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Barents Cross Border University development project (BCBU+)
Start date: Apr 18, 2011, End date: Apr 17, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objectives: to contribute to the development of the Barents region by promoting cross-border academic co-operation to respond the needs of Barents region to train highly skilled, technologically literate workforce for the knowledge-based economies in the Barents region. The specific objective: the BCBU university network, which represents the most northern higher education area in the EU and North West Russia and Norway will contribute to the establishment of higher education in the programme area.The specific objective of the project is with cost effective measures to further develop, harmonize and expand and integrate the Masters Degree programmes in the field of social work, health and wellbeing, environmental engineering and information systems in to regular activities of participating universities aimed at meeting the labour market needs in the programme area in line with the Bologna Process. And in so doing to develop models of good practices for implementation and cooperation for master’s programmes. Achievements: The project has improved higher education in the Barents region by developing jointly international multidisciplinary Master’s programs in the fields of Comparative Social Work, Software, Systems and Services Development in the Global Environment, Circumpolar Health and Wellbeing, and Environmental Engineering. Thus the project has also, in general, developed collaboration between educational institutions on the region.
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  • 54.2%   511 117,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Kolarctic ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants