"Reynolds stress is the most important quantity affecting the mean flow as it is responsible for a major part of the momentum transfer in the wall bounded turbulent flow. It has a direct relevance to both skin friction and flow separation. Manipulation of the Reynolds stress can directly lead to changes in the viscous stress at the wall so as to effectively control the flow for effective flow cont ...
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"In the domain of civilian aeronautics, the increasing noise restrictions around airports are a challenging problem for aircraft and engine manufacturers. Despite significant progresses since the definition of ACARE objectives, jet noise remains the main source of noise for an aircraft at take-off and many works have been dedicated to its understanding and its reduction. First generation of noise ...
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"Albatrosses are the most threatened family of birds in the world. Their susceptibility to climate change and bycatch by fisheries, combined with their slow life cycle, makes them of paramount conservation concern. While much work to date has focussed on behaviour at the species level, there is growing evidence that the variation in the response of the individual is the crucial driver in populatio ...
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It is proposed that Lawrence J. Overzet (LJO), Professor and Assoc. Depart. Chair of Electrical Engineering at The Univ. of Texas at Dallas, move to work with R. Dussart, P. Lefaucheux and their team at CNRS-GREMI / Polytech Orleans for 12 months. The work will focus on micro-plasma source diagnostics and development. In particular, the team will research novel and quantitative diagnostics of mic ...
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Stratospheric ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying Atmosphere (Shiva)

Start date: Jul 1, 2009, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

SHIVA aims to reduce uncertainties in present and future stratospheric halogen loading and ozone depletion resulting from climate feedbacks between emissions and transport of ozone depleting substances (ODS). Of particular relevance will be studies of short and very short-lived substances (VSLS) with climate-sensitive natural emissions. We will perform field studies of ODS production, emission and ...
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Useful PLASMa for AEROdynamic control (PLASMAERO)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"PLASMAERO seeks to demonstrate how surface & spark discharge plasma actuators could be used to control aircraft aerodynamic flow. This will be achieved through an enhanced understanding of their physical characteristics and an in-depth study of how they may be optimised to influence the air flow properties. The project will run for 36 months and will show the advantages and notably the ease of im ...
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Deciphering Eruptions by Modeling Outputs of Natural Systems (DEMONS)

Start date: Sep 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"Active volcanoes emit high temperature gases that modify the chemical composition of the Earth’s atmosphere. It is crucial to be able to quantify the contribution of volcanogenic gases to the atmosphere so that the global atmospheric effects of a major eruption can be predicted and so that volcanogenic effects can be discriminated from anthropogenic emissions. At the scale of one volcano, monitor ...
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"The world is facing strong anthropogenic impacts by climate change and intensive exploitation of its natural resources. This will inevitably have profound consequences for ecological processes. Tropical Oceans have a substantial ecological significance but there is only little knowledge on their functioning. This knowledge, however, is crucial to evaluate effects of climate change and resource ex ...
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"Mt. Etna and Popocatépetl, the most important subaerial sources of volcanic CO2 show evidence of interactions with the carbonate rocks forming their sedimentary basement. The present project aims at quantifying the contribution of magma-carbonate interactions in the upper continental crust to massive CO2 production in these volcanic areas. Carbonate assimilation will be investigated by hydrotherm ...
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"In Antarctica, climate change has negative impacts on seabird populations. However, this change is likely to differentially affect birds depending on their age, experience and quality. This heterogeneous response to climate change deserves attention because it will affect the structure of populations and thus, their health status. This project aims to examine how age, experience and quality can f ...
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