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13 European Projects Found

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City-Port Eco Logistic (CiELo)

Start date: Mar 1, 2012, End date: Jul 1, 2014,

CIELO will deploy specific actions to provide a detailed analysis of the problems related to accessibility; studying the modalities to enhance the interconnection between city’s “hotspots” (ports, railway stations, airport, etc). CIELO will provide a guidance for accessibility management, with regard to sustainability of urban mobility, promoting innovative instruments to ease the city links and t ...
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The project deals with the traffic congestion of cities with big commercial ports and aims at reducing pollution through the deployment of an advanced mobility management information system based on ICT. It will also improve integration between transport modes and better interconnection of existing networks, providing mainly: • A study about the appropriate ICT solutions for mobility management an ...
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LOC PRO II project is the continuation of the successful LOC PRO I project, which was completed under the previous GR-IT INTERREG program. The main objective concerns the support of entrepreneurs & enterprises producing local typical quality products, in such a manner that achieves a high degree of ICT integration in the everyday work and the use of modern marketing tools & techniques. This aim wi ...
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Sustainable coast MOBility in the ADRIatic area (ADRIMOB)

Start date: Jan 31, 2011, End date: Jan 30, 2014,

ADRIMOB involves the main ports of Adriatic cross-border area. Venice, Ravenna, Rimini, Cesenatico, Pesaro-Urbino, Pescara, Brindisi, Bari, Rovinj, Rab, Spalit, Durres, Bar, Igoumenitsa and the main ports of Slovenian area. The involved partners gathered their efforts with the purpose of defining a project generating concrete solutions to real problems: improvement and upgrade the accessibility in ...
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Adriatic Economic Cluster Club (Cluster Club)

Start date: Feb 28, 2011, End date: Aug 30, 2013,

The Cluster Club project aims to improve the innovation’s possibility of territorial and productive system through cooperation, business opportunities and market research. It aims also to accelerate the creation and reinforcing of cluster’s system, in particular the creation of SMEs network, Public Administration, public and private institutes of research, consumers and potential products and serv ...
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The project Fish Tourism aims to implement in a pilot scale a fishtourism & ichthyotourism project in Greece utilising Italian experience & know-how. Fishermen and other stakeholdes will have an alternative activity, aiming to provide an alternative occupation and reduce and control the fishing effort in nature and subsequently reduce the pressure of the natural stocks. The socio-economic fabric o ...
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Adriatic action plan 2020 (Aap2020)

Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Apr 29, 2006,

How to reconcile development with sustainability and integrate sustainability policies into the political and management practices of public authorities is a major concern for regions and cities along the Adriatic coast. They are faced with conflicting trends: on the one hand, there is wide recognition of the importance of environmental action; and on the other hand, sustainability policies are of ...
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Background Many of Europe's coastal zones share problems of deterioration of their environmental, socio-economic and cultural resources. Since 1996, the European Commission has been working to identify and promote measures to remedy this trend and to improve the overall situation in these areas. Compared to other continents, Europe has a large continental ...
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The territory of concern constitutes one of the most vulnerable to natural disasters areas of Euro-Mediterranean Zone (earthquake activity, extensive fires, floods, continuous subsidence of subsoil water surface and gradual desertification of soil). Taking into account the above, CI-ProEffect aims at improving the quality of life of local societies through engaging catholic participation of citize ...
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The specific project is a follow up of the “GREEKHOT” project realized in the INTERREG III Programme, in the same territories. It concerns the expansion of the WiFi infrastructures already installed (GREEKHOT), in order to be able to provide more advanced services to the visitors. • An Integrated ICT Platform will be established for environmental control and protection (Video surveillance, fire de ...
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Net.L.A.M. intends to realize a permanent network in the sector of recreational yachting connecting the port structures of the partners and standardizing their services. The principal activities concern: • A Net.L.A.M circuit center • A map of all involved harbours • The organization and improvement of the quality of available services via the NetL.A.M. Paper of Services • A web site that will fu ...
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The main aim of this proposal is to improve the living and traffic conditions in the urban centres of Igoumenitsa, Brindisi and Gallipoli. The implementation of an advanced urban management system will provide several benefits. The objectives consist of the following: • Creation of an interlinked urban traffic planning system in the three participating cities of this proposal. • Development of an ...
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Water Saving for Development (WaS4D)

Start date: Mar 18, 2012,

The general objective of the project is to promote drinking water saving culture & behaviour . Its principal activities are: • on line geo-referred maps regarding existing water resources/quality and water needs, for Puglia and Achaia • a Sustainable cross border Water Management Plan • a water saving Local Action Plan - 2015-2020 • Water Houses with scenic design selected via public competition • ...
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