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Enabling kNowledge Sustainability Usability and Recovery for Economic value (ENSURE)
Start date: Feb 1, 2011, End date: Jan 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description The project addresses the long-term usability of commercially relevant data produced or controlled by organisations. It draws on motivation from use cases in health care, finance and clinical trialsEnsuring long term usability for the spiralling amounts of data produced or controlled by organisations with commercial interests is quickly becoming a major problem. Drawing on motivation from uses cases in aerospace, health care, finance and clinical trials, ENSURE will significantly extend the state of the art in digital preservation which to-date has focused on relatively homogeneous cultural heritage data.The use cases bring up a number of issues specific to digital preservation in the context of the industry and services sector: safely leveraging scalable pay-as-you-go infrastructure such as cloudshelping businesses understand the economic implications of preservationconforming to regulatory, contractual and legal requirements as part of a whole workflowmanaging long term integrity and authenticity of significant intellectual property or highly personal datausing off-the-shelf IT technologies to support the preservation of different types of digital resourcesENSURE builds upon broader advances in ICT and integrates preservation solutions with existing ICT assets and approaches, in particular in the following areas:Cost and value: evaluate the cost and benefit of different quality solutionsPreservation lifecycle management: build on industry standard lifecycle management approaches to manage the preservation lifecycle, ensuring regulatory compliance, allowing changes in the preservation approach to reflect environmental changes, addressing evolution of ontologies and managing the quality of the digital objects over time.Content-aware long term data protection: ensure long-term, content-aware data protection, addressing changes in personally identifiable information, new and evolving regulations, managing user identities over decades, etc.Leveraging wider ICT trends: evaluate the costs/risks/benefits and demonstrate how to use emerging, commonly available information technology to enable scalable solutions for digital preservation, considering in particular cloud storage and virtual application image capture.

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