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10 European Projects Found

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CONTEXT/BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT Reading and writing skills are not only important requirements for participating in professional and social life, but are also the basis for taking part in democratic society. Poor language abilities can cause school and work dropouts and result in unequal opportunities, poverty and social exclusion. This project, which works towards the integrative promotion of r ...
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Background: In the participating partner countries (IT and ES) the options for young people are limited to take part in initial vocational training or to gain work experience. Even though youth unemployment is low in Germany, problems exist in the transition from school to work (transition system) or occur later on (drop-outs in initial vocational training). Preventive approaches, which are settle ...
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...dagogische Hochschule Wien - can provide learners with qualified feedback about misspelt words. He will create appropriate courses and provide suitable content for them. The Landesinstitut für Pädagogik und Medien boasts a long-standing competency in the field of teacher training. Its contact person Michael Gros has cooperated in many projects and will act as the project coordinator. As a primary ...
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The project intends to develop, test and implement a Basic Curriculum for Teachers' In-service Training in Content Area Literacy in Secondary Schools [BaCuLit].The reason for this project is stated in the 2010 general call for proposals (second priority): "Improving reading literacy and other basic skills: The level of reading literacy skills among school students across the EU is not improving, a ...
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The reason for this projectFor many foreign and second language teachers it is a challenge to shift from traditional language instruction (grammar and vocabulary teaching) to a task-based approach, to implement the Common European Framework for Languages (CEF) and to use new technology. The last problem was addressed in a number of projects (e.g. International Modules in ICT and Language Learning ...
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TEAKWOOD will focus upon the supplementary training of teachers within the European woodworking industry. This is to be effected through the hosting of a series of workshops and the development of a common internet-based, information & communication platform.New learning concepts highlight a need for competence development with teachers in the woodworking industry, both at vocational training and ...
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„All innovations are projects, but not all projects are innovations“ (Hauschildt). In projects, innovative solutions are developed. The realisation can be assured by Project Management (planning, organising and controlling the project work). Without Project Management (PM), innovations often fail. The importance of PM is therefore increasing at the workplace. In vocational education PM is rarely t ...
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„All innovations are projects, but not all projects are innovations“ (Hauschildt). In projects, innovative solutions are developed. The realization will be secured by project management (planning, organizing and controlling the project). In the operational context the importance of project management is increasing. In vocational education project management is rarely taught even though first solut ...
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Das Niederlande-Bild in Unterrichtsmaterialien für nordrhein-westfälische Schule ist veraltet. Im Rahmen des Projektes werden neue Schulmaterialien entwickelt. Eingesetzt werden sollen die neuen Materialien im Geschichts-, Erdkunde sowie Politikunterricht, auch im Niederländisch-Unterricht.Innovative Lehrmethoden und der Einsatz multimedialen Technologien werden bei der Erstellung berücksichtigt.Z ...
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Ziel des Projektes ist der Aufbau einer grenzüberschreitenden Aus- und Fortbildung undeiner grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Schulen zum integrierten naturwissenschaftlichenUmweltunterricht auf Grundlage der Agenda 21. Dazu wird eine Kooperationzwischen den Lehrerfortbildungs- und Ausbildungsinstitutionen und den Schulen entwickelt,von der die Partner in der Grenzregion deutlich profi ...
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