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"Measurement for Europe: Training and Research for Internet Communications Science (METRICS) METRICS will offer a unique training and research opportunity for 13 ESRs and one ER in a network comprising seven partners and nine associate partners. The METRICS network comprises four strong academic partners (Aalto, UC3M, UCAM, UCL), three vendors (NEC, Ericsson, Narus), four ISPs (BT, TID, IIJ, Elisa ...
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Over the last 40 years, network traffic has consistently grown at an exponential rate, and there is no indication this relentless trend will cease. At present, industry is hard-pressed to identify how future networks will continue to scale in capacity, energy consumption, and economic viability as present day technologies are being stretched to their limits. The nascent technology of space-domain ...
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MAssive MiMO for Efficient Transmission (MAMMOET)

Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The Internet of the future will to a large extent rely on mobile networks. Mobile data grew with 70% in 2012 and is predicted to grow 13-fold in the next 5 years. This puts very high demands on the development of mobile access technology. MAMMOET will advance the development of Massive MIMO (MaMi), a new and most promising direction in mobile access. MaMi makes a clean break with current technolog ...
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Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) is an emerging concept, which refers to the migration of certain network functionalities, traditionally performed by hardware elements, to virtualized IT infrastructures, where they are deployed as software components. NFV leverages commodity servers and storage, including cloud platforms, to enable rapid deployment, reconfiguration and elastic scaling of net ...
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While most of programmable network gear vendors support OpenFlow nowadays, a number of fragmented control plane solutions exist for proprietary software-defined networks. Thus, network applications developers need to re-code their solutions every time they target a network infrastructure based on a different controller. Moreover, different network developers adopt different solutions as abstract c ...
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SECURity at the network EDge (SECURED)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Protection of mobile devices from Internet threats is usually achieved by installing appropriate tools (e.g. anti-virus, personal firewall, parental control) on each device. However, this poses several issues: it requires privileged access on the device, appropriate protection tools may not exist on all the platforms or their capabilities may vary greatly across the different devices, and tools ma ...
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The Internet as the global communications infrastructure has been successful in shaping the modern world by the way we access and exchange information. The Internet architecture designed in the 1960's has been supporting a variety of applications and offering a number of services till now but emerging applications demand better quality, programmability, resilience and protection. Any alterations t ...
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The STRAUSS project aims to define a highly efficient and global (multi-domain) optical infrastructure for Ethernet transport, covering heterogeneous transport and network control plane technologies, enabling an Ethernet ecosystem. It will design, implement and evaluate, via large-scale demonstrations, an advanced optical Ethernet transport architecture. The proposed architecture leverages on soft ...
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Trilogy 2: Building the Liquid Net (Trilogy 2)

Start date: Jan 1, 2013, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

This Trilogy 2 project is a 3-year Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP) targeting Challenge 1 of the 7th FrameworkProgramme: "Pervasive and Trusted Network and Service Infrastructures".The project scope lies entirely within Objective 1.1, "Future Networks"and in particular in bullet c) Novel Internet architectures, management and operation frameworks.The aim of the project is to ...
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DISCUS will analyse, design, and demonstrate a complete end-to-end architecture and technologies for an economically viable, energy efficient and environmentally sustainable future-proof optical network. It will provide a revolution in communications networks applicable across Europe and the wider world exploiting to the full the opportunity offered by LR-PONS and flat optical core networks to pro ...
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The ubiquity of Internet access, and the wide variety of Internet-enabled devices and applications, have made the Internet a principal pillar of the Information Society. Decentralized and diverse, the Internet is resilient and universal. However, its distributed nature leads to operational brittleness and difficulty in identifying and tracking the root causes of performance and availability issues ...
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Amongst the few distinctive European alliances carrying the promise of making a lasting impact in software-defined networking (SDN) and the IT industry is the research and industrial communities pursuing developments in the Path Computation Element (PCE), an effort "made-in-the-EU". In regards to PCE design, deployment, and evolution, Europeans are amongst today's leaders in the process of transit ...
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eXperimental Infrastructures for the Future Internet (XIFI)

