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36 European Projects Found

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Architecture for EurOpean Logistics Information eXchange (AEOLIX)

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

Supply chain visibility supported by easy access to, and exchange and use of relevant and abundant logistics-related information is an important prerequisite for the deployment of pan-European logistics solutions that are needed to increase efficiency and productivity, and to reduce environmental impact. Although there is a proliferative development of logistics-related data stores, information ch ...
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Transforming Transport (TT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Big Data will have a profound economic and societal impact in the mobility and logistics sector, which is one of the most-used industries in the world contributing to approximately 15% of GDP. Big Data is expected to lead to 500 billion USD in value worldwide in the form of time and fuel savings, and savings of 380 megatons CO2 in mobility and logistics. With freight transport activities projected ...
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FLOW sees a need for a paradigm shift wherein non-motorised transport (often seen from a transport policy perspective simply as a nice “extra”) is placed on an equal footing with motorised modes with regard to urban congestion. To do this, FLOW will create a link between (currently poorly-connected) walking and cycling and congestion by developing a user-friendly methodology for evaluating the abi ...
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Europe-Wide Platform for Cooperative Mobility Services (MOBiNET)

Start date: Nov 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

MOBiNET will develop, deploy and operate the technical and organisational foundations of an open, multi-vendor platform for Europe-wide mobility services. Key MOBiNET innovations address the barriers to cooperative system-enabled service deployment, including the lack of harmonised services; availability of communication means; inaccessibility and incompatibility of transport-related data; fragmen ...
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Modular Logistics Units in Shared Co-modal Networks (MODULUSHCA)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The objective of Modulushca is to achieve the first genuine contribution to the development of interconnected logistics at the European level, in close coordination with North American partners and the international Physical Internet Initiative. The goal of the project is to enable operating with developed iso-modular logistics units of sizes adequate for real modal and co-modal flows of fast-movi ...
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Best Practice Factory for Freight Transport (BESTFACT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The BESTFACT objective is to develop, disseminate and enhance the utilisation of best practices and innovations in freight logistics that contribute to meeting European transport policy objectives with regard to competitiveness and environmental impact.BESTFACT builds up on the work of BESTUFS, PROMIT and BESTLOG and integrates four interrelated areas of the key freight logistics challenges the Eu ...
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Service Platform for Green European Transportation (GET Service)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The Service Platform for Green European Transportation provides transportation planners and drivers of transportation vehicles with the means to plan, re-plan and control transportation routes efficiently and in a manner that reduces CO2 emission.Currently, basic systems for transportation and route planning exist. The GET Service platform lifts these systems to the next major level, by:1. enablin ...
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Smart Urban Freight SolutIONs (SmartFuSION)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The SMARTFUSION public-private partnership (PPP) will build upon existing urban freight development strategies of three demonstration regions and to demonstrate smart urban freight solutions on co-operative and sustainable city distribution in urban interurban supply chains. Leading idea is to introduce the concept of the European Green Car Initiative in the last mile operations, introduce innovat ...
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iCargo IP aims at advancing and extending the use of ICT to support new logistics services that: (i) synchronize vehicle movements and logistics operations across various modes and actors to lower CO2 emissions, (ii) adapt to changing conditions through dynamic planning methods involving intelligent cargo, vehicle and infrastructure systems and (iii) combine services, resources and information fro ...
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e-Maritime Strategic Framework and Simulation based Validation (EMAR)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The objective of e-Maritime is to make maritime transport safer, more secure, more environmentally friendly and more competitive. For this, e-Maritime must ameliorate complexities that hinder networking of different stakeholders, help to increase automation of operational processes particularly compliance management and facilitate the streaming of synthesised information from disparate sources to ...
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The demand for mobility of people and goods in urban environments steadily increases raising long-term sustainability, quality of life and environmental concerns. While ICTs have established the ground for developing intelligent transport services and applications, their effective use for supporting cleaner urban mobility still represents a major research challenge.eCOMPASS introduces new mobility ...
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Smart Connected Electro Mobility (smartCEM)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Four European cities/regions (Barcelona, Gipuzkoa-San Sebastian, Newcastle and Reggio Emilia) have come together to demonstrate the role of ICT solutions for cities and citizens in addressing shortcomings of electro mobility. Electric power solutions have proven to offer a potentially ground-breaking solution for more energy-efficient and less petrol-dependent vehicles and transport systems. The ...
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Corridor 24 Development Rotterdam-Genoa (CODE24)

