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Combustion of Sustainable Alternative Fuels for Engines used in aeronautics and automotives (2G-CSafe)
Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims at promoting sustainable combustion technologies for transport via validation of advanced combustion kinetic models obtained using sophisticated new laboratory experiments, engines, and theoretical computations, breaking through the current frontier of knowledge. It will focus on the unexplored kinetics of ignition and combustion of 2nd generation (2G) biofuels and blends with conventional fuels, which should provide energy safety and sustainability to Europe. The motivation is that no accurate kinetic models are available for the ignition, oxidation and combustion of 2G-biofuels, and improved ignition control is needed for new compression ignition engines. Crucial information is missing: data from well characterised experiments on combustion-generated pollutants and data on key-intermediates for fuels ignition in new engines.To provide that knowledge new well-instrumented complementary experiments and kinetic modelling will be used. Measurements of key-intermediates, stables species, and pollutants will be performed. New ignition control strategies will be designed, opening new technological horizons. Kinetic modelling will be used for rationalising the results. Due to the complexity of 2G-biofuels and their unusual composition, innovative surrogates will be designed. Kinetic models for surrogate fuels will be generalised for extension to other compounds. The experimental results, together with ab-initio and detailed modelling, will serve to characterise the kinetics of ignition, combustion, and pollutants formation of fuels including 2G biofuels, and provide relevant data and models.This research is risky because this is (i) the 1st effort to measure radicals by reactor/CRDS coupling, (ii) the 1st effort to use a μ-channel reactor to build ignition databases for conventional and bio-fuels, (iii) the 1st effort to design and use controlled generation and injection of reactive species to control ignition/combustion in compression ignition engines

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