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35 European Projects Found

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Building Integrated Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (BI-DSC)

Start date: Mar 1, 2013, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

"In the last decade, solar and photovoltaic (PV) technologies have emerged as a potentially major technology for power generation in the world. So far the PV field has been dominated by silicon devices, even though this technology is still expensive.Dye-sensitized solar cells (DSC) are an important type of thin-film photovoltaics due to their potential for low-cost fabrication and versatile applic ...
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Active Nanocoated DRy-electrode for Eeg Applications (ANDREA)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

"Multichannel electroencephalography (EEG) is a well-established method for investigating the function of the human brain, but, despite continuous advancements in signal amplification and data processing, difficult and error-prone signal acquisition on the head surface is still a major issue limiting its employment in basic and clinical research. The ANDREA project will develop a novel dry electro ...
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FLUIDCELL aims the Proof of Concept of an advanced high performance, cost effective bio-ethanol m-CHP FC system for decentralized off-grid, by improving technology developments from previous EU projects. The improvements will be achieved by development of a) better system integration using a fluidized bed catalytic membrane reactor working at low temperature (
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In this project a cost-competitive, energy-efficient and durable integrated PEMFC based power system operating on low-grade (crude) bioethanol will be developed for back-up and off-grid power generation. Back-up and off-grid power is one of the strongest early markets for fuel cell technology today. Wireless communication systems are rapidly expanding globally, and the need for reliable, cost-comp ...
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In 2011, the White Paper on European Transport reasserted how fundamental transport was for society, for the mobility of European citizens and for the growth and vitality of the European economy.CAPACITY4RAIL will deliver research that is innovative, prepares rail for the future and takes into account results from previous research projects and programmes. The project builds on previous useable re ...
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"Flows of complex fluids, such as many biological fluids and most synthetic fluids, are common in our daily life and are very important from an industrial perspective. Because of their inherent nonlinearity, the flow of complex viscoelastic fluids often leads to counterintuitive and complex behaviour and, above critical conditions, can prompt flow instabilities even under low Reynolds number condi ...
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REELCOOP stands for REnewable ELectricity COOPeration, and will address 5 areas: photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP), solar thermal (ST), bioenergy and grid integration. REELCOOP will develop decentralised (distributed) building integrated PV systems and ST/biomass micro-cogeneration systems, as well as centralised generation of electricity in hybrid solar/biomass power plants. This ...
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Multi-terminal DC grid for offshore wind (MEDOW)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

A DC grid based on multi-terminal voltage-source converter is a newly emerging technology, which is particularly suitable for the connection of offshore wind farms. Multi-terminal DC grids will be the key technology for the European offshore SuperGrid.In this proposal, DC power flow, DC relaying protection, steady state operation, dynamic stability, fault-ride through capability, and impacts of DC ...
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To address the challenges of solar energy capture and storage in the form of a chemical fuel, we will develop a hybrid photoelectrochemical-photovoltaic (PEC-PV) tandem device for light-driven water splitting. This concept is based on a visible light-absorbing metal oxide photoelectrode, which is immersed in water and placed in front of a smaller-bandgap thin film PV cell. This tandem approach ens ...
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Optical Infrared Co-ordination Network for Astronomy (OPTICON)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

Optical-infrared astronomy in Europe is in a state of transition and opportunity, with the goal of a viable structured European scale community in sight. A strong astronomical community requires access to state of the art infrastructures (telescopes), equipped with the best possible instrumentation, and with that access being open to all on a basis of competitive excellence. Further, the community ...
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Cloud for Europe (C4E)

