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Large-scale restoration of a complex of ground- and seepage water dependent habitats (Vochtig Haspengouw)
Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Oct 31, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Belgium’s Vochtig Haspengouw region in Flanders contains the Mombeek and Demer valley which hosts unique habitats and species listed under the Habitats Directive. Such habitats and species are protected under EU law but they remain at risk from a number of inter-related threats which need to be tackled in order to safeguard their long-term conservation status. Objectives Three Natura 2000 network sites will be assisted by the LIFE Nature project which aims to target its action in 10 different locations around Haspengouw between Hasselt, Tongeren and Maastricht. Habitat restoration actions here aim to target: A complex of Annex I habitats dependent on groundwater and seepage water. The project area holds national and international importance for such habitats, which include 25 ha forests on extremely wet soils with a large diversity of sub-types, as well as (on drier soil) 15 ha of lowland hay meadows in combination with hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities and very locally also Eu-Molinion (6410) habitats; and Some 10 ha of drier habitat types (typical for a semi-dry, poor sandy soil) that are of great importance as a stepping stone between the Campine region and the Haspengouw region. These include old oak forests dry heathland and Northern Atlantic wet heaths with Erica tetralix. Furthermore, the project aims to integrate nature recreation benefits in its outcomes, promote voluntary action in nature conservation and act as an example of good practice for public participation partnerships in nature conservation activity. Overall goals for this approach aim to increase local communities’ understanding, appreciation and involvement in the Natura 2000 network. Following completion of the project, the pSCI will be one of the key areas in lowland Europe for the target habitats and target species. Expected results The project expects to achieve the following results: Restoration of 15 ha of wet grasslands/tall herbs (codes 6510 and 6430); Restoration of more than over 20 ha of swamp woodland (91E0); and Restoration of 3 ha of heaths and oak-birch woodland (4030, 9190). Such results will incorporate two horizontal actions leading to: Removal of invasive plant species from 24 ha of habitat 91E0 and 6 ha of habitat 9190; Establishment of grazing management in 20 Ha of various habitats (91E0, 6430, 6510).After the LIFE project, the valley ecosystem of Mombeek and Demer is expected to be one of the core areas in lowland Europe for several Annex I habitats, especially for alluvial forests, wet grasslands, old oak forests, moist and dry heathland systems. Furthermore, better visitor facilities will be created and information (brochures, film, leaflets, flyers) about the area will be produced resulting in improved socio-economic support of the Natura 2000 area. More people are expected to visit the nature reserve with respect for the natural values.

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