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25 European Projects Found

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Enhancers control the correct spatio-temporal activation of gene expression. A comprehensive characterization of the properties and regulatory activities of enhancers as well as their target genes is therefore crucial to understand the regulation and dysregulation of differentiation, homeostasis and cell type specificity.Genome-wide chromatin assays have provided insight into the properties and co ...
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"A well-functioning democracy implies that political actors are aware of the real problems in society, their potential solutions, and the associated preferences of citizens. This requires information about the real world. This project examines how individual political actors process information coming out of society. Its goal is to lay bare the patterns whereby exposure to certain types of informa ...
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Defining the genetic basis of differential susceptibility to infectious diseases is of importance for understanding the evolution of human genetic diversity, for identifying critical molecular pathways in disease resistance, and for the design of novel intervention strategies such as more effective vaccines.I propose to sequence the entire coding regions of all human genes in large numbers of case ...
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Many technologically and societally important mathematical problems are essentially intractable for traditional, serial computers. Therefore, a significant need exists for parallel computing approaches that would be able to solve such problems faster than current serial computers. This project will develop and benchmark a novel paradigm for future parallel computing approaches, based on biologica ...
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The Human Brain Project (HBP)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Understanding the human brain is one of the greatest challenges facing 21st century science. If we can rise to the challenge, we can gain profound insights into what makes us human, develop new treatments for brain diseases and build revolutionary new computing technologies. Today, for the first time, modern ICT has brought these goals within sight. The goal of the Human Brain Project, part of the ...
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This proposal aims at collecting and analysing facts and figures in order to assess the current legislation on the therapeutic use of somatic cells, and to bridge it with the research infrastructure capacity building. Although EU has adopted 3 Directives on Tissues and cells between 2004 and 2006 to harmonise the procurement, storage and use of cells for therapeutic use in Europe, countries have i ...
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Limpid aims at generating new knowledge on photocatalytic materials and processes in order to develop novel depollution treatments with enhanced efficiency and applicability. The main goal of LIMPID is to develop materials and technologies based on the synergic combination of different types of nanoparticles (NPs) into a polymer host to generate innovative nanocomposites which can be actively appl ...
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The growing development, production and use of engineered nanomaterials and associated products will increase exposure of both humans and ecosystems to these new materials. However, current knowledge is still incomplete and established test methods are as yet inappropriate to reliably assess the extent of exposure and risk of materials at the nano-scale. There is an urgent need to develop methods ...
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The Health Directorate of the European Commission's DG Research and Innovation recently stated that Personalized Medicine is one of the most innovative areas in the future of health research with a high potential for patients, citizens and the economy. However, today the full potential can not be developed due to fragmented activities, insufficient communication and lack of generic solutions in th ...
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Unprecedented growth in the accessibility of imaging data of persons with brain diseases has led to the development of computational infrastructures offering scientists access to image databases and e-Science services. FP7 neuGRID is the leading e-Infrastructure where neuroscientists can find core services and resources for brain image analysis. "neuGRID for Users" (N4U) will provide an e-Science ...
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Vaccines against helminth infections (PARAVAC)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

Livestock production efficiency is impaired by helminth infection which is ubiquitous in cattle, sheep and goats world-wide. It causes severely debilitating gastro-intestinal, respiratory and hepatic disorders, dependent on the infecting species. The treatment and prevention of helminth parasitism in livestock continues to rely almost exclusively on the use of anthelmintic drugs, an approach thre ...
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Cancer Genomics of the Kidney (CAGEKID)