Start date: Jun 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

Cloud for Europe (C4E) addresses the objectives of the European Cloud Partnership program. It gives a clear view on the public sector requirements and usage scenarios for Cloud Computing in Europe. The main objectives of C4E are to remove the obstacles for Cloud adoption and to harmonize the requirements from different public organisations beyond national borders. Stakeholders from industry, purch ...
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Over the last decade, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has grown and matured as a field. Gone are the days when only a mouse and keyboard could be used to interact with a computer. The most ambitious of such interfaces are Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI) systems. BCI’s goal is to allow a person to interact with an artificial system using brain activity. A common approach towards BCI is to analyze ...
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We must learn to both sustainably exploit & protect our vast oceans, provider of oxygen, food, hydrocarbons & other resources. A solution lies in sensing & interacting through an Internet of Things, with distributed networks of intelligent sensors & actuators. Unfortunately, we currently lack a marine Internet, crucial to achieve distributed, coordinated & adaptive control, due to the rapid absor ...
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The goal of the project is to expand the recently created POLARIS Centre of Competence in Future Cities of the University of Porto, thereby unlocking the full potential of interdisciplinary research in urban technologies, while strengthening knowledge transfer activities in close cooperation with local and global industrial partners. To this end, this project will support the following main activi ...
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Hydrogen is foreseen to be the energy vector of the future. However, there are still significant barriers to store and transport hydrogen, especially in small portable applications. The success of a portable Fuel Cell system depends to a large extent on the fuel supply that should be accomplished in a cost-effective and comfortable manner.The present project proposes a power supply comprising a me ...
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The axle bearing damage process has safety and economic implications on the exploitation of railways systems, as proved by the selection of this topic for inclusion in the present call for research proposals of the FP7 of the EU. Axle bearing damage has been the object of intense attention by railway operators and transportation authorities, leading to a variety of approaches and systems currently ...
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"In order to be able to maximize the benefits from reuse and recycling technologies projects a larger systemic analysis of the environment is needed, an enlargement of the traditional narrow planning and management approaches, and a growing sensitivity to decision-making associated with multi-objective, multi-purpose actions and multi uses parameters. However, the problem is not centered on the la ...
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 FINISHED - The European WindScanner Facility (WINDSCANNER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The future high rate of deployment of renewable energy will require a substantial increase in the installed wind power capacity towards 2020 and beyond, in fact this demand corresponds approximately to the installation of one large turbine every hour for the next decade. This is a substantial “grand challenge” as outlined in the Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) from 2009, which is the t ...
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Alternatíva spoza hraníc

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

Our Organization-Associated school dormitory in Vranov nad Topľou is a State educational institution dedicated to education and the education of children with intellectual disabilities of varying degrees. We provide education to pupils, most of whom suffer from 185 in addition to mental disability and other associated disabilities, such as. physical, Visual, hearing disability, or suffer from dise ...
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EERA Design Tools for Offshore Wind Farm Cluster (EERA-DTOC)

Start date: Jan 1, 2012, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) together with some high-impact industry partners addresses the call proposing an integrated and validated design tool combining the state-of-the-art wake, yield and electrical models available in the consortium, as a plug-in architecture with possibility for third party models. To decrease uncertainties around wind farm wake predictions, a small measur ...
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Description Current multi-AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) systems are far from being capable of fully autonomously taking over real-life complex situation-awareness operations. As such operations require advanced reasoning and decision-making abilities the existing designs have to heavily rely on human operators. But humans can easily be ...
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Based on previous collaboration, a group of 3 EU research organizations (from Italy, Portugal and Bulgaria) and 2 non-EU research organizations (from USA and Brazil), experienced in the area of research on environmentally friendly (soft) coastal protection methods, decided to bring together their expertise in an IRSES network - the project EnviCOP (Environmentally Friendly Coastal Protection in a ...
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Doped carbon nanostructures as metal-free catalysts (FREECATS)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

"This project is primarily aimed at generating new fundamental knowledge and fostering new prospects and frontiers in the field of catalysis for the sustainable production of chemicals and commodities. Rethinking important metal-based catalytic processes in the light of new tailored metal-free catalytic architectures designed and fabricated starting from appropriate nanoscale building blocks, is t ...
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Generic SDR-bAsed Multifunctional spAce LINK (GAMALINK)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

