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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CVO Lethas Brussels has to implement quiet a lot of changes in the nearby future. Changes of curricula in the second language courses, didactical and methodogical changes, working with self steering teams and professionalizing our track guidance services are the most important ones. Action 1 Therefore we want to professionalize 2 members of our management staff. They will assist to the course LEADING INNOVATION IN EDUCATION in Prague (CZ) VSKO/DNI sents us the following information about this course : Delegates will be asked to write a short case study prior to the course. They will get access to the SharePoint on which there will be some pre-course reading materials available Participants: - Will develop an awareness of: o The unavoidability of change o The need for proactive change management - Will develop an understanding of: o The nature of change o The complexity of change o The link between change, learning and leadership - Will develop a set of skills and competences that change agents need to possess. - Will be able to deploy strategies to introduce, implement and institutionalize change. - Will be able to use intelligently supporting instruments, and gear them to their specific needs and contexts. - Will visit a school in the Czech Republic with the focus on change management. - Will have the opportunity to confer with other change agents throughout Europe on matters of best practice in general and specific in change management. METHODOLOGY The guiding methodological principle of the course will be ‘practice what you preach’: the tutor team will apply the principles underlying effective IST to this particular course. Among other things this means that the methodology of the course is based on the constructivist learning principle, which allows for active and interactive participation, as a result of which participants will be able to integrate new knowledge, understanding and skills into their existing repertoire. FOLLOW-UP An e-learning environment (SharePoint) is at the disposal of participants. This will enable them to keep in touch with tutors and with other participants after the course. It will also enable them to download relevant documents that will be pasted on the e-learning environment and be informed of future initiatives and developments in the area. CERTIFICATE Europass Mobility certificate – Certificate of attendance including description of objectives. AGREEMENTS WITH THE PARTNER In order to offer your organization high quality IST courses for your staff, DNI organizes the IST and makes an agreement with your organization. The two members of the management staff will be able to integrate the change management skills in their daily life work because all changes must be implemented in the nearby future. Action 2 & 3 After a rather succesful cooperation and with the support of Flanders Synergy CVO Lethas Brussels wants to implement more self steering teachers teams in its second language department and wants to professionalize its Track Guidance Services. Self steering teacher teams Within a few years we already reached ten teachers who are trying to work in team and trying to define this different approach. Now we want to learn from an educational centre with more than 10 years experience in working with self steering teams. We will send two learning teams (6 teachers and 2 staff members) to Copenhagen for a week to visit VSK and we will prepare those two teams in order to work more efficient during this week. In advance we will work out a program with our Danish partner, so we know how we will work on this theme and how we will evaluate and disseminate our results in our centre. We really want to install more self steering teams. We believe teachers feel much more involved because they will be responsable for much more than only teaching.They will learn to organise themselves, their class groups, the didactical approaches. They will be responsable for classrooms, media, and so on. We believe that teachers working in self steering teams are much more motivated and involved in their daily life work. Thanks to these study visits we are sure, that our teachers will be much more informed and motivated to make this switch and will work together with their collegues. After working a while with our self steering teams, our staff is ready to inform other centres of adult education to work with self steering teams. Track Guidance Service CVO Lethas Brussels wants to professionalize its Track Guidance services. Therefore we send 4 track guiders to The Lancashire College in Chorley (UK). This Adult Education Centre has built up a high quality Track Guidance System. After this study visit we want to expand our Track Guidance Services sustainable so that our students find the right course and can even practice their new learned skills.
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