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11 European Projects Found

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PRACTICE FUTURE is an investment in cross-border competence enhancement in entrepreneurship and a support for small and medium-sized local firms. The goal is to strengthen cross-border cooperation of SME in the region, especially small local firms which have limited resources on marketing and research; international knowledge and competence transfer between Higher education and local business; pro ...
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To accommodate for increased cross border activity and development within sustainable building technology, cooperation and business for the high north. Achievements: The project did a lot of research: two master dissertations were written on the project. It has lifted a ...
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Young Innovative Entrepreneurs (YIE)

Start date: Mar 21, 2012, End date: Dec 20, 2014,

The background of the project is that active young entrepreneurs are today looking for assistance in developing their innovative business ideas. The project will facilitate young innovative entrepreneurial initiatives in order to contribute to the development of the region. The project will create a region wide support system that will enhance the development and implementation of innovative busi ...
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Coastal environment, technology and innovation in the Arctic (CETIA)

Start date: Jun 29, 2011, End date: Jun 28, 2014,

The overall objective: To increase knowledge and provide innovative solutions to address common environmental risks and challenges in the Barents region. The specific objective: CETIA aims to contribute to develop new approaches to monitor the coastal environment and new technologies of bio-remeditation, and by establishing cross-border cooperation in academic training. ...
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Barents Cross Border University development project (BCBU+)

Start date: Apr 18, 2011, End date: Apr 17, 2013,

The overall objectives: to contribute to the development of the Barents region by promoting cross-border academic co-operation to respond the needs of Barents region to train highly skilled, technologically literate workforce for the knowledge-based economies in the Barents region. The specific objective: the BCBU university network, which represents the most northern higher education area in the ...
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ublic-Private Partnership in Barents Tourism (BART)

Start date: Dec 21, 2010, End date: Dec 20, 2012,

The administrations on the Barents region have for years now worked on drawing up sector-specific development strategies for the region. BART works with creating the action plan for the tourism sector. BART is a two year project that prepares for ambitious activites in the future. The project includes a large group of administrational and educational institutions working with tourism on the whole ...
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...e personal contacts between the key offi cials and individuals of the diff erent parties in, for example, the Hammerfest area and in the mechanical engineering industry and industrial council of the Murmansk area in Northwest Russia. Achievements: The project started wi ...
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TACHYwe is conceptualised as project for the reformation and modernisation of curricula for graduate studies in the field of social work and aims at a specialisation in developing and implementing courses (MA and PhD-level) on international child and youth welfare in the participating HEIs in Russia and Israel. Besides the focus on content in the curricula, networking activities are provided, prom ...
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The Project is in line with the principles of the Bologna process which aims at creating a European Area for Higher Education through a common new degree system, a European dimension to quality assurance and the recognition of degrees and study periods abroad. Project wider objective is to raise safety and efficiency of traffic flows (aviation, maritime, road, and rail) while decreasing environmen ...
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The purpose of the project is to set up an analysis and database on the structure of education,compare the educational needs of Lapland and Murmansk areas and draw up an anticipativeplan based on this.
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A joint Interreg-Tacis project where a cluster of experts is used to set up a network ofsecurity companies on both sides of the border through the opportunities offered byTacis funding. Special targeted vocational training will be arranged in order tostrengthen competence in the participating companies and help them better address thetopical needs of their customers.
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