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15 European Projects Found

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The Partnership for Modernisation between the European Union and Russia states as one of the priority areas to enhance cooperation in innovation, research and development. In this context the 24 consortium members of ERA.Net RUS Plus propose to implement a Single Joint Call for transnational and scientifically excellent research projects in the fields of Nanotechnologies/Materials/Production Techn ...
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European Dimension in Qualifications for the Tourist Sector

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

Dissemination strategy will be implemented through scheduled activities throughout and beyond the project life-time. Wider awareness of Bologna culture, EHEA, OS, SQFs and new program will be raised through dissemination events, including conferences, which will be visible to larger audiences through publications in mass media, press-releases, photo gallery of events, audio-visual products, TV and ...
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Harmony project aims to contribute to development of a comprehensive internationalization strategies and their harmonization at EU and Partner Countries (Armenia, Belarus, Russia) within the framework of HEA in accordance with the main provisions of the Bologna Process through modernization of international relation management of the partner countries universities, promoting the academic mobility ...
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"The overall aim of the ACCESSRU project is to stimulate S&T cooperation between Europe and Russian Federation by providing better access to the European researchers for the Russian research and innovation programmes. Firstly, the project will map and analyse research & innovation programmes and initiatives managed by the Russians Federation to identify access opportunities to researchers from the ...
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European Computer Driving Licence Web Training Project

Start date: Mar 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2004,

The main purpose of the project was to develop a versatile, high-quality web-training programme in basic computer knowledge, which could be used in teaching both in Finland and Russia. Th e aim was to compose training material in Russian for this training programme as related to a computer user’s “driving licence”, and develop the network-learning environment. Th e aims of the project also include ...
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The project consortium includes the following partners: three HEI`s from EU; eleven Universities from BY, RU and UA; three research and constructing enterprises of related field as stakeholders from PCs; three MHES of BY, RU and UA. Wider Objective of the project is ensuring that the targeted Universities introduce pilot Doctoral Programmes in Engineering in line with the Bologna Process, accordin ...
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The project aims to the definition and adoption of an iQA system of SPs in the RF, consistent with the ESG and compatible with their organisation, and of an online documentation and monitoring system of their quality. The project will be especially addressed to technological education, but most topics are universal and can be applied to all fields of education as well. The first outcome of the pro ...
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The wider objective of the project is to contribute to the introduction of the Bologna principles into the Russian quality assurance system of higher education. This involves development of Standards and Procedures for Public Accreditation of Agricultural Programs in line with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). Standards should meet the ...
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...elop countrywide procedure for HE degree programme accreditation harmonized with ENQA 2. To establish independent Programme accreditation entity based at Bologna Club entitled to assist HEIs and the Ministry of Education. 3. To train expert (peer) pool capable for degree programme evaluation.4. To enable pilot run of the developed procedure.In order to enhance the quality of degree programmes and ...
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INARM (INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT: BOLOGNA-STYLE QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORKS) is a two-year multi-country project, under the EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Higher Education and Society, Structural Measures action. INARM’s wider objective is to contribute to further improvement of Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian higher education by developing sectorial qualifications frameworks for informatics and man ...
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ELFRUS project purpose is elaboration of sectoral Qualifications Framework for Land Management Studies at Russian Universities. Project will contribute towards its wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Russian Federation and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications framework”. There are three specific project objective ...
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The project “Strengthening the Lifelong Learning in Environmental Sciences in Russia – STREAM” will strictly address its wider objective – contribute to the development of a national framework for lifelong learning in line with the needs of a knowledge-based society in Russia. The project strives to achieve three specific objectives:1. Setting-up a horizontally & regionally distributed network for ...
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Proposed DEFRUS project aims at development of sectoral Qualifications Framework for Food Science. It will contribute towards wider objective “Enhancement of quality and relevance of higher education in Russian Federation and increasing convergence with EU developments through elaboration of qualifications framework”. Three specific project objectives are:1- Comparative analyses of existing standa ...
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...sment literacy among school teachers of English. Modules for the training of teachers will be developed in accordance with the European tuning processThe project will, with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education:Transfer expertise in assessment literacy training, promoting sustainable inter-university co-operation in this field and establishing regional centres for professional developme ...
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The Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation window gives the consortium of 8 EU and 12 RF partners the opportunity to build up a blueprint for a university exchange scheme modelled after the Bologna acquis and the guidelines of the Erasmus programme. The number of mobility flows, the broad coverage of various thematic priority fields, the integration into several existing co-operation projects will g ...
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