When talking about communications, terrestrial technologies are far more advanced than those applied in space. Therefore, spin-in of terrestrial technologies should be seriously pursued to provide the technology push that can lead space markets beyond the current state of the art. Therefore, GAMALINK will combine expertise on satellite navigation, ad hoc networking, attitude determination, antenna ...
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EcoWater will address the development of meso-level eco-efficiency indicators for technology assessment through a systems' approach. The effort will focus on enhancing the understanding of the interrelations of innovative technology uptake in water use systems, and their economic and environmental impacts. Research will address the selection of indicators appropriate for assessing system-wide eco- ...
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Sensitivity Analysis for Deterministic Controller Design (SADCO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

Optimisation-based design of control systems is concerned with determination of control strategies for complex, dynamical systems, to optimise some measures of best performance. It has the potential for applications to a wide range of fields, including aerospace, chemical processing, transportation systems and resource economics.The multi-partner initial training network SADCO aims at: Training yo ...
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Extensional flows occur widely in important biological functions of complex fluids, e.g. blood circulation, respiratory and gastrointestinal mucin flows and the synovial fluid in the joints. Extensional flows can significantly stretch the long-chain molecules present in such fluids, resulting in dramatic increases in flow resistance that are not quantified by standard rheological tests, yet are vi ...
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"There will be considered covering mappings and their applications. The properties of covering mappings in generalized metric spaces will be studied. Moreover, sufficient solvability conditions for inclusions defined by conditionally covering multi-valued mappings in metric spaces will be obtained. This results will be applied to the following problems. For difference equations there will be studi ...
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The development and implementation of bio-refinery processes is an absolute necessity and the key to meet the vision towards bio-based economy. The EuroBioRef concept is an integrated, sustainable and diversified bio-refinery involving all biomass value chain stakeholders. The latter will allow large-scale research, testing, optimisation and demonstration of processes in the production of a wide r ...
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Description The project addresses the long-term usability of commercially relevant data produced or controlled by organisations. It draws on motivation from use cases in health care, finance and clinical trialsEnsuring long term usability for the spiralling amounts of data produced or controlled by organisations with commercial interests ...
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The main goal of the proposed work is the design and testing of hybrid separation schemes that combine membrane and Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) technology for the purification of H2 from a reformate stream that also contains CO2, CO, CH4, and N2. The general objectives comply with SP1-JTI-FCH.2010.2.3: “Development of gas purification technologies”, which is part of the application area SP1-JT ...
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Hybrid Models for Tailoring Nano-Architectures of polymers (NANOPOLY)

Start date: Oct 1, 2009, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

The large scale production of commodity polymers is increasingly shifting overseas. Europe still plays a major role in polymer processing and product development, but the competition with the US and Asia requires distinctive efforts to sustain this leadership. Thus, it is decisive for European researchers and companies to design innovative, specialised commodities and optimise current production s ...
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Discovery of ocean depths concerns every one of us. Recent developments of new technologies, of underwater robotic and of GPS are changing dramatically the way people perceive oceans, not anymore from their surfaces, but through their depths, not in immersion but on-line, not deferred but in real time. This is the objective of Digital Ocean. New technologies are now capable of challenging traditio ...
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Sustainable Urban Metabolism for Europe (SUME)

Start date: Nov 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2011,

"Societies in their urban (and also non-urban) segments, are extracting materials and energy from their natural environment, processing these flows, eventually accumulating portions of them as stocks and, in the end, deleting them into the environment as wastes, emissions or deliberate discharges. Urban settlements – cities – are a specific type of stocks in the metabolism of societies, and the wa ...
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Playwright training in Austria and neighbouring countries : Through cooperation with qualified writing guides and a new training concept, young authors will be able to produce professional scripts for film, theatre and television. This project started in 2002 and lasted 30 months.
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