Start date: Apr 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

XIFI will establish a sustainable marketplace for trial infrastructures and Future Internet services.XIFI will achieve this vision by integrating and federating a multiplicity of heterogeneous environments – starting from the generic and specific enablers provided by the FI-WARE core platform and the FI-PPP use cases and early trials.Through this approach XIFI will demonstrate and validate the pot ...
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The SEMAFOUR project will design and develop a unified self-management system, which enables the network operators to holistically manage and operate their complex heterogeneous mobile networks. The ultimate goal is to create a management system that enables an enhanced quality of user experience, improved network performance, improved manageability, and reduced operational costs. SEMAFOUR aims at ...
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Advanced Cyber Defence Centre (ACDC)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

In ACDC, we bring together partners from 14 European countries, including public administrations, private sector organizations and academia, in order to achieve a sustainable victory over a powerful cyber threat commonly known as botnet. We integrate the matured knowledge of our consortium into an integrated strategy ranging from adoption to governance, supported by a full service offer for contro ...
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This proposal details activities that will ensure the continued enhancement and ongoing operation of the leading-edge GÉANT network, supporting a range of network and added-value services, targeted at users across the GÉANT service area.In the area of multi-domain network service operation, GN3plus plans to deliver fast, efficient provisioning of advanced services, develop operational support acro ...
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Motivation. The last decades brought an exponential increase in mobile traffic volume. This will continue and a 1000-fold increase by 2020 has been forecasted. Small-cells promise to provide the required data rates through an increased spatial utilisation of the spectrum.Problem statement. Due to strong inter-cell interference, small-cell deployments will require a high degree of coordination as o ...
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The specific and ultimate goal of the REMPARK project is to develop a PHS with closed loop detection, response and treatment capabilities for management of Parkinson's Disease (PD) patients at two levels:\n\nAt the first level, the project will develop a wearable monitoring system able to identify in real time the motor status of the PD patients, and evaluating ON/OFF/Dyskinesia status, with sensi ...
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The delivery of 3D media to individual users remains a highly challenging problem due to the large amount of data involved, diverse network characteristics and user terminal requirements, as well as user's context such as their preferences and location. As the number of visual views increases, current systems will struggle to meet the demanding requirements in terms of delivery of consistent video ...
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The INFINITY Support Action will have a positive impact on the success of the FI-PPP programme. Through collaboration with organisations across Europe, INFINITY will capture and communicate information about available infrastructures and any interoperability requirements and issues. INFINITY will document any usage-related operational constraints and seek to identify and foster federation opportun ...
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Description The objective of Caalyx-MV is to widely validate an innovative and efficient ICT-based solution focused on improving the quality of life of the elderly. This is to be achieved through prolonging the time they can safely remain autonomous and independent at home through monitoring and controlling their social and health status and ...
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Secure Web OS Application Delivery Environment (webinos)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2013,

The webinos project will define and deliver an Open Source Platform and specific components for the Future Internet, which will enable web applications and services to be used and shared consistently and securely over a broad spectrum of converged and connected devices, including mobile, PC, home media (TV) and in-car units. Promoting a "single service for every device" vision, webinos will move t ...
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The goal of the VISION project is to advance the competitiveness of the EU economy by introducing a powerful ICT infrastructure for reliable and effective delivery of data-intensive storage services, facilitating the convergence of ICT, media and telecommunications. This infrastructure will support the setup and deployment of data and storage services on demand, at competitive costs, across dispar ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

The internet of today is fragmented into loosely interacting domains. Future Networks will be pervasive: people, machines and the surrounding spaces will form decentralized and dynamic networks of networks of as-yet unseen scales. Future Networks will challenge Service and Network Operators to find the right ways to embed intelligence into networks in order to ensure their autonomic management an ...
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Towards Real Energy-efficient Network Design (TREND)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2013,

European research cannot ignore key questions on energy consumption of communication networks, like: "Is the current growth of energy consumption in telecom infrastructures sustainable?"; "Can we generate and transport enough electricity to provide 100 Mb/s access to all in metropolitan areas?"; "Are optical technologies more energy-friendly than electronics?"; "Is the Internet protocol suite need ...
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Reflecting Knowledge Diversity (RENDER)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Sep 30, 2013,

