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AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things (AUTOPILOT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

"Automated driving is expected to increase safety, provide more comfort and create many new business opportunities for mobility services. The market size is expected to grow gradually reaching 50% of the market in 2035. The IoT is about enabling connections between objects or "things"; it’s about connecting anything, anytime, anyplace, using any service over any network. There is little doubt that ...
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Renewables in a Stable Electric Grid (RE-SERVE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

Future energy systems will use renewable energy sources to minimise CO2 emissions. Currently large generators powered by fossil fuel turbines maintain the stability and quality of energy supplies through their inertia. The inertia of these generator-turbine groups gives providers a significant time window in which to react to network events. We urgently need to find ways to stabilise energy sys ...
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ENABLE-S3 will pave the way for accelerated application of highly automated and autonomous systems in the mobility domains automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime as well as in the health care domain. Virtual testing, verification and coverage-oriented test selection methods will enable validation with reasonable efforts. The resulting validation framework will ensure Europeans Industry competiti ...
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The latest developments in low flying unmanned robots with arms and the associated fields of intelligent control, computer vision and sensors open the floor for robotic solutions, exploitable in the near term, in the field of inspection of difficult-toaccess areas of the civil infrastructure in general and bridges in particular. The latter infrastructure is ageing requiring inspection and assessme ...
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Joint project for the modernization of educational programs in climate engineering, regional priority for Russia and China, national priority for Azerbaijan.3 AIMS IN EACH COUNTRY:Reduce skills gaps on intermediate levels (construction site coordinator, design technician) by improving the employability of students and by perfecting corporate executives.Professionalize teaching programs in line wit ...
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...EABILLA• the needs of innovation expressed by the maritime stakeholders arising from their operational experience in managing maritime surveillance processes and systems at European, international and national levels.Under the guidance of a Stakeholder Board, EU CISE 2020 will manage in parallel the elaboration of the action plan for the operational validation of new elements of R&D needed to deve ...
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Cities demonstrating cybernetic mobility (CITYMOBIL2)

Start date: Sep 1, 2012, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

... to the five most motivated cities for a 6 to 8 months demonstration in each city.To change the legal framework CityMobil2 will establish a workgroup with scientists, system builders, cities, and the national certification authorities. The workgroup will to deliver a proposal for a European Directive to set a common legal framework to certify automated transport systems.Finally an industrial study ...
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INtelligent Renewable Optical ADvisory System (INROADS) (INROADS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2011, End date: May 31, 2015,

"This project aims to develop Intelligent Road Studs (IRS) combining LED lighting, sensor systems and communication technologies. The IRS will integrate renewable energy technologies that will fully or partially power the devices, making them self contained. The principle identified renewable technologies are solar photovoltaic and piezoelectric, although other sources will be investigated. Poweri ...
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...adily respond to major pollution incidents. Namely, this project aims to address concrete problems and needs identified in existing European policies and strategies on sea protection, while at national and regional level it is based on an analysis of the level of preparedness of project partners. The project envisages the setting up of a training and research centre for combating oil spills, and s ...
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... transport services between the ports and their own hinterlands. Currently, the Adriatic ports have different level of accessibility to the inland transport infrastructures: even if the ports and the national governments have undertaken significant investments to increase the railways accessibility and the connection to the national railways network, not all the ports will be served in the present ...
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City Alternative Transport System (CATS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The CATS project objective is the final development and experimentation of a new urban transport service based on a new generation vehicle. Its major innovation is the utilisation of a single type of vehicle for two different usages: individual use or collective transport. This new transport service is aimed at filling the gap between public mass transport and private individual vehicles. It is ba ...
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MULTIple Eco-Friendly FORest use: Restoring Traditions (MULTI EFFORT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

...ndscape reserve "Zaonezhskij" and zoological reserve Syskyänjoki on model territory Northern Priladozhye. The results are also continuously used in management activities in the Vodlozersky national park.Based on the MULTIEFFORT results, the factors limiting the development of eco-friendly forestry and ecosystem services were identified for the Republic of Karelia. The results of the analyses of be ...
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...nian researchers to take part in future FP7 funded research projects through training on project management accompanied by secondment of DNDI staff at the Brussels office of the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories. The sharing and dissemination of knowledge between DNDI and research institutes in member states will be facilitated by setting up a bilingual website, translating ...
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...oject consortium concluded that the organisation of collection and treatment of hazardous and other ship wastes (possible pollutants of the water body) is not possible without a mutually signed international legal instrument that regulates the harmonized procedures of waste management all along the river. In spite of clear but isolated efforts by some countries to develop a waste collection system ...
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Adriatic - Danube - Black Sea multimodal platform (ADB multiplatform)