Start date: Oct 8, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

CODE24 intends the interconnection of economic development. spatial. transport and ecological planning. The projects area of Corridor 24 covers a number of the most important economic regions in Europe within this major European North-South transport corridor across NL. D. CH and IT linking the North sea port Rotterdam and the Mediterranean port of Genoa. Its catchment area comprises 70 million in ...
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Carbon footprint of freight transport (COFRET)

Start date: Jun 1, 2011, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"With foreign direct investments still on the rise and on-going globalization of production and distribution activities, supply chains are often of international nature, encompassing a wide range of various transports and handling elements. The current transport system is powered by 95% petroleum products and is accountable for about 23% of the global energy related CO2 emissions. The potential fo ...
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The AMITRAN project will develop a framework for the evaluation of the effects of ICT measures in traffic and transport on energy efficiency and CO2 emissions. By doing so, it will contribute to the development of ICT solutions that allow more efficient multimodal goods transport and passenger mobility. It is AMITRAN's ambition to build the foundations for a standardised assessment of future Europ ...
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Support Action for a Transport ICT European large scale action (SATIE)

Start date: Sep 1, 2011, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

The SATIE support action will prepare the way for the successful launch of a programme of European large scale actions ("elsas") to accelerate the deployment of ICT for sustainable mobility and transport. It will provide assistance to programme managers and potential participants before the programme begins, and will explore the key elements of an elsa before issuing guidelines for the design, con ...
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The objective of the DRIVE C2X Integrated Project is to carry out comprehensive assessment of cooperative systems through Field Operational Tests in various places in Europe in order to verify their benefits and to pave the way for market implementation. This general objective is split into four major technical objectives:\n•Create a harmonised Europe-wide testing environment for cooperative syste ...
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Cooperative Cities extend and validate mobility services (Co Cities)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

Current EU cooperative systems projects like CVIS, SAFESPOT & COOPERS have demonstrated technical feasibility and positive user acceptance of cooperative mobility services.In the In-Time project common traveller information services based on distributed regional data sources accessible via one commonly agreed data interface have been developed.These common mobility services include dynamic navigat ...
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The eCoMove project will create an integrated solution for road transport energy efficiency by developing systems and tools to help drivers sustainably eliminate unnecessary fuel consumption (and thus CO2 emissions), and to help road operators manage traffic in the most energy-efficient way. By applying this combination of cooperative systems using vehicle-infrastructure communication, the project ...
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The overall objectives of ECOSTAND are to provide the necessary support to permit the agreement on a common methodology for assessing the effects of ITS on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. This will enable future ITS investment and policy decisions to be taken on the basis of sound and detailed knowledge of their environmental impacts. ECOSTAND favours a continuous dialogue between the EU, Ja ...
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i-TOUR: intelligent Transport system for Optimized URban trips (i-Tour)

Start date: Feb 1, 2010, End date: Jul 31, 2013,

i-Tour will develop an open framework to be used by different providers, authorities and citizens to provide intelligent multi-modal mobility services. i-Tour client will support and suggest, in a user-friendly way, the use of different forms of transport (bus, car, railroad, tram, etc.) taking into account user preferences as well as real-time information on road conditions, weather, public trans ...
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European e-freight capabilities for co-modal transport (E-FREIGHT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

The key issues that will be addressed in e-Freight are:1. Intra-European trade is complicated due to disconnected logistic chains. This hindrance conflicts with the legitimate ambition of achieving a European maritime transport space without barriers. Linked to these issues is the broader need for simplification and harmonisation of regulatory requirements and accelerated development of EU and Nat ...
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Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance System for Green Cars (EcoGem)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Feb 28, 2013,

