Search for European Projects

18 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

International studies showed that EU students do not perform well in science, math and literacy skills (PISA, TIMMS, OECD). One of the specific priorities of the school education program is to address the low achievement in basic skills through more effective teaching methods and in particular through projects that foster interdisciplinary approaches and the integration of teaching basic skills su ...
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Jobs for Work 4.0 – The Future of Employment

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Digitization is increasingly shaping the world of work. Algorithms for big data are now rapidly entering domains reliant upon pattern recognition and can readily substitute for labour in a wide range of non-routine cognitive tasks. Advanced robots are gaining enhanced senses and dexterity, allowing them to perform a broader scope of manual tasks. This is likely to change the nature of work across ...
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Career Management Skills - A New 'Literacy' for Sustainable Employment

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The development of guidance services for adults within the workforce is a topical concern. Dramatic changes in work structures and social organization have occurred that are placing demands on adults to rethink their careers on an on-going basis. Added to this, are current EU policies that emphasize the need for continuous education for future economic and social mobility in an increasingly compet ...
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Beyond Retirement - A Migrant Integration Resource

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The BRAMIR Project proposes the development and implementation of a multi-layered andragogic framework designed for a seniors target group comprising older workers approaching retirement and recent retirees. This framework will incorporate a bespoke train-the-trainer curriculum, a suite of psychographic profiling tools and a digital toolbox of appropriate teaching resources to enable the redeploym ...
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Innovation Ecosystems for VET

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The challenges and opportunities of globalisation and technological development have led to a strengthened emphasis on innovation as a key driver for sustainable economic development. Innovation is essential for the growth of modern societies and it is also central to achieving economic and social development. While innovation is generally recognized as critical to the continuous improvement of ed ...
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A dynamic economy with an emphasis on lifelong learning must be underpinned by a dynamic education sector and while tackling early school-leaving is one of the priority objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy addressing the skill deficits and building the key competences of the young unemployed already outside the education system is a key objective of ET 2020. Young Europeans without high-value sk ...
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In times of striking economic crisis in Europe, education and training are more in the spotlight than ever, as policymakers are looking for clear responses to challenges faced by the Member States. All over Europe, national VET system and VET organisations are making considerable efforts to face these challenges and are undergoing developments to ensure that VET qualifications meet the highest qua ...
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Harnessing the Learning Assets Within the SME Business Community

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

When SMEs succeed, Europe succeeds. ‘SME’ is a little acronym but it covers a huge diversity of companies, sectors and circumstances. Hidden within this large universe of companies across Europe are the champions of tomorrow. Since 2008 Europe has been suffering the effects of the most severe economic crisis it has seen in 50 years: in the majority of EU Member States small and medium-sized enterp ...
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"The Europe 2020 strategy sets a headline target of 75% of people in the EU aged 20-64 to be in employment, compared to a current rate of 68.8%. For Roma, the employment rate is significantly lower, with a gap of around 26 percentage points according to World Bank research covering Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, and Serbia." (European Commission: Roma Integration – 2014 Commission Assessment: ...
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The main aim of the project EU-StORe - European Standards for Open Education and Open Learning Resources is to conceptualise and implement a European inventory of open learning resources, to analyse open learning scenarios and open learning resources, and to create shared common European standards and guidelines for open learning. Open education and open learning resources are actually one of the ...
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Key competences, assumed as a reference model for education and training in Europe (2010 Joint Progress Report ), are often acquired and developed in non-formal and informal contexts; this makes them not assessed nor recognized and consequently not used by adults for their personal and professional improvement. It lacks a culture of key competences, and their value is not enough valorised. This ...
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Alphabets of Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

The AlphaEU project focuses on the Key Activity 2 priority: “Promoting early language education.” It aims to promote the acquisition of multilingual awareness and language skills of pre-schoolers in various European countries, by developing, piloting, and implementing digital alphabet books and alphabet-related games and interactive activities. Targeted alphabets/languages include: English, German ...
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Entrepreneurship drives innovation, competitiveness, job creation and growth. It allows new innovative ideas turn into successful ventures and can unlock the personal potential of individuals. Research shows that Europe does not exploit its entrepreneurial potential when compared to America. About four million more young people were out of work in 2010 than at the end of 2007, and the youth unem ...
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Women Technology Entrepreneurs

Start date: Jan 1, 2010,

The ICT sector is the major source of new innovations that fuel competitiveness. It is the bedrock of the modern economy and the single most important source of growth accounting for 40% of EU productivity. As career pathways that were 'born digital', technology careers are potentially free of any historic gendered division of labour and women in the technology sector have fared better than in tra ...
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Eco-tourism is a segment of the tourism industry that is growing rapidly in popularity. The importance of eco-tourism as an agent for economic growth in remote areas of Europe and in areas witnessing declining income and opportunities through conventional agriculture means it is imperative appropriate educational supports are developed to encourage and enhance its potential. Since it is destined t ...
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Europe is getting older. In 2007, 35.2% of the EU's 495 million people were over the age of fifty . The old age dependency ratio in Europe is expected to approximately double from an initial 25% in 2004 meaning that by 2050 there would be about one inactive person for every two of working age. The size of the aged population is expected to grow not only in relative but also in absolute terms with ...
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With 130 million regular users in 2008, if Facebook were a country it would be the 10th largest in the world. However, only 0.38% of Facebook users are over the age of 65 years, with only 1% over 55 years. 181 million Europeans visited social networking sites in 2007; only 1.3% were over 55 years; undisputable evidence of the enduring 'Digital Divide' in society. While some experts argue that the ...
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According to the European Commission (Supporting the Teaching Professions for Better Learning Outcomes, 20.11.2012), the role of teachers and trainers is crucial in the modernization of VET with special focus on their professional development and status in society. The future dominated by change presents news challenges for both teachers and trainers in VET, involving new pedagogical, curriculum d ...
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