Start date: Mar 31, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

...and promote environmentally friendly, multimodal transport solutions from the ports in the SEE programme area (Black Sea, Aegean, Adriatic) to inland countries and regions along a selected pilot transnational network. This will be done by developing and establishing a "multimodal transport development platform", which integrates different regions and stakeholders from the transport business. ADB M ...
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ROad safety in South East European regions  (ROSEE)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

...roads while 37% of fatalities are counted in built-up areas. 44% involves vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and riders of powered two-wheelers. ROSEE will support governments at the national and regional level in the selected South-East European regions to improve coordination in promoting, planning and operation of primary and secondary road networks with an emphasis on improvin ...
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Green Intermodal Freight Transport (GIFT)

Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Aug 30, 2014,

The main aim of the current project is to map, analyze, and evaluate the status of the transport sector in the GIFT transport network and propose new policies and strategies in infrastructure, processes, assets, ICT, legislation, norms and harmonization/ standardization issues, in order to promote innovative green intermodal freight transport corridors. GIFT project will drill down in three Pan-Eu ...
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...pecially in South-East Europe, as mountain regions are lacking sufficient sustainable transport facilities and facing major ecological impacts caused by individual vehicles . Based on this fact, EU-, national strategies and INTERREG-outcomes a project was jointly developed under the leadership of the Environment Agency Austria. The proposed project aims at achieving 'Durable environmentally friend ...
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Eco-efficient tourism

Start date: Apr 18, 2012, End date: Apr 17, 2014,

Objective of the projectTo make Euregio Karelia region more attractive for tourists through gradual leveling of quality of the services provided to tourists on two sides of the borderMain activities• Development of models for sustainable management of actively visited tourism destinations• Development and introduction of environmentally sustainable technological solutions for facilitation of speci ...
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Intelligent Transportation for Dynamic Environment (InTraDE)

Start date: Oct 2, 2007, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

... the developed system, Scientific and other communication articles in conferences and academic journals, newspapers, and specialised magazines have been published, The workings of transnational collaboration have been reported in order to serve as "lessons learned" for future projects, The project completed the transferability actions of the developed IAV concept to other application d ...
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Danube Inland Harbour Development (DaHar)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The DaHar partnership represents small and medium sized Danube cities with ports of international importance. The economic development and participation in the economic circulation of these cities could be enhanced through the optimal utilisation of port development in the frame of enhancing waterway cargo transport on the Danube in a transnational context. To this end, DaHar partners wish to util ...
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Developing of Motorways of Sea system in Adriatic region (AdriaticMos)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

The creation of a Motorways of the Sea Master (MoS) Plan in the Adriatic, connecting Europe with the southeast edge of the European Union, Cyprus, and the neighbouring regions, through a trans-European multimodal transport system, offers an opportunity for further development of short sea shipping and intermodality in the region. The overall objective of the project is to develop the MoS in the Ad ...
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Channel Arc Manche Integrated Strategy (CAMIS - EMDI+)

Start date: Feb 29, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

Objectif général :Le projet CAMIS – EMDI+ a pour but de mettre en œuvre une politique maritime intégrée dans l'espace Manche tout en stimulant des coopérations concrètes entre acteurs. Le projet propose de développer un cadre pour une gouvernance maritime (stratégie maritime intégrée, instance de concertation entre acteurs), de créer un centre de ressources pour la coopération et la gouvernance de ...
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Funding for climate-relevant research has been substantially increased in the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) covering 2007-2013. This research will support international processes in the framework of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol. Research under FP7 is focused on four main thematic areas. of which energy and transport are two. Both aim at higher efficiencies and increased use of sustainable ...
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...he project. It consists of Farming, Economic and Marketing Guidelines, Software Tools and Farm Examples. They are translated into most BSR languages and are spread to farmers and advisors through national advisor services and farmers’ organisations. Farmers’ University, where farmers learn from each other in dialogue with experts and researchers for further developing ERA, was launched. Policy re ...
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Background About 20% of the European population is exposed to environmental noise at levels that experts consider unacceptable. The health impacts include annoyance, sleep disturbance, and stress-related problems such as cardio-vascular disease. Road traffic is the main source of environmental noise pollution; other sources include aircraft, trains and in ...
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...ubstantial gains in the fight against climate change.  All European countries are facing the same challenge to improve energy efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions, therefore a coordinated and transnational approach is needed in order to introduce coherent policies and achievable targets that can be met by all countries. The implementation of strategies in EnerCity for the reduction of energy cons ...
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Transport Fire Safety Engineering in the European Union (TRANSFEU)