EcoGem claims that the success and user acceptability of Fully Electric Vehicles (FEVs) will predominantly depend on their electrical energy consumption rate and the corresponding degree of autonomy that they can offer.EcoGem aims at providing efficient ICT-based solutions to this great issue, by designing and developing a FEV-oriented highly-innovative Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS), eq ...
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Sustainability and efficiency of city logistics (CITYLOG)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"The CITYLOG project proposal aims at increasing the sustainability and the efficiency of urban delivery of goods by means of an adaptive and integrated mission management and innovative vehicle solutions. Three action domains have been identified to improve today’s city logistic system: - logistic-oriented telematic services are expected to give a decisive contribution to improve mission planning ...
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"The VIAJEO project will design, demonstrate and validate an open platform which will be able to: support the transport operations, planning and a wide range of traveller information services; deliver dynamic information independent from the language to improve their provision of transport information and traveller services through integrated traffic data collection and management; deliver a solu ...
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In-Time (Intelligent and Efficient Travel management for European Cities) focuses on Multimodal Real Time Traffic and Travel Information (RTTI) services with the goal to reduce drastically energy consumption in urban areas across the different modes of transport by changing the mobility behaviour (modal shift) of the single traveller.In-Time provides mainly 3 services:Business-to-business services ...
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OASIS introduces an innovative, Ontology-driven, Open Reference Architecture and Platform, which will enable and facilitate interoperability, seamless connectivity and sharing of content between different services and ontologies in all application domains relevant to applications for the elderly and beyond. The OASIS platform is open, modular, holistic, easy to use and standards abiding. It includ ...
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"As the European objectives of integration and economic growth are achieved, there is a corresponding vigorous growth in road traffic volumes. This results in congestion and increased numbers of road fatalities. The objective of the ASSET project is to reverse these negative effects by developing a number of promising technologies and integrating them into a new holistic approach to road safety. ...
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SMART Container Chain Management (SMARTCM)

Start date: Aug 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

SMART_CM aims to do advanced technology implementation and research in order to overhaul the complete container door-to-door transport chain so that it is more efficient, secure, market driven, and competitive. It systematically analyses current processes and systems, produces new innovative concepts for processes and technologies, and demonstrates all these in a set of 2 world scale Demonstrators ...
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ROad Safety ATTributes exchange infrastructure in Europe (ROSATTE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2010,

Up-to-date safety attributes are needed by road authorities and for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). ADAS applications are commercial products that can contribute significantly to achieving objectives for reducing the yearly number of road fatalities on European roads by half in 2010. The fact that solutions for providing access to such data, and especially to timely incremental updates ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

Based on the overall description of a common European architecture for an inter-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication system PRE-DRIVE C2X shall develop a detailed system specification and a working as well as functionally verified prototype. It will be robust enough to be used in future field operational trials of cooperative systems. Furthermore PRE-DRIVE C2X shall develop an integ ...
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 FINISHED that will submitted to the eSafety community.The consortium includes the following partners:- Trialog (F) : coordinator, platform architect and integrator, tools for measuring and testing privacy- PTV (D): eSafety application with data protection features, application architect and integrator- Oracle (BE): assessment of impact on data storage, data storage capability provision- Humboldt-Univers ...
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"AIMS applies an innovative approach to develop a methodology to assess and evaluate research projects related to freight transport supported in FP5 and FP6. Freight transport is a key element for the economy, raising various environmental, social, security or safety issues that are severely increasing, also in the future. Innovation is a key bridging both streams. High investments in freight tran ...
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"The KOMODA proposal is presented as an answer to the research objectives launched by call TPT 2007.2 concerning the optimization of the logistics chain through co-modality. More precisely, KOMODA’s objective is to produce a roadmap, with associated action plans, to nurture an integrated e-Logistics platform by and between modes of freight transport across Europe. Such platform must comply with a ...
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i-Travel - Service Platform for the Connected Traveller (iTravel)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2009,

“i-Travel” is an original concept that combines three key innovations. The goal of the overall i-Travel IP is to develop, validate and demonstrate an innovative solution for:- (1) a personalised, context-aware online “virtual travel assistant” service for travellers, both before and throughout their journey, based on (2) the integration of e-commerce and internet technologies to create the firs ...
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ITISS - Intermodal Traveller Information Systems (ITISS)

Start date: Aug 31, 2003, End date: Aug 30, 2007,

The objective of the ITISS project is to provide real time travel information to transport users while they are on the move. Such information is generally provided now either via the internet or call centre services, although text message alert services are also available in some places. The 3.2 M euro project will develop the delivery of location specific information from existing travel database ...
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