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19 European Projects Found

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Corporate information, including basic company firmographics (e.g., name(s), incorporation data, registered addresses, ownership and related entities), financials (e.g., balance sheets, ratings) as well as contextual data (e.g., cadastral data on corporate properties, geo data, data about directors and shareholders, public tenders data, press mentions) are the foundation that many data value chain ...
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European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

The European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (EHRI) project seeks to transform archival research on the Holocaust. The vision of EHRI is to integrate the data, services and expertise of existing Holocaust infrastructures on an unprecedented scale. It will allow researchers from across the globe transnational and virtual access to the integrated infrastructure, and provide them with innovative di ...
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Property data are one of the most valuable datasets managed by governments worldwide and extensively used in various domains by private and public organizations. Unfortunately these data are not always easy to access. House and property data is used in a variety of ways to produce value added information within and across several business sectors, including real estate and debt collection. Such se ...
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The overall objective of the KConnect project is to create a medical text Data-Value Chain with a critical mass of participating companies using cutting-edge commercial cloud-based services for multilingual Semantic Annotation, Semantic Search and Machine Translation of Electronic Health Records and medical publications. The commercial cloud-based services will be the result of productisation of t ...
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Computing Veracity Across Media, Languages, and Social Networks (PHEME)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Social media poses three major computational challenges, dubbed by Gartner the 3Vs of big data: volume, velocity, and variety. Content analytics methods have faced additional difficulties, arising from the short, noisy, and strongly contextualised nature of social media. In order to address the 3Vs of social media, new language technologies have emerged, e.g. using locality sensitive hashing to de ...
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Ambrosia: Europeana Food and Drink (Ambrosia)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

AMBROSIA: Europeana Food and Drink is a Best Practice Network under 'Objective 2.1 Europeana and creativity b) Promoting the use of Europeana by creative industries' of the ICT Policy Support Programme.The objective of AMBROSIA is to promote the wider re-use of the digital cultural resources available through Europeana by the Creative Industries to boost creativity and business development across ...
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While in recent years a large number of datasets has been published as open (and often linked) data, applications utilizing these open and distributed data have been rather few. Reasons include, amongst others, the technical complexity and cost of publishing and providing access to the data, lack of monetization incentives on the provider side, and lack of simplified and unified solutions for data ...
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Europeana Creative

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

Europeana Creative will support and promote the re-use of cultural resources available via Europeana by realising a set of concrete objectives. (1) The project will establish the Europeana Labs Network of online and physical spaces for experimentation and engagement. The labs will provide access to technical and business services, and experimentation content to support the development of new proje ...
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The recent massive growth in online media and the rise of user-authored content (e.g weblogs, Twitter, Facebook) has lead to challenges of how to access and interpret these strongly multilingual data, in a timely, efficient, and affordable manner. Scientifically, streaming online media pose new challenges, due to their shorter, noisier, and more colloquial nature. Moreover, they form a temporal st ...
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Knowledge Helper for Medical and Other Information users (KHRESMOI)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

Description Collect and make sense of biomedical information, then makes it freely and easily available in several languagesKHRESMOI aims to develop a multi-lingual multi-modal search and access system for biomedical information and documents. This will be achieved by:- Effective automated information extraction from biomedical documents, ...
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Annotation Resource Marketplace in the Cloud (AnnoMarket)

Start date: Jun 1, 2012, End date: May 31, 2014,

ANNOMARKET aims to revolutionise the text annotation market, by delivering an affordable, open market place for pay-as-you-go, cloud-based extraction resources and services, in multiple languages. This project is is driven by a commercially-dominated consortium, from 3 EU countries and with 43% of the budget assigned to SMEs.The key differentiating feature of ANNOMARKET is its open marketplace con ...
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Educational curriculum for the usage of Linked Data (EUCLID)

Start date: May 1, 2012, End date: Apr 30, 2014,

Linked Data has established itself as the de facto means for the publication of structured data over the Web, enjoying amazing growth in terms of the number of organizations committing to use its core principles for exposing and interlinking data sets for seamless exchange, integration, and reuse. More and more ICT ventures offer innovative data management services on top of Linked (Open) Data, cr ...
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Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (RENDER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Description United in diversity RENDER engages with the World Wide Web and its amazing diversity of information, opinions, viewpoints, mind sets and news. RENDER addresses the challenges of purposeful access, processing and management of these sheer amounts of data, whilst leveraging the diversity ...
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Description CUBIST - Your Business IntelligenceThe constantly growing amounts of data and an emerging trend of incorporating unstructured data into analytics is bringing new challenges to Business Intelligence (BI). Contemporary BI solutions fall short in the following aspects: Firstly, they focus only on structured data and disregard the ...
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Multilingual On-Line Translation (MOLTO)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2013,

MOLTO's goal is to develop a set of tools for translatingtexts between multiple languages in real time with highquality. Languages are separate modules in the tool andcan be varied; prototypes covering a majority of the EU's23 official languages will be built.As its main technique, MOLTO uses domain-specific semanticgrammars and ontology-based interlinguas. These componentsare implemented in GF (G ...
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Incentives for Semantics (INSEMTIVES)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Mar 31, 2012,

Description Bridging the gap between human and computational intelligenceBridging the gap between human and computational intelligenceThe objective of INSEMTIVES is to bridge the gap between human and computational intelligence in the current semantic content authoring research and development landscape. The project aims at producing meth ...
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The goal of NoTube is to develop a service architecture, based on semantic technologies, for personalised creation, distribution and consumption of TV content in all its new forms. Nowadays, consumers can receive hundreds of digital TV channels. TV content can be rendered on different devices, including handhelds and computers. Through IPTV the TV and the Web worlds are getting intertwined. Compan ...
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Description Not just a single reasoning engine, but a generic platform and an open architectureLarKC will develop the Large Knowledge Collider, an open-source pluggable distributed infrastructure for real-time incomplete reasoning and search, exploiting techniques and heuristics from areas as diverse as databases, machine learning, cognit ...
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Service Oriented Architectures for All (SOA4ALL)

Start date: Mar 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2011,

Description Towards a Web of billions of servicesComputer science is entering a new generation, a generation that starts by abstracting from software and hardware components and sees all resources as services in a service-oriented architecture (SOA). With this in mind, the aim of SOA4ALL is to create a 'web of billions of services' and he ...
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