Start date: Apr 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2012,

There is an urgent need to have a confident toxicity measurement methodology that contributes to the existing level of surface transport fire safety, which is the most difficult issue to assess in case of fire. The lack of confidence in the robustness of the existing product toxicity classification forbids its acceptance as a standard which prevent the European industry from common safety rules an ...
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Background Numerous studies have confirmed the correlation between the concentration of particulate matter (PM) with respiratory disease, heart/circulation disorders and premature death. It is not only fine and ultrafine particles, found in PM2.5, but also the coarse fraction found in PM10 that can cause negative health effects. This project focuses on re ...
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RENAISSANCE aims to develop a valid, reliable and integrated package of access and mobility measures for historic cities. These will make possible the rediscovery, preservation and enhancement of historic cities in Europe, together with the sustainable development of the local economy, to the benefit of visitors, residents and local business alike. RENAISSANCE brings together a group of historic/t ...
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...ese are caused by an accident involving heavy vehicle. The problem C.A.S.H. addresses is traffic safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's), including Dangerous Goods (DG) and oversized transport in international traffic in each of the participating countries/regions. Although EU legislation on HGV and DG transport is being harmonised at the European level, the implementation and interpretation of exi ...
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...ia, Kazakhstan and China to the east and Belarus, Ukraine and Turkey to the south-east. It consists of an intermodal transport system with each of the different transport modes being links in the national and European transport system. The project addressed the increased cross border traffic in the corridor between Esbjerg, strengthened the transport development through studies highlighting infras ...
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...ies able to adapt to changing environmental conditions (WP 8); d) contribute to the implementation of suggested adapted management strategies in cooperation with political decision makers in 4 transnational case study regions. Achievements: The '22nd Century' Book on Fo ...
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Pan European Grid Advanced Simulation and state Estimation (PEGASE)

Start date: Jul 1, 2008, End date: Jun 30, 2012,

"PEGASE is a four year project dealing with the High and Extra High Voltage transmission and sub-transmission networks in Europe (designated as ETN) and implemented by a Consortium composed of 20 Partners including TSOs, expert companies and leading research centre’s in power system analysis and applied mathematics. Its overall objectives are to define the most appropriate state estimation, optimi ...
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The Intelligent Car Initiative has identified road safety, energy efficiency, and traffic congestion as the main challenges currently being faced by European transportation. Despite their severity, these issues may be improved with the use of new in-vehicle technologies currently not available in the market. However, implementing new technologies implies a risk to manufacturers. Factors such as di ...
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Network of Danube Waterway Administrations (NEWADA)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

... and improve the Danube waterway for inland navigation, to deploy services for the inland navigation sector and at the same time to preserve and protect the Danube as a habitat. Due to a lack of international cooperation and coordination between waterway authorities up to now taken measures and activities are insufficient. The objective of NEWADA, the first project linking the waterway administrat ...
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WAste management for inland Navigation on the DAnube (WANDA)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012,

The river Danube is a unique ecosystem with a high biodiversity, an important water reservoir and an international waterway with high potential for inland navigation being promoted by the EUs transport policy (NAIADES). The transport volumes in the Danube Corridor are expected to increase significantly. Due to significant differences and missing coordination in current practice of ship waste manag ...
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...:• Training sessions, workshops and joint planning events, in which the administrations will directly benefit from participation through the knowledge gained and successively utilised in addressing national, regional and municipal policy developments;• Development of city logistics publications and training products, which will record the knowledge gained during SUGAR.The SUGAR sites use these too ...
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Start date: Feb 28, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

...s to carry out studies, tests and provide services, attempting to define the basis for environmental port certification. Such actions are to take into account the productive needs of ports and EU and national standards in force and create pilot monitoring systems. ECOPORT involves PAN-EU corridor 8 ports, integrating existing international dialogue on developments in maritime traffic docking in po ...
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Introducing Maritime Spatial Planning in the Baltic Sea (BaltSeaPlan)

Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Jan 23, 2012,

The € 3,7 m project BaltSeaPlan (2009-2012) accompanied the EU Maritime Policy by supporting the introduction of Integrated Maritime Spatial Planning and preparation of National Maritime Strategies within Baltic Sea Region. It also contributed to the implementation of the HELCOM recommendation on broad-scale Maritime Spatial Planning & the VASAB Gdańsk Declaration.BackgroundThe Baltic Sea is a uni ...
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