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6 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

e-CLILT (e-based Content and Language Integrated Learning Training) addressesdirectly the 2007 Priorities about `Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)'. Itaims at enhancing the quality and European dimension of the teacher training in aconsortium of eight partner countries (IT, AT, ES, FR, GR, PL, SK, UK).The aims of the project can be divided into a teaching and learning dimension (to w ...
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The Bologna process has resulted in major changes in teacher training. Variousconcepts are being discussed and investigated in individual countries. Benchmarkingand exchanges via the intended network should result in a higher quality of teachertraining, enabling participating establishments to reflect on and adjust their ownsolutions by means of transnational exchanges. This particularly affects p ...
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Aim:The first years of teaching constitute a phase that is both demanding and sensitive inthe life of every teacher. If we assume there to be four typical phases of teacher training(basic training, starting the job, professionalisation and further development), practiceshows that there are areas of work laden with conflict, particularly in the transition frombasic training to starting the job and ...
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Improving language skills : With the EU becoming more important, there is a need to bring about improvements in people's general language skills. Language audits will identify areas where these needs are strongest and EU English courses will attempt to improve understanding of EU rules. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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Evaluation is traditionally part of teachers' work, but the methods as well as the actual target of the evaluation are changing with the time. Teachers face new demands: in particular, they should be able to identify prior learning and assess competencies of young and adult learners with different backgrounds. The project objective is to create a new training module for teacher training that empha ...
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In response to the business requirement of a major IT company that needed to support the integration of employees who were non-native speakers of English, GEMS NI developed an innovative “Talk IT” programme that addressed the business English language skills of workers in a large insurance company that have a large IT department to improve their competence in oral and written communication.Talk IT ...
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