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WAste management for inland Navigation on the DAnube (WANDA)
Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Mar 30, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The river Danube is a unique ecosystem with a high biodiversity, an important water reservoir and an international waterway with high potential for inland navigation being promoted by the EUs transport policy (NAIADES). The transport volumes in the Danube Corridor are expected to increase significantly. Due to significant differences and missing coordination in current practice of ship waste management in the Danube countries the increase of inland waterway transport enhances the environmental risks related to illegal ship waste discharge into the Danube. In order to account for this, the project WANDA (WAste management for inland Navigation on the DAnube) aims at establishing a sustainable, environmentally sound and transnationally coordinated approach in ship waste management along the Danube by (1) elaborating national ship waste management concepts, (2) implementing pilot actions and (3) developing a financing model for the operating system based on the polluter-pays principle. Achievements: • Common Framework Concept for ship waste management along the river Danube• Feasibility study on application of River Information Services (RIS) for waste management along the river Danube• Financing model for oily and greasy ship waste along the river Danube• Implementation concept of WANDA financing model for harmonised waste services along the river Danube• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Austria• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Bulgaria• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Croatia• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Hungary• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Romania• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Serbia• National Ship Waste Management Concept for Slovakia• Report describing the testing of a joint bilge water collection service in the Upper Danube (between Austria and Hungary)• Report describing the testing of a joint service for collecting, treatment and disposal of oily and greasy ship waste along the Lower Danube (between Romania and Bulgaria)• Report describing the testing of ship waste services (oily and greasy waste, hazardous waste) in the ports of Galati and Tulcea (RO)• Report from piloted ship waste collection service provided by the Green Terminal in the Port of Baja (HU)• Report from piloted ship waste collection service provided in the Austrian stretch of the river Danube• The status report summarises data about regulations for inland navigation, ports, locks and waste treatment in shipping in Austria• The status report summarises data about regulations for inland navigation, ports, locks and waste treatment in shipping in Bulgaria• The status report summarises data about regulations for inland navigation, ports, locks and waste treatment in shipping in Croatia• The status report summarises data about regulations for inland navigation, ports, locks and waste treatment in shipping in Romania• The status report summarises data about regulations for inland navigation, ports, locks and waste treatment in shipping in Serbia• The status report summarises data about regulations for inland navigation, ports, locks and waste treatment in shipping in Slovakia• The status report summarises the legal framework and responsible institutions in the field of river navigation in HungaryFor more information see:

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  • 85%   1 417 154,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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13 Partners Participants