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11 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

In many European countries adult education centres cover broad levels of the population nationwide. Since the initiation of the UN World Decade "Education for Sustainable Development" adult education centres aim to enable learners to act sustainable. However, topics in the field of sustainable development are often only treated sporadically and separately or in discipline-specific courses. But the ...
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Leren om verstandig en duurzaam te veranderen

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016, of adult education to work with self steering teams. Track Guidance Service CVO Lethas Brussels wants to professionalize its Track Guidance services. Therefore we send 4 track guiders to The Lancashire College in Chorley (UK). This Adult Education Centre has built up a high quality Track Guidance System. After this study visit we want to expand our Track Guidance Services sustainable so that ou ...
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Our train. Our Station. Our Citizens (CITIZENSRAIL)

Start date: Oct 7, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2015,

This is Europe's first project focussed on improving "slow" as opposed to "high speed" rail networks. Like high speed rail. slow rail is inextricably linked with social. economic and environmental aspects of sustainable territorial development. Unlike high speed rail. slow rail is under threat from falling public subsidies. Yet there are opportunities to strengthen regional rail. by encouraging ...
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The building sector has a major impact not only on economic and social activities but also on the natural and built environment. The sector is responsible for about 30% of primary energy use in OECD countries. Sustainable building is an approach to building design. construction and management that reduces or eliminates the negative impact of buildings on the environment while promoting enhanced bu ...
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Supporting Sustainable Stations (SusStation)

Start date: Apr 16, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

This project will achieve a new generation of sustainable. low carbon stations. Rail is a high risk and highly regulated sector; to date there is very limited progress with introducing sustainable measures to station buildings. This is a lost opportunity because there are so many stations at the heart of communities they serve; their accessibility makes them ideal demonstration locations. This p ...
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Road congestion in the NWE area affects accessibility, mobility, environmental quality and economic development. Building new roads is no longer an option. Optimum2 seeks to better integrate mobility management into spatial planning and promote sustainable mobility alternatives. Nine partners from the Netherlands and the UK have set their objectives around five key factors that they consider are i ...
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The easy European E- government (eBYGOV)

Start date: Oct 27, 2002, End date: Oct 15, 2006,

Confronted with a crisis of political confidence among their citizens, several European States are looking to e-government. This concept is intended to modernise the practices of government and communication, and improve the services offered to citizens, making them more effective and accessible to all. The e-Bygov project proposes to develop concrete applications for e-government in the Atlantic ...
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The SuN. Com(munity) project aims to form a methodology for Sustainable Networking for an informal language learning Community, especially for 8 non wide spread languages. In its first phase it proposes the use of innovative methods for Greek language learning, as a paradigm. The second phase includes communities of Italian, Albanian, Latvian, Russian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech and English. At firs ...
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Based on experience gained within previous EU projects, the project "Senior-guides" aims at developing, implementing and disseminating a Curriculum for the training of older volunteers to realize guided tours for senior citizens and inform them about target group oriented offers provided in their living environment (e.g. participating- and lifelong learning opportunities, social services) . Hence, ...
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Recent demographic changes in Europe contribute to an increased risk of social exclusion for senior citizens. Whilst civic engagement is often an attractive option for older persons, participation is usually restricted to those with higher-than-average levels of education, further increasing the risk of isolation amongst those with little or no formal education. To address this phenomenon, the pro ...
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Various factors accompanying the demographic change contribute to the increase ofrisks of social exclusion for senior citizens. Civic engagement is increasingly attractivefor seniors, offering opportunities for bottom-up democracy, social networks andpersonal fulfilment, but the decision for civic engagement is still an expression of overaverageeducation levels. The risk of isolation is especially ...
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