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8 European Projects Found

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Mosquitoes transmit some of the world's most serious diseases. The most important disease vectors are members of the subfamilies Anophelinae and Culicinae. Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria, filarial parasites , and a few arboviruses. There are 30 genera in the Culicidae subfamily, but the medically important mosquitoes are Culex, Aedes, Mansonia, and Annigeres (Culex would be important in Eur ...
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The main objective of the project WDCNET is to realize a radio frequency wireless network, linking all public services suppliers (municipalities, schools, welfare) in geographically isolated areas, able to transport data and information valuable and helpful to citizens. The wireless technology grants a high performance and reliable network with minimum environmental impact, on which implementing a ...
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Afin de répondre au défi de l'employabilité et de la formation y compris la formation des personnes isolées et la formation tout au long de la vie, ce projet est conçu comme un processus global et intégré contribuant à la modernisation des EESR par l'introduction de réformes structurelles. Ce projet se propose de réformer les méthodes d'enseignement par l'innovation pédagogique y compris numérique ...
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Our main objective is to improve the postgraduate training of healthcare professionals in organ donation and transplantation in Morocco, Egypt and Lebanon, setting the base for a Euro-Mediterranean Training Model of Specialists in Organ Donation and Transplantation. The EMPODaT is conceived as a blended training program, in accordance with the European Space for Higher Education guidelines. It wil ...
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Currently most construction professionals gain new knowledge through learning-by-doing supplemented occasionally by on-the-job training activities. The failure of these traditional modes are frequently evident in project failures and problems in the form of increased construction costs, delays in execution, and worse, in situation involving accidents that are sometimes fatal. It is now widely acce ...
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...e the quality of care, the medical community needs to know how to perform patient-oriented research in neonates. Five collaborating neonatal intensive care units from different Egyptian Universities (Mansoura, AlAzhar, Ain Shams, Tanta, Assuit, and Alexandria) will join the ENN project. All of them admit sick newborns and they will share the predefined set of patient database using the internet as ...
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The principal aim of the project is to establish a new joint master Degree in Sustainable Crop Protection (SCP) by collaborative efforts of universities from EU ( Italy, Greece and Spain) and different universities in Egypt in the agriculture field. The new MSc degree complies with the higher education objectives in partner countries in particular with the strategic priorities of the agricultural ...
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The project has as its main objective to "develop institutional capacity in the area of internationalisation for MEDA country institutions through the transfer of know-how, managerial capacities and good practice for the management or IROs (International Relations Offices)". Specifically, the project aims to develop an internationalisation culture through regional actions; provide appropriate know ...
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