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TIPP- teachers in practice and process

Aim:The first years of teaching constitute a phase that is both demanding and sensitive inthe life of every teacher. If we assume there to be four typical phases of teacher training(basic training, starting the job, professionalisation and further development), practiceshows that there are areas of work laden with conflict, particularly in the transition frombasic training to starting the job and in the area of professionalisation and furtherdevelopment. In these various career phases, there are enormous pressures on thepeople involved.Preliminary discussions revealed that young teachers found it particularly stressfulespecially when starting a job in all the institutions involved. This was the background tothis project.Aims:These pressures need to be investigated in an initial analysis phase by comparing theinstitutions involved in the project. The evaluation of this comparison of different areasforms the basis of a concept to be developed in which recommendations for action aregiven for newly qualified teachers and for teachers in phases ofprofessionalisation/further development. The key focus is on recommendations foroptimum classroom management, particularly as regards dealing with heterogeneity,individual support, and through the development of diagnostic skills, training onawareness and interactive approaches, team management and self-reflection trainingby creating portfolios, such as videographies. A classroom management manual will bedeveloped as the end product, to be available both in hard copy and electronic format.Target groups include both teachers and students in the transition phase between basictraining and starting the job, as well as those already in teaching posts. It is alsotargeted at all other groups involved with initial and further teacher training (universitylecturers, seminar trainers, and mentors).Key activities:The innovative content of the project comes from the development, implementation andevaluation of a transnational European teacher training concept, which preserves theexisting system standards for the countries taking part in the project and which, in asubsequent phase, should be further developed and used at as many different levels aspossible (university, teacher training establishments, schools, preschools).
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