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ERA-NET Plus on Electromobility (Electromobility+)
Start date: Dec 15, 2010, End date: Dec 14, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The growing awareness of necessary changes and effective measures that can prevent, or at least, limit climate change has in many countries led to substantially intensified efforts in research and development. The dominant objective is to reduce fossil fuel consumption - therefore low carbon mobility, with electric mobility in the first place, is considered as a promising way to meet the challenge of future petrol scarcity.With the transnational call Electromobility+, public research programmes from 11 European countries and regions come together to give to research the objective of preparing a long-term horizon, one which will follow this current hype phase.Thus, Electromobility+ will contribute to the creation of long-lasting conditions for the development of electric mobility in Europe on the horizon of 2025. The joint initiative is geared to analyse, to consolidate and to prolong developments within the context of electromobility which are going to appear from 2010 on and so strongly contribute to shape the European electromobility of tomorrow.Within Electromobility+, research programmes from 11 European countries and regions are bringing together more than 15 M€ of public funding within the framework of the proposed ERA-Net Plus initiative. The European Commission may additionally contribute up to 33 % of the total national funding to the funding of trans-national projects (i.e. about 7 M€).Electromobility+ is a contribution of European countries and regions to the European Green Cars Initiative. The main goal is to provide a basis for a long-term platform on electric mobility in Europe.The objectives of Electromobility+ can be summarised as follows1. The establishment of sustainable and effective structures for cooperation and coordination of research in the field of electric mobility as a basis for a long-term cooperation.2. The development of technical and scientific knowledge which will create long-lasting conditions for the development of electric mobility in Europe on the horizon of 2025

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