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8 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

The state of the art in staff development in Early Childhood Education and Care is related to the fragmented situation of systems and provisions across EU: a common vision for childcare services is currently lacking in Europe; just as levels of investment differ greatly between Member States, picture also varies significantly in relation to childcare workforce. Childcare workers are qualified in a ...
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FOR WHOM: For teachers, trainers, tutors working as internationalactivities developers, EU project managers, international coordinatorsand in similar professionals in VET schools/institutes or in working lifeinstitutes WHY: To find a European-wide solution for the followingproblems: Role of VET teachers, trainers and tutors is changing: newskills are demanded because of the internationalisation of ...
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The Bologna process has resulted in major changes in teacher training. Variousconcepts are being discussed and investigated in individual countries. Benchmarkingand exchanges via the intended network should result in a higher quality of teachertraining, enabling participating establishments to reflect on and adjust their ownsolutions by means of transnational exchanges. This particularly affects p ...
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The OPIFEX project will develop both a learning package and skills test qualification for welders and computer numerical control (CNC) machinery technicians in the metal industry.Following an initial needs analysis reviewing existing on-the-job training practices, standard curricula will be produced to form the basis of a common European training package for on-the-job trainers. The package will c ...
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The project aims at identifying the intercultural competence areas of those vocational teachers who are responsible for the international activities of their respective vocational institutes; designing criteria and tools for assessing such intercultural competence; and developing/transferring it into the profile of an "International Operation Agent" by designing and piloting a relevant internet ba ...
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VOTE ALL addresses the dual problem of an ageing cohort of VET teachers and trainers and their lack of motivation to stay on in the profession where they are sorely needed but often under-valued. The problem of early retirement of older VET teachers and trainers is well documented and must be addressed urgently; we propose to prevent this drain of experience, by valorising the knowledge held by th ...
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Current social changes need to be reflected in the form and content of teacher trainingprogrammes. This project therefore develops a training programme which prepares forthese needs and takes a new approach to the transfer of knowledge.Schools throughout Europe are undergoing change. New curricula, predicated onlifelong learning, have shaken up the school environment and impacted at teachinglevel, ...
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The main theme for the CPD will be representations of cultural media and artefacts fromthe participating countries, such as iconic works of art, literature and music, includingcultural representations of, and by, migrant communities within these nations. Teacherswill be encouraged to appreciate the interconnection between their growing culturalawareness and appreciation, and their approaches to te ...
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