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9 European Projects Found

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ERA-NET Plus on Electromobility (Electromobility+)

Start date: Dec 15, 2010, End date: Dec 14, 2015,

The growing awareness of necessary changes and effective measures that can prevent, or at least, limit climate change has in many countries led to substantially intensified efforts in research and development. The dominant objective is to reduce fossil fuel consumption - therefore low carbon mobility, with electric mobility in the first place, is considered as a promising way to meet the challenge ...
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Industrial safety is an enabling and important success-factor in the pursuit of beneficial business activities. For this reason, industrial safety is a vital and important prerequisite for sustainable growth and competitiveness of the EU. Therefore, there is an urgent need to refocus the resources of national research programmes in EU Member States on industrial safety since the problems related t ...
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The loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystems are major scientific and societal challenges. Addressing them and providing scientific support to policy requires a coherent research framework, with coordinated strategies and programmes at the regional and international levels, which are the relevant scales for many biodiversity issues.By networking 21 funding agencies from 15 countries, ...
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"Climate Change is one of the most important issues facing the world in the 21st century and challenges all four (ecological, economical, social and cultural) dimensions of sustainable development. Europe takes a leading role in the necessary response to these challenges. Severe impacts are unavoidable and European adaptation strategies must be supported by a coherent base of knowledge on its key ...
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SITEX aims at identifying the efficient means that should be developed through the establisment of a sustainable expertise function network within a European framework with the view to:- allowing mutual understanding between regulatory bodies, TSOs and waste management organisations (WMOs) on (i) the regulatory expectations at decision holdpoints and (ii) how the scientific and technical elements ...
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"It is estimated that around 20% of the burden of disease in industrialized countries can be attributed to environmental factors, and the magnitude of the problem is perceived by the majority of Europeans. The assessment of health impacts is based mostly on scarce exposure data and limited information on the relationship between exposure and health. There is, therefore, a need to strengthen resear ...
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Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

"ERA-NET TRANSPORT II (ENT II) brings together the owners of national transport re-search programmes from thirteen countries, representing an annual public funding volume in the access of € 300 Mio in total. The vision behind ENT is to supplement and enrich na-tional RTD programmes through trans-national cooperation where national programme representatives can see an added value. Since 2003 the EN ...
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ERACOBUILD aims at strengthening and enlarging the strategic networking of RDI programmes in the field of “construction and operation of buildings” initiated in the previous ERABUILD coordination action. ERACOBUILD gathers 34 programme owners or managers coming from 17 EU Members States, 4 Associated Countries and 1 European Region. The new countries will benefit from the experience and results o ...
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Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"ERA-NET ROAD II’s aim is to strengthen the European Research Area in road research by coordinating national and regional road research programmes and policies. The consortium comprises owners and managers of road research programmes in fifteen countries and two regions, i.e. the eleven National Road Administrations active in the first ERA-NET ROAD plus four more National Road Administrations and ...
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