Start date: Mar 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2014,

The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) has the goal of obtaining a comprehensive description of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic changes in 50 different tumour types and/or subtypes, with the aim of elucidating the genomic changes present in the many forms of cancers that contribute to the burden of disease throughout the world. We present a proposal for a European contribution to ...
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The next generation of Platforms as a Service (PaaS) for cloud providers demand consistency, availability, and simpler programming abstractions, such as transactional consistency. Obtaining these three properties simultaneously is, however, a significant challenge. In CumuloNimbo, we propose to achieve this goal by building a stackable and modular execution platform that can be installed as a serv ...
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Current designs of neurally inspired computing systems rely on learning rules that appear to be insufficient to port the superior adaptive and computational capabilities of biological neural systems into large-scale recurrent neural hardware system. This is not surprising, since most of these learning rules had to be extrapolated from results of neurobiological experiments in vitro. New experiment ...
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European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology (ENGAGE)

Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2012,

"ENGAGE (European Network for Genetic and Genomic Epidemiology) has, as its central objective, the translation of the wealth of data emerging from large-scale research efforts in molecular epidemiology into information of direct relevance to future advances in clinical medicine. ENGAGE will do this through the integration of very large-scale genetic and phenotypic data already available from a sub ...
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...wo infrastructures with similar aims are operational or under construction overseas. In Canada, the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) aims to develop a pan-Canadian platform (CBRAIN for exchange and distributed processing of 3D/4D brain imaging data. In the US, the LONI – Laboratory of Neuro Imaging at UCLA ( already provides a number of algori ...
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"Coping with economic uncertainty while seeking security is a central dilemma of public policy in a globalising economy. A complex set of deals and conflicts are involved in the process of distributing the gains and the burdens of that uncertainty, and various forms of employment contracts and labour and social policies express their outcome. This project is concerned with the study of that proces ...
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Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC)

Start date: Jun 1, 2009, End date: Dec 31, 2011,

"MACC (Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate) is designed to meet the requirements that have been expressed for the pilot Core GMES Atmospheric Service. The project has been prepared by the consortia of the FP6 project GEMS and the GSE project PROMOTE, whose core service lines will provide the starting point for MACC. From mid-2009 MACC will continue, improve, extend, integrate and valida ...
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Natural Interactive Walking (NIW)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

NIW will investigate possibilities for the integrated and interchangeable use of the haptic and auditory modality in floor interfaces, and for the synergy of perception and action in capturing and guiding human walking. Its objective is to provide closed-loop interaction paradigms, negotiated with users and validated through experiments, enabling the transfer of skills that have been previously le ...
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Albeit the C-S-H gel constitutes the main ingredient of cementitious skeletons and their life-service depends crucially on it, the possibility of tuning the intrinsic nature and properties of the C-S-H gel has been simply out of reach. Fortunately this long-standing impossibility can be currently overcome by the complementary action of new experimental capacities and stronger simulations schemes w ...
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The GENESIS Project has the objective of providing Environment management and Health actors with an innovative solution based on advanced ICT. Relying on interoperability standards and harmonization process, GENESIS helps to constitute complex information networks, by combining benefits of various information systems with a collaborative systems approach. The proposed generic solution allows easy ...
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The ERASMUS Network for Music ‘Polifonia’ will enhance the quality and attractiveness of European higher music education (HME) at the European level and internationally. Impacted by European higher education policy developments (e.g. the ‘Bologna’ and ‘EU 2020’ processes) and by changes in the profession, the HME sector in Europe has developed an increasingly unified approach which has benefited f ...
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Project objective:The main objective of the TEE Partnership is to encourage structured cooperation at higher education level between European, US and Canadian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), increasing the visibility of European higher education in the US and Canada and fostering interinstitutional relations and sustainable international cooperation between participating HEIs. It will contri ...
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In response to the overwhelming and constantly ever-increasing demands being plaecd by the industry on trained specialists in modern BPM and IT service technologies this project is to develop a Canadian-European BPM Education Network. The transatlantic education network addresses students in computer science, IT and information systems in Graduate level in order to overcome the shortage of highly ...
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Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience is the scientific study of how people think about or respondto sound, with a focus on the relationship between auditory behaviour (hearing, imagining, ormaking sound) and the neural substrates of the mental processes involved. Examples includerecognizing a phone ring, understanding speech in noise, listening to music, or imagining aparent's voice. Auditory Cognitive ...
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