Description United in diversity RENDER engages with the World Wide Web and its amazing diversity of information, opinions, viewpoints, mind sets and news. RENDER addresses the challenges of purposeful access, processing and management of these sheer amounts of data, whilst leveraging the diversity ...
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The Internet has evolved from a technology-centric core network to a user- and content-centric network that must support millions of users creating and consuming content. It must accommodate new services with new requirements and cope with heterogeneous network technologies. The momentum is moving toward the end user who is now capable of creating, storing, and delivering content and services. FIG ...
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Serenoa is aimed at developing a novel, open platform for enabling the creation of context-sensitive service front-ends (SFEs). A context-sensitive SFE provides a user interface (UI) that exhibits some capability to be aware of the context and to react to changes of this context in a continuous way. As a result such a UI will be adapted to a person's devices, tasks, preferences, and abilities, thu ...
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Building the PaaS Cloud of the Future (4CaaST)

Start date: Jun 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

To survive in today's economy; short time-to-market and efficiency are paramount for the creation of innovative products and to survive in the current economic climate. This is especially true for IT services which will dominate the way people work and live in the future.Cloud computing is essentially changing the way services are built, provided and consumed. Despite simple access to Clouds, buil ...
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There is a wide consensus among telecom vendors and operators that the next decade will see a mélange of evolving Internet architectures embedded into high-bandwidth technologies and carrier-grade systems for control and management. The combined Internet Protocol (IP) and Ethernet-based optical transport solutions are expected to drastically lower capital and operational expenses and improve overa ...
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Wireless networks importance for the Future Internet is raising at a fast pace as mobile devices increasingly become its entry point. However, today's wireless networks are unable to rapidly adapt to evolving contexts and service needs due to their rigid architectural design.We believe that the wireless Internet's inability to keep up with innovation directly stems from its reliance on the traditi ...
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IP Networks as a Service (MANTYCHORE)

Start date: Oct 1, 2010, End date: Jun 30, 2013,

Current National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in Europe provide connectivity services to their customers: the research and education community. Traditionally these services have been delivered on a manual basis, although some efforts towards automating the service setup and operation have been initiated. At the same time, more focus is being put in the ability of the community to contro ...
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Description The aim of INCA is to validate and to start a pragmatic Initial Deployment in Europe, of inclusive friendly and engaging multi-channel “patient-centric” communication care Networks of integrated socio-sanitary care e-Services (integration of the whole personalised care chain provision of health care, social care, long-term and se ...
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ACCORDANCE introduces a novel ultra high capacity (even reaching the 100Gbps regime) extended reach optical access network architecture based on OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) technology/protocols, implemented through the proper mix of state-of-the-art photonics and electronics. Such architecture is not only intended to offer improved performance compared to evolving TDMA-PO ...
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Future INternet for Smart ENergY (FINSENY)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

The energy sector has entered a period of major change which will continue for many years to come. The increasing proportion of electricity from renewable sources means that the architecture of the energy grid will have to support the distributed, in addition to the centralised, generation of energy and to adapt to a highly volatile supply e.g. from wind and solar generators. From the consumption ...
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The goal of OUTSMART is to contribute to the Future Internet (FI) by aiming at the development of five innovation eco-systems. These eco-systems facilitate the creation of a large variety of pilot services and technologies that contribute to optimised supply and access to services and resources in urban areas. This will contribute to more sustainable utility provision and, through increased effici ...
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The Internet is not run by a single organization; indeed, this is a key characteristic of the Internet architecture, and a key reason behind its success as a platform for innovation in communications. Instead, the management, safety, and trustworthiness of each domain of the network are the responsibility of that domain; cooperation among these domains is largely done on a personal, and somewhat i ...
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This project will transform the perception of, and possibilities for, the next generation Internet. It addresses the FI Content Usage Call in a number of innovative, practical and useful ways. With inputs from 5 important content areas, spanning future uses of AV, games, Web, metadata and user created content, demonstrating usage beyond current state of the art, we have assembled a consortium incl ...
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Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services (ETICS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

ETICS aims at creating a new ecosystem of innovative QoS-enabled interconnection models between Network Service Providers allowing for a fair distribution of revenue shares among all the actors of the service delivery value-chain. To this end, we will propose and analyze new business and regulatory models for converged infrastructures, taking into account applications' QoS constraints and incentiv ...
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Instant Mobility for Passengers and Goods (Instant Mobility)

Start date: Apr 1, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The Instant Mobility project has created a concept for a virtual "Transport and Mobility Internet", a platform for information and services able to support radically new types of connected applications for scenarios centred on the stakeholder groups:•\tmultimodal travellers•\tdrivers & passengers•\tpassenger transport operators•\tgoods vehicle operators•\troad operators & traffic managers.The proj ...
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