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Individualisiertes, Differenziertes Rechtschreibtraining durch Korrektur von für Schüler relevanten, selbst verfassten Texten
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The existence of computers, tablets and mobile phones allows for a new access of the learners to the writing process. Learners use both computers and the internet for writing purposes. While writing down what they have experienced they train their orthographic skills through using an intelligent dictionary. Providing that innovative access to writng is the objective of the IDERBLOG project. In the course of this 3-year-project an internet-based platform is created which enables learners to sustainably improve their orthographic skills while drafting their own texts. In accordance with data privacy protection these texts will be made accessible on the IDERBLOG platform either entirely or in parts. On the one hand this publication on the Internet increases the writers’ motivation, while on the other hand it trains the reading competency of the readers who may establish a contact with the authors via the Internet. Through this communication the text that was authored by the student develops into a product that can be customised for the reader. While reading contributions provided by students from different regions, the learners gain insights into the life of their peers. These impressions bring about intercultural learning as they create a knowledge concerning the existence of interregional differences within the area where German is spoken. The mistakes produced in the process of writing are analysed qualitatively within the intelligent dictionary of IDERBLOG and classified according to categories. This individual analysis of mistakes is made available for the teacher in charge, thus enabling him to deal individually with the respective student. The teacher finds the necessary resources in the materials database integrated into IDERBLOG which will be created in the same way as the database for the student courses, which learners may attend free of charge in order to improve their writing skills. All collateral products may also be used in different learning contexts. IDERBLOG is aimed at the primary section of schools in German speaking countries. By using the platform teachers can improve their students’ writing competencies while fostering a contemporary approach to the writing process at the same time. Via the publication on the Internet, handling their own data safely and competently becomes part of the students’ tuition of German as a school subject. The students’ increased writing and orthographical competency entails improved performances at school in other subjects as well. Reading and writing are part of the key competencies of a successful school career. The parents of the students that take part in the project will be informed about the school’s plans. A concept will be developed for parent-teacher conferences. The consortium of partners consist of 6 separate (autonomous) institutions within German speaking areas in Germany, Austria and Belgium. Mister Ebner from TU Graz holds a long-standing experience as a researcher within the field of e-learning. He represents the core area called “learning analytics”, the analysis of learning activities. Ms Edtstader works at the "Kirchliche Pädagogischen Hochschule Wien/Krems". Ms Edstader possesses experience in the field of project work and as a linguist she’s capable of considerably supporting the programming of the dictionary. As the head of the newly founded „Didaktikzentrum für Text- und Informationskompetenz (DiZeTIK)“ mister Asphalter - who works at the “Pädagogische Hochschule Wien - can provide learners with qualified feedback about misspelt words. He will create appropriate courses and provide suitable content for them. The Landesinstitut für Pädagogik und Medien boasts a long-standing competency in the field of teacher training. Its contact person Michael Gros has cooperated in many projects and will act as the project coordinator. As a primary school teacher and deputy head of the institute’s e-learning department he will act as the link between the respective project partners and will accompany the development of the individual training modules. The Albert Weisgerber Schule St.Ingbert has placed learning with “new” media in the foreground of its schools policy. IDERBLOG will be used to complement the instructional offer for its students. The school’s qualified feedback will contribute to improving the IDERBLOG product. The Gemeindeschule Raeren has its own writing concept derived from the Fresh method. This concept can be connected with IDERBLOG which can thus be meaningfully integrated into lessons. Apart from that, Ms Goor - who works there - is an experienced teacher trainer charged with regularly conducting professional development sessions and developing materials for the German speaking community. Thus - jointly with the LPM and the KPH Wien/Krems - the Gemeindeschule Raeren will develop the concept that comprises all the training sections in different learning settings.
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5 Partners Participants