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18 European Projects Found

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Belgian Nature Integrated Project (BNIP)

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2023,

Background The Habitats Directive Article 17 and Birds Directive Article 12 report, published in 2007, revealed the unfavourable conservation status in Belgium of many habitats and species listed in these directives. The main drivers identified were inappropriate land use, low environmental quality, insufficient management and under-resourced conservation ...
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Background The Demer is an 85 km long river that runs through the Belgian provinces of Limburg and Vlaams Brabant. The project area is a broad and flat inland ‘river polder’ hosting vegetation that is unique within the Atlantic biogeographic region. The Demer Valley is particularly important for several plant and bird species of Community importance ...
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Grote NeteWoud: wilderness on a human scale (LIFE Grote NeteWoud)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Aug 31, 2020,

Background Wet and dry heath vegetation, bogs, mires and lowland river systems covered much of the Campine region in north-eastern Belgium, until the early 20th century, when industrialisation, urbanisation and intensification of agricultural practices largely destroyed this natural landscape mosaic. The project area lies within the southern limit of the ...
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Background This project’s area contains 40 Natura 2000 sites (covering 24 566 ha) in Belgium and the Netherlands, within the basin of the Meuse River and its tributaries between Andenne and Maastricht. The river basin has supported highly species-rich habitats related to former pastoral systems. But these habitats have become extremely fragmented and ar ...
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Background The project area covers 3 950 ha of the cross-border "Grenspark De Zoom – Kalmthoutse Heide" nature reserve, which extends over the Dutch-Belgian border (and comprises 6 000 ha in total). The reserve contains continental dunes, dry and wet heath, ponds and woods. Human impact, such as nutrient enrichment of the soil, afforestation and soil de ...
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Grassland restoration in the East Coast polders (LIFE Oostkustpolders)

Start date: Jul 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

...polders (1 223 ha), Zwaanhoek (166 ha), Ter Doest (63 ha) and Polders van Koolkerke tot Lapscheure (5 247 ha). Local NGOs began the first conservation initiatives in the early 1990s. In 1999 and 2003 Natuurpunt launched two LIFE projects in the Uitkerkse Polder to purchase and restore degraded grasslands. After restoration, contracts were made with local farmers to use these grasslands in a more s ...
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Background Belgium’s Vochtig Haspengouw region in Flanders contains the Mombeek and Demer valley which hosts unique habitats and species listed under the Habitats Directive. Such habitats and species are protected under EU law but they remain at risk from a number of inter-related threats which need to be tackled in order to safeguard their long-term co ...
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Habitat restoration HAGELAND (Life Hageland)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

Background The project area is situated in an area which contains a soil base ranging from sand to loam. This hosts a large and unique range of biodiversity. However, these habitats are very vulnerable because of significant fragmentation. Objectives The core aim of this project ...
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...equent isolation of target species’ populations and pressure from invasive alien species. Objectives Natuurpunt's LIFE Nature project is aiming to combats threats to its Birds Directive- and Habitats Directive-listed species, while promoting nature-oriented recreation in the project areas. Specific aims include: D ...
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Background The ‘Kleine Nete’ is a lowland river situated in the Flemish Campine region and runs from the edge of the Campine plateau to the Schelde bassin. The valley is characterised by high geomorphological and well-preserved natural diversity. The area is unique in western Europe, featuring heathland and moors in higher areas and valley ecosystems ...
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Habitat restoration in the Abeekvalley (Life Abeek)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

Background The lowland brook system of ‘Abeek’, situated in the Flemish Campine region, is an important natural area in Western Europe. The most important habitats found here include: sand dune and dune-heath vegetation on land dunes, dry heath land vegetation, transition mires, quaking bogs, Molinia caerulea meadows, species rich Nardus-grasslands, o ...
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Habitat restoration in the Visbeekvalley (Life Visbeek)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Background Until the end of the 19th century, the Campine (‘Kempen’) region in Belgium consisted of a vast heath landscape. The intensification of agricultural practices and the afforestation with conifer plantations resulted in a drastic loss of the former heathlands, oligo-mesotrophic fen complexes and species-rich hay meadows. The Visbeek is one of ...
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Background Large areas of West and East Flanders were covered with the Bulskampveld, Maldegemveld and other open landscapes of mixed heathlands, nutrient-poor grasslands, forests and ponds until the mid-19th century, at which point the land was cleared for agriculture. Some of the land later naturally developed into valuable oak and birch forests but a la ...
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Background This project relates to two priority habitats of Community interest: dry grasslands on calcareous substrates (6210*) and rupicolous calcareous/basophilic grasslands (6110*). These habitats are among the most species-rich and the most threatened natural habitats in Belgium. The sites targeted by the project, in the lower and middle valleys of th ...
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Habitat Euregio

Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Treize organisations environnementales des Pays-Bas, de Belgique et d’Allemagne vont unir leurs efforts en vue de renforcer la continuité paysagère entre les principaux parcs nationaux et réserves naturelles de la région frontalière. Dans le cadre de ce projet, appelé Habitat Euregio, le réseau écologique sera amélioré et une collaboration durable entre gestionnaires de la nature et du paysage ser ...
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Soorten als drager van Biodiversiteit (SOLABIO)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

De naam SOLABIO is de afkorting van Soorten en Landschappen en de dragers van de BIOdiversiteit. Samen met 27 partners uit Vlaanderen en Nederland zetten ze zich in voor het behoud van onze soorten. In veel gevallen gaat het om dezelfde bedreigde soorten groepen. SOLABIO ijvert voor afstemming en kennisuitwisseling tussen de verschillende organisaties. Bij die activiteiten proberen de projectpartn ...
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Habitat restoration in Landschap De Liereman (Liereman)

Start date: Jan 1, 2004, End date: Sep 30, 2010,

Background De Liereman is a complex area of habitats in Flanders laid out in a mosaic pattern. It includes wet depressions and steep continental dunes. The ecological gradients between sandy, loamy and peaty soils and the associated vegetation communities make this an outstanding landscape. After the deforestation of the Middle Ages, heathland developed i ...
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...histle (Circium dissectum) was almost wiped out a few years ago by exceptionally wet weather. Objectives The beneficiary, Natuurpunt, has been carrying out conservation work at both subsites (Langdonken and Het Goor) for some 10 years prior to the LIFE project, and a good start was made to protecting them (management